Help me keep track - Threaten Me?

Jun 03, 2007

This is a Tickler. This tells you where I am, where I've been, and where I'm going in this weight loss nightmare. The first one is what I WAS at... the second is what I'm at now. I need some help, encouragement, and threats of bodily harm!

As you can see, I'm gaining in leaps and bounds. I have no motivation to do much about it except to whine. So........ I'm askin for your help.

Not Good

Mar 20, 2007

I can't stop crying today

I've gained 30 lbs back. I had lost 109 lbs. Now I've only lost 80.

I'd rather die than weigh what I did. I almost DID die after the surgery. I went through SO much to be gaining it back.

I don't even know how Mike can look at me. Damned hanging belly. - Both of them. Fat legs, fat arms, fat stomach(s), huge boobs, fat back, fat butt.

I was so proud of my weight loss. I was so excited with every loss. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?

I'm not under any undue stress... except for the weight gain. THAT is stressing me out.

I know better than to eat the crap. I say that while I'm eating it too. I thnk about food all day. I eat CONSTANTLY. If im not eating, I'm wanting to be eating. I even wake up during the night and eat. While I'm awake, I'm eating.

Maybe I can get my jaw wired shut. But then I'd just gain it all back when I started eating again. But maybe by then my tummy pouch would shrink back down to nothing??

feeling desperate and miserable.

I Said Yes!!!

Feb 16, 2007

For the past two weeks Mike had been hinting about my gift for Valentines Day. He kept saying.."I'm going to be sassy"... "I hope you say what I want you to say when I give you your gift".... So I actually KNEW what he was up to. I had two weeks to really think about what I wanted for myself. I want him, and his girls, and his family. I LOVE him. I love them. Mike wanted to go to the Mall... I took a long time getting dressed, I played on the computer, and when we got there I joked and said that I'd drop them off and pick them up in an hour or so. He had ants in his pants like was fun to tease him.

So... we went to the mall so he could pick up his "gift" from Zales. The girls and I wandered around the soap and candle boutique thingy, and waited for him to come out. Whe he got out there I said "SO, ready to go to the Wal-Mart"?

He said "no, not yet." "I have to do something first." and i'm thinking what, HERE?.. in the mall???. and sure enough... he leads me by the hand over to the seats by the entrance... takes both my hands and looks into my eyes. He said "You know I love you, right." "I said of course I know that." He said "Well I have something for you, and I hope you'll say what I want to hear." "I love you so much Shannon, and I need you and want you in my life! "Are you ready?" I just looked at him, and my eyes started tearing up... He GOT DOWN ON HIS KNEE, and took out THE BOX!!! The little black velvet box. He said "I want this more than anything, will you please be my wife" and opened the box, took out the ring and put it on my finger. Perfectly sized... white gold with a row of perfect little diamaonds all across the band... Lori is to the right of me crying. Heather is jumping up and down saying "I TOLD YA SO" to Charlotte. Charlotte is standing there all worried cause Lori and I are crying."... Mike stood up and said.. "Yes?" "Yes?"... I looked at the ring... I looked at him... and said... "If it is okay with your girls." They both said YES....... so I took a deep breath and said "Yes" to Mike. Big crushing hug, smiles and smiles, definite need for tissues, the Zales people came out cause they hadn't heard my answer... I got hugs from one of them, and a passerby in the mall congratulated us and gave us hugs too.

It was really wonderful.

And all over shadowed by my mom's comments. My mom said to me on Friday. "Its not that I don't like him Shannon, its that I don't like him with YOU." OUCH There really isn't anywhere to go from there.

I saw my cousin Becky, and told her. I called my friend Jeannie and she was SO happy for me. That feels so nice :) My friend Jenni called, and Mike told her... and she was happy for us. We went out to celebrate, and dropped the kids at a babysitter. Heather told Tony and he called Mike. He wanted to know why we didn't tell him ourselves. And I told Mike it's mostly cause they all loved Johan so much, I just wasnt sure how to tell him.

I have to go to my mom's today to get my bird. So here is my mantra:

God, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
The Courage to change the things I can;
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

Its going to be an interesting day. I wanted to take the girls to see a movie, but we ran out of time. I'll try next time Heather is here.

20 more pounds

Feb 11, 2007

Looked for a photo of "20 lbs" but couldn't find one.

If you're on my messenger list, you'll know that I've gained 20lbs back since May 2006. I'm pissed off, but apparently not enough to do something about it.

