Over 3 years out

May 19, 2008

I have not been here in a while.  Since my surgery I encountered the biggest obstacle of my whole life... My Dad pasted away.  He is the one who stayed with me during my Surgery and watched over me my whole life.  If you are reading this and want to know what lies a head.  WLS is a walk in the park next to losing your Dad.  If you can survive a lose as great as that WLS is a piece of cake.  

The only things I have found to be different years after....

1. My teeth are awful !!!!!   They seem not to be getting the vitamins and nutrients they need to be as strong and healthy as they were prior to surgery.

2. I can not take ANY medicine that is ER or SR because it goes through my body too fast.  My PCP will not listen when I try to explain that.  He only seems to believe what he reads in medical books.

3. I have regined some mental strength.  It has been a long time coming though.  I still look in the mirror and see the same heavy girl there.  My personal goal to finish college should take place in 2 months!  I will have my BA!  Then I will be appltying for med school.  I do not know if I will make it in but I am going to try!

4. Good Luck getting ins. to pay for plastics afterward!

That should do it for now!

My only bit of advice is not to listen to anyone other than yourself.  If someone doesn't believe in you or tries to hold you back in any way create a detour.  Do whatever you have to, to get by them!!!

Thanks to all

Feb 12, 2007

It is very odd how people treat you differently by your weight even with out saying hi you are classified as not being sociable. I have met the most wonderful people here and weight is the last thing we "look" at even though we may talk about it. Thanks to all my OH friends for getting me through everything. U R Unreplacable!

What the next step for me is....

Feb 03, 2007

Now that I have lost the weight I need to get back to the attitude that I can do anything.  The weight not only holds you back from the world but changes your whole outlook and i need to get back to I can do anything.

My Name and Family

Oct 21, 2006

I was named by my Auntie Rosy after they went to see Peter Pan.  Then My Aunt Mary and Uncle George started calling me Wendella from the time I could remember.  This is how My name has come about.

About Me
Mesa, AZ
Surgery Date
Apr 25, 2005
Member Since

Friends 23

Latest Blog 4
Over 3 years out
Thanks to all
What the next step for me is....
My Name and Family
