rough times

Dec 29, 2007

sorry i havent updated. ive been in and out of the hospital because of my anemia. its been on overload i swear it feels like its trying to kill me. but i have to be strong. I have someone i need to live for now.

Its a boy

Dec 19, 2007

hi im Eileens sister and right now i thought id share with u a moment she'll never forget. giving birth to her son.    my nephew was pushed out a few minutes ago. he shares a b-day with my fave counselor and how awkward but the anniversary of losing my u know what.. (dont judge me) haha
and im sure in time i will regret saying that last part outloud but right now its all good

 i cant wait for her to get pictures up .

about the insurance

Sep 15, 2007

Being that my mom isnt very helpful right now im kind of lost and dont know how to go about getting these app so i can start the process. yesterday i called the number on my insurance card and I spoke to some woman who said my insurance will cover the surgery if its  mandatory or something like that but then she said once i start talking to the doctors thats when they will tell me everything so she was sorta helpful but not entirely. I guess i'll start the app on monday. well calling the doctor.
well thats all for now.

just getting started

Sep 11, 2007

Hey anyone who reads this. Um i dont really know what to put here. I'm just getting started on this site and im just looking for a secret pal and maybe some real pals right now. I'll add more later so maybe u can get to know me

About Me
bronx, NY
Sep 09, 2007
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 4
rough times
Its a boy
about the insurance
just getting started