Do I need a miracle drug, a kick in the ass? what? I have a YMCA membership now, thanks to Michael, but will I use it? I have signed a goal slip of 33lbs by June 6th. That would put me at 150lbs, that's still higher than my goal. I want to do this. I just don't want to DO it.

I need a weight loss buddy, someone serious, and available. Someone who knows how important this is to me, and will encourage me and not sabotage me with nummy foods.

I'm letting our TOPS members down, and most importantly I am letting myself down. This $333,000.00 surgery, and the months of nearly dying, and months of recuperation and the HELL I went through SHOULD be motivation. Seeing a grossly obese woman should be motivation. The size 14s getting too tight should be motivation.

What is the "inner problem" that I have? I do not KNOW why I"m doing this to myself, but I certainly am aware of it. I don't want to be fat. I was miserable fat. Being thinner isn't the super-de-duper thing I thought it ought to be... but it IS a lot better than being the other size.

So I've acknowledged what I want, and what I need. How do I get there?

Just some pondering - writing mood - beware

Dec 25, 2006


Christmas was nice. Feeling a little sorry for myself that I didn't get "more" considering I spent a lot of money on those around me... but that's the purely selfish part of me talking. The things I did get I will treasure. Charlotte bought me a WONDERFUL fleece blanket that I don't want to put down long enough to go to work. Mike got me a bread maker, a popcorn popper and a DVD. My mom got me a popcorn popper, two tray tables, a cookie jar, two bath soap sets, some shower gel, and some fake turtlenecks (dickies). My sister sent me an electronic organizer,.. good timing because I found my old one and Heather had carved her name into the cover, and converted all the addresses to say "poop" or "poopie head"... all through it. Oh, and my sister sent me some jewelry too. ait's a very pretty set, earings, bracelet, and necklace from Cookie Lee. I like them, but haven't worn it yet. I got some shoes and a black turtle neck when I exchanged the extra popcorn popper!

I missed Johan very much for Christmas. Its the first holiday in 5+ years that we hadn't spent it together... though last year we were both pretty much focused on our new partners... This is the first year totally without him, and I felt his absence. Just the whole Johan-ness of the season. LOL. Miranda called today and told me about their Christmas, and I felt a lot better. It is really nice that they are happy, and despite the chaos in their home because of company, it sounds like they had a good Christmas.

New Year will be spent in Two Rivers with Mike's family. December 31st is the 1 year anniversary of his dad's death. It's going to be a very rough weekend on him, his sister and his grandmother. His mom too I imagine, if only because she loves them so much and will hate to see them so broken. We plan to get a balloon and tie a rememerance on it and send it up. Its a nice idea, and I wish I'd have thought of it for remembering my step dad who died... or my friend Jerry, or my sister Wendy... all in all, its just a cool idea, and I hope it goes well.

Something is going on with the "Mom" thing... As you know if you're following along, Charlotte calls me Mom. Heather calls me Shannon. This is cool with me. But lately, when Charlotte calls me Mom, Heather is doing or saying something that makes Charlotte say "Ooops, I mean Shannon, um, Mom, um Shannon." and she gets all flustered. I just says "what honey"... I told Heather if they can call Charlie Dad, then they can call me Mom. I told them that it's okay with me, and their mom if they call Theresa "Aunt" not being their Aunt... As long as they know who is their real mom, and who is their real Aunt... and as long as they don't call every adult in our lives Aunt and Uncle... if inappropriate... it seems to be a case by case judgment call. I hate to see the confusion on Charlotte's face over this. I want her to call me whatever she feels comfortable and happy calling me... and not to feel like she's being threatened or dissapointing Heather or the other part of her family in some way. Things are confusing enough for her without adding to the mix.

My mom got them really nice gifts, I hope that means mom is adjusting to my life. lol.

Still looking for other work/other apartment... MUST get my bird out of mom's garage. It's bitter cold out there, with just one floor space heater, no insulation, and when I went out there none of the birds had food or water. She has lost a LOT of birds due to this same situation, and I don't want my bird getting dead over it.

I'm not sleeping well. I'm getting tired by 9pm, and wide awake by 3:30-4:00... and not tired again for an hour or so, then force myself back to bed/sleep by 5:00 so I can attempt to get up again by 6:30... I have to leave by 7:30, but since I did a wierd sleep pattern, I have a really hard time even getting up by 7:30, and making it to work by 8:00... so I left a message for my doc today to see if its a medication thing.

