4 weeks post-op

Feb 15, 2011

Well everything seems to be going well, and I thank God everyday.  I have had no problems since I have been home.  I eat pretty good, trouble with protein and fluids, b4 surgery I can kill 4 16oz water b4 noon, now it takes all day to get one down.  Started drinking protein coffee, tryin to get the protein in the best way I know how.(yuck to protein)..Blood sugar levels r way better that what they were b4 surgery, but still not where they need to be, I use to take 100 units of insulin in the am and 80 units in the pm, now I take 15units once a day.  I have been diabetic for over 10yrs, so it may take me a little longer to be completely off insulin..Believe u me I cant wait for that day to come.  Soooo glad I can swallow my vitamins, cause those chewables were the worst(LOL).

My weight as been at a stall for a week now, but I have learned to stay off the scale.  thanks to OH fam I knew this would happen so I'm not letting it bother me to much,  I know my body is still adjusting. I am glad to be down 25lbs


Jan 17, 2011

Tomorrow is my big day, nerves are calm, cant wait to get on the road. Need to be at hosptal at 5:45am and surgery is at 7, I pray for a speedy recovery, wish I could say pain free, but gonna pray for it any way.  Tomorrow my life changes!!!!


kicking myself...

Jan 02, 2011

I was sooo inpatient, I just had to have a date, well I got the date, and now my concern is my A1C level.  I wait to now to have a concern when I should have been concerned all along.  I think the reason for lack of concern is because I knew the surgery would cure it, but now I am finding that if u have a hi level Drs wont do surgery. Mine is 10.9 as of Nov 25th. now the pressure is on, but I have no one to blame but myself!!!  So now I set myself up for the let down, cause I already know they are most likely gonna reschedule me..soooo disappointed in myself..BUT I am working on lowering my levels...
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Dec 07, 2010

well I got the call today around 4pm, i'm on my way to the darkside on Jan 18, 2011.  Right now I have no excitement, dealing with Duke hosp and the staff took all my excitement, but it will be back.  I looked in my closet and said good bye to my big clothes (lol)..I have quite a few new clothes that when I brought them I knew I had to lose weight .  Well those need to come to the front of the closet, so when the weight starts to come off I get to wear them before they are too big!!!!
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moving along

Oct 06, 2010

completed my 6mo supv diet, and also did the bone density today, sooooo it seems I'm moving right along, but where did my excitement go?

Finally gonna meet..

Sep 24, 2010

SUDAN THE MAN...appt not til Oct 25th..but no one would believe what a week I had dealing with DUKE, about exercise regimen, I must have faxed 20 papers, letters from fitness center, and they had something say about each one of them, because it didnt state the excercise I was doing, WTH...it shows where I utilized the gym, dates and time, not good enough, they wrote me a letter stating I was a member from Dec07 thru July 09, not good enough, then I get a call this morning saying they would send it thru, but medicare may charge me 30-40 thousand $$$, (yeah right)because notes do say what type of excercise I was doing.  I GUESS I PAID MONEY TO GO TO THE GYM AND JUST SIT ON MY BUTT...LOL!!!!..but what aggrevated me must was we went a whole week back and forth when u could have been set me up with a appt date, while I try to get what the hell they wanted..spoke with my nut and she said she will put in my notes on my next visit that I do walk..and that visit will be last visit my 6mo supv diet will be complete..WOO HOO making progess, but lawd what they take u through..now I wait a another month..smh, but I did advise if they get a cancellation i'll take it.....thanks all for reading and listening, so glad I have OH....
1 comment

Raleigh seminar

Aug 20, 2010

well we drove to Raleigh on Tuesday the 17th, and I got an app and faxed it on the 18th, so now I wait..uuurrrgggg, but I was happy to know that I can get my records, from previous surgeon, and move on...no more RNY for me DS all the way.  I'm so glad I made the change, even hubby thinks DS is better for me. I didnt realize he was reading up on it as well..I am so full of anxiety.. I just cant wait to say I have a date....

Decision made

Aug 16, 2010

I know I said I would give it til the end of the week, but hubby and I decided that DS surgery would be better for me, so I will be attending a seminar at Duke tomorrow(Tuesday)


Friday the 13th

Aug 15, 2010

well I had my stress test, they suppose to be checking your heart, that treadmill almost gave me a heart attack..LOL, but all went well, so glad I had it early, because after that I had my NUT appt and was told that my surgeon was relocating..WOW what a blow, I'm 4mo's into my supv diet..So when I get home I call my surgeons office, and they confirmed it, not only do I feel bad for myself, I feel bad for his staff, that will be out of a job..and then those that had the surgery, what about their aftercare. well life goes on, already in search for another surgeon, I just pray they will take my records, and not make me start all over again..I have a psyhc appt Tuesday, which I am gonna postpone, because new surgeon may only want me to use their psyhc Dr..i'm already complaining about co-pays, and I for sure dont want to pay double.. SO with all that being said, I am seriously thinking about changing my surgery to DS..I will have a firm decision by the end of the week...

Psych eval...

Aug 12, 2010

Aug 10, had psych eval, we talked for 45mins, I have to go back next week to do the test, and go back to her 2wks after that to go over results. I made a post the other day about all the co-pays, and why did I need 3 separate appts,(oh well)..for some reason I have concerns about the testing, trying not to frit to much about it. hope my bipolar or my alternate order doesnt come out LOL... and tomorrow is 5mo nut visit, I'm getting closer...


About Me
DivaTown, NC
Surgery Date
Apr 13, 2010
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