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My taller half:  How lucky am I to have such an amazing man in my life! know a lot of women claim their husbands are wonderful, but I hit the JACKPOT. Paul is intelligent, caring, strong, handsome, supportive, accepting, independent and sensual. A lot of people wouldn't consider him perfect... but who is? While he may not be perfect, he is perfect for me!

My journey so far…

Once upon a time there was a girl who was intelligent, creative, and caring. She was also “fluffy”, “zaftig” and “squishy”.

It started when she was barely out of kindergarten and continued for most of her life. When things got tough, food was her friend. When things were good, food was her party guest. All of her life she was surrounded by loving, accepting family and friends. But sadly it can be a cold, harsh world out there – especially when you’re different – and no matter how considerate one’s inner circle may be, battling the elements can really wear a person down!

That girl is me and this story is about my journey toward a healthier, happier way of life.

Milestones Along the “Weigh”

1970-something: Diet Workshop, well I dieted and I worked … and I continued to shop for bigger clothes.

1975 – 1981: or as I call them, the “What won’t I try years”: I tried the grapefruit diet, the water diet, the salad diet, the one-meal-a-day diet, you name it! Anything called the “something” diet, doesn’t work- at least not for long.

1982: At last! Success in the form of Weight Watchers. I went back to college the thinnest I ever was in my adult life.
“I will never go back to being heavy” :::sigh::: Never say never.

1985: How did I get back here???  Back to Weight Watchers.

1988: Feeling good about myself. Ah! The man of my dreams – Hey! Nightmares are dreams, right? “Think I’ll hibernate a while. And snack while I do!”

1990: Enough of the pity party, and the food that goes with it. “Get out and enjoy the world – with a stop back at Weight Watchers!”
April 3, 1990: Met my soulmate. He reached for my hand and touched my heart and he likes me exactly how I am.

1991 – 1999: Rollercoaster time. Up a little, down a little, up a lot… down a little. Lather, rinse, repeat.

2000: Spoke to my doctor about Weight Loss Surgery and was flatly told, no. Let’s try other things. The other things didn’t work. Time for a new doctor.

2002: Spoke to my doctor about Weight Loss Surgery and was told maybe. But first let’s try other things. Apparently other things still don’t work.

2004: Spoke to my doctor about Weight Loss Surgery and was told okay. Got pneumonia and was in the hospital and in bed for nearly 4 months. Maybe next year. 

In the meantime, I started working with Paula Cook, a Kaiser nutritionist.

2005: Spoke to my doctor about Weight Loss Surgery and was told yes. FINALLY! Let’s start the proceedings.  

Kaiser’s protocol is at least six months before approval. I officially began this part of my journey with their Gastric Bypass 1 class (GB1) on October 11, 2005… one year ago today. So how did this “six month protocol” take me a year? Let’s see… I started my own business (didn’t love it), got a new ‘real’ job (can you say STRESS?), had a little ‘breast issue’ (thankfully turned out benign) and well, the time just flies. During this year I worked closely with Elaine Eynon, another Kaiser nutritionist, took the GB2 class, did my psych evaluation, went to a few support group meetings at Holy Cross Hospital (where my surgery will be), lurked on this board and lost approximately 20 lbs.

And here we are in 2006 

7/28/06:    Approved by Kaiser!!!! Woohoo!!!!

9/26/06:    1st consult with Dr. Brian Cantor, my surgeon
Dr. Cantor is patient and kind, but he’s also pretty strict in his code of behavior. He comes highly recommended and I have complete faith in him.

10/9/06:    Got my surgery date – NOVEMBER 27th!!!! 

11/27/06:    Had my LIFECHANGING surgery!!!! 

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About Me
Germantown, MD
Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2006
Member Since

Friends 70

Latest Blog 59
Almost two years out... and feeling great (again)
October 17, 2007 Aloha from Oahu
September 28, 2007 - It might be nobody's business but...
September 10, 2007 - Happy New Year, Happy New ME!
August 23, 2007 - Family Encounters
August 17, 2007 - Where have I been?
August 3, 2007 - Rollercoasters and Beach Tunes