Charlottes ADD meds haven't done anything for her. We have noticed a HUGE decrease in her lying, but I don't attribute that to her medications at all. I'll have the doctor ween her off of them, better to not be medicated if they're not doing the trick. Will talk to her teacher and get a recommendation there, and to her doctor... but most likely will just chalk it up to a failed attempt. I haven't noticed anything at home to idicate that the meds have helped her with her focus or her attention span.

On another note, we're always broke it seems, but when I get paid, I feel like I'm on top of the world. We get soda and stock the cupboards, and get the little things that we've been waiting for for two weeks... (Thanks for the Toilet Paper Brian!)... AND anyway... when people ask if they can borrow money, I'm right there whipping out the $20 bills... There are four people I've done this with... two for $20, one for $100 from over a year ago, and one from well over two years ago for $300 something. Plus there's the people who lived with me and Johan who owe us a butt-ton yet, but they won't answer calls or letters. We owe Mike's Grandmother over $200, and my mom $400... from us borrowing when WE'RE broke... Our roommate didn't pay us last week. It's the first time since he moved in that he didn't pay us on our rent payday of his.... He had car repairs that he did instead, and he had a short check... I had to borrow from the petty-cash drawer at work to get gas in the car. I hate doing that. I feel guilty to the bone, even though I intend to pay it back tomorrow.

I'm still addicted to Puzzle Pirates, and if I cold afford it, I'd buy a membership to get all the priviliges of being a member. It's fun, but I think I've strained my thumb.

Must do SOMETHING about my health/fittness level. Considering joining the gym to tone up and get down to my goal still. I've gained 13lbs back since my lowest weight after the surgery. I feel positively ENORMOUS these days, my belly hangs down over my belly button, and the other part of my tummy hangs down mid-thigh. It's embarassing, and I hate it. And it's not all loose skin after sugery, I DEFINITELY have it filled out again, and it gets ugiler every day. I don't know if I have the willpower or the money to do this, but I don't smoke, or drink... so I can pretend I do... and then use the money that I'm not using on those things, and spend it at the gym! :) Good idea hey?

Time to leave work. Have been typing for a long time and despite my sugar level playing games with me, I'm feeling a bit better having just typed my face off to whoever is reading this. Do you sensor things because of one or two people who read your blog? There is stuff I don't write about my former or current sexual situations because of Tammy, and because of Miranda. They're both with the subjects of the topic... so they probably know the things I've got to say... and the rest of you just don't need to know me QUITE that well I guess... or... maybe I'm just shy. or a prude, or a cold fish or ???

Comments are appreciated. Have a great night.

FAT TODAY - Entry for August 31, 2006

Aug 30, 2006

I need to tell you that I'm pretty darned fat today.  I've gained 3 pounds this week alone.  I'm still in a 14, but they're getting tight.  I can't seem to control my eating habits again, and really and truly fear that I'm going to be back where I was by this time next year.  I can and do eat anything and everything, I can't eat as MUCH of it as I used to, but I'm still eating it and I'm worried.  Why can't I control it.  Why don't I want to.  I mean I DO want to, but what is it that makes me not then? I see my stomach protruding over my waist and my thighs looking fuller and heavier... I feel horrible about myself, and that makes me eat more. 

A DOG FOR JESUS - Entry for August 28, 2006

Aug 27, 2006

A DOG FOR JESUS - Entry for August 28, 2006 magnify

I wish someone had given Jesus a dog
As loyal and loving as mine
To sleep by His manger and gaze in His eyes
And adore Him for being divine.

As our Lord grew to manhood His faithful dog
Would have followed Him all through the day
While He preached to the crowds and made the sick well
And knelt in the garden to pray.

It is sad to remember that Christ went away
To face death alone and apart
With no tender dog following close behind
To comfort its Master's Heart.

And when Jesus rose on that Easter morn
How happy He would have been
As His dog kissed His hands and barked its delight
For The One who died for all men.

Well, the Lord has a dog now, I just sent Him mine
The old pal so dear to me
And I smile through my tears on this first day alone
Knowing they're in eternity.

Day after day, the whole day through
Wherever my road inclined
Four feet said, "I am coming with you!"
And trotted along behind.

Written By: Rudyard Kipling

I can't breathe

Aug 22, 2006

I can't breathe magnify

I can't breathe. 

I miss her so bad.  I just want to close my eyes and drift away.  Do you realize how much someone means to you when they're around?  Or is it always when they're gone that you think, holy crap, I really put my whole heart and soul into this relationship... and now it's over. 

