
Jun 01, 2010

Last night I watched One Nation Overweight. Everything that was said on that show reminded me of the background I came from. I don't agree with one thing though. The reporter was told that it's not a childs fault that they're overweight. When I was growing up I knew when I had eaten too much. So tell me, don't kids know when their stomachs are saying enough is enough? I do have an obese teenage son myself. I can tell you from experience that Seth, my nearly 16-year-old, will eat till he pukes and then eat again. He is obsessed with food. Just not fruits and vegetables. When he was small he used to eat them now he is too big to say that he has to eat it or he gets nothing else. If I do he'll just go to a friend and get it or he'll save his money and buy it himself. I think that once a child is a teen that they too have to take responsibility for what goes in their mouths and just how much goes in. But then he did learn from me I guess.


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Mansfield, PA
May 30, 2010
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