Guida was my constant companion when I was at home.  She rarely got put down on the ground!  I carried her around cause she wanted to be carried.  She wanted up.  She wanted to be with me wherever I went.  I even took her into the bathroom when I brushed my teeth.  She would wait at the shower door for me... sometimes clawing it til it drove me nuts... she didn't necessarily want IN... but she wanted to be able to see me.

Home was so tough.  She is supposed to BE there.  Now theres such an empty empty spot.  No little growl when I eat, no little whine of happiness when I get home.  Driving in the car is tough, she loved to snuggle by my neck when I drove.  Sitting on the sofa, sitting by the computer, laying in bed... everything I do at home included her... my Guida-Louise.  I was always talking to her, whispering to her, kissing her little head over and over and over...

She replaced the baby that I've not been able to have.  I'm getting the "it's JUST A DOG GET A GRIP" look from you, I can tell... plain and simple... to me she wasn't.  She was my baby Guida. 

I miss her so bad, I can't breathe.

Said another goodbye

Aug 20, 2006

Said another goodbye magnify

Guida-Louise Mason died today.  She was hit by a car in front of the house.  The bastard didn't even stop.  Several other cars did, someone called the police.  I just held her and screamed.  No one could help. She was already gone.  I miss her already.  Mike and I buried her out by my mom's place.  She liked it out there.  I buried her in the shirt I was wearing when I held her last, the one that she saw on me last.  Mike believes she was still alive when I picked her up. I hope she saw me, and saw how much I needed her to stay with me.  Some people need coffee... or cigarettes,... I needed that dog.  She was my smile when I got home from work.  I'd think about her on the drive home and know that she'd be wiggling and happy to see me no matter how my day went.  There've been some bad days lately, and she was always there to smooch all over.  Some days I'd spend 15 minutes holding her and just kissing the heck out of her.  Mike would look at me like I'd flipped... but I just kept on a-kissin.  If you blew in her face she'd roll over for you to rub her tummy.  She was the flippin-over-est dog I've ever seen... I'd kiss the side of her nose and she'd flip over.  She didn't really like it when I blew on her tummy, but she let me anyway.  Lately she'd been begging for food a lot and the only way to keep her off your plate was to growl like a mama dog.  She would back off but do the CUTEST little spinny growly beggy thing, that would make me laugh, and give in and feed her anyhow.  Today at lunch she had more meatball than I did.

I'm going to miss her so much.  I'm not okay.

Obituary for my Nephew - Tyler S. Saunier

Aug 15, 2006

 magnify Obituary for my Nephew - Tyler S. Saunier

Tyler S. Saunier, 16, of Marinette, passed away Saturday, August 12, 2006, at home. He was born on September 21, 1989, in Marinette, to Rhonda Hauge and Scott Saunier.

Tyler worked at KFC in Menominee and was entering his junior year at Marinette High School. He was a member of Zion Lutheran Church and enjoyed skateboarding and hanging out with his friends.

Tyler is survived by his parents, Rhonda (Dennis) Bromund and Scott Saunier all of Marinette; a brother, DeJay Bromund of Marinette; a sister Ashley (Mike) Hamilton of Wallace; maternal grandparents: Judy (Glen) Corey of Peshtigo and Roger (Karen) Hauge of Glencoe, Ariz.; paternal grandfather, Kenneth (Suellen) Saunier of Porterfield; step-grandparents, Steve and Fay Bromund of Marinette; great-grandfather Ferd Saunier of Porterfield; a niece, Crystal Hamilton of Wallace; and many aunts, uncles and cousins. He was preceded in death by his grandmother, Joyce Lentz and his great-grandparents.

Friends may call at the THIELEN FUNERAL HOME on Wednesday, August 16, 2006, from 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, at the funeral home, at 6 p.m. with the Reverend Keith Kolstad officiating.

Burial will be in Forest Home Cemetery.

A memorial fund has been established.

Well this is what's happening today... Tyler was my brother's only son.  The whole family is so sad... today is the wake and funeral. Send prayers and nice thoughts.

About Me
Marinette, WI
Surgery Date
Sep 18, 2002
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 31
Help me keep track - Threaten Me?
Not Good
I Said Yes!!!
20 more pounds
Just some pondering - writing mood - beware
FAT TODAY - Entry for August 31, 2006
A DOG FOR JESUS - Entry for August 28, 2006
I can't breathe
Said another goodbye
Obituary for my Nephew - Tyler S. Saunier
