How can I slow down

May 07, 2007

I need help!

So often I find myself eating my food too fast and after that's all said and done I  find myself hunch over my toilet ready to vomit. At first I couldn't understand until I thought about it. I figured since i was eating hardly nothing it would be fine- not so,anyway i think i'm learning-to eat slllloooowww!.. i went to my old job today and man you should have seen some of there faces. They all said I looked good but none of them knew I had surgery except for three of my close friends. They were all stuned. I felt good. I wouldn't trade this feeling for nothing. 

My days are becoming brighter!!

Guess Who is BACK!!

Apr 24, 2007

Hello ALL!!!

Well I am back. It feels so good. I don't know were to begin.. 

Lets start with the sugery day 4/10.. I was so anxious,excited. I had my husband,mom and brother with me on that day.. Well woke up that morning and got the kids ready for school. My brother dropped them off for me and when he came back I was already and set to go. The drive their seemed like I was in a dazed or something-I had my journal with me hoping I will write in it-unfortunely I couldn't write a thing. We arrived to the hospital and I checked in waited for about 20 mins. Went upstairs and this is were it all began. Changed my clothes and kissed everyone good bye. I had to wait about 2 hours because my doct had a patient before me and she had complications. When they opened her up the found CANCER. I pray for her and her family and I thank God that he spared me.. Well after that was all done they came and pushed me away and I remember the nurse being bubbly and laughing with me-But yall that chick did something and I don't know what she did because after that I woke up and I was in the recovery room and my family coming to my side asking how I felt that's all and a sista was out again. 
My hospital stay was 3 days- The worst.. The first night was cozy I slept and slept. That morning I started coming around and reliazed that I didn't go t the bathroom well they had a catheter inside me so I could go inside the bag. why why why!!!Once I found that out i was like oh!! No!!! i can't do this a sista got to get up when she needs too. I felt like I had a C-section again and then on top of that I had all this IV in me.. That alone can make me crazy. So I knew I had to bring myself back to good health. That morning I was requesting for them to take the catherter out so I can walk to the bathroom. they had no problem with that. Before you know it I was walking.. This really felt like a c-section Yall my goodness. I could feel the gass trying to build up but I was like oh no!! not here you won't.. So everytime I felt it building up I would walk until my energy was like get back in that bed and heal. LOL
Well the second night OMG!! this is when I became emotional and had to hang on by a prayer and Faith. Mind you all I had GASTRIC BYPASS and I was in a room with a patient who didn't have the surgery she was a older lady with other complication.. That's ok.. well when I arrived int he room the day prior she was full of life,talking,walking. Well that second night I thought they changed my room mate. She went down for surgery and when she came back it was all over. She couldn't get out of bed she had to stay in one postion for 6 hours and not move and all she did was cry for help the whole night-it seemed like the nurses was ignoring her, Well to shortening the story I remember around 12mid they called all these people in to try to save this women. I knew with all this going on I would not be able to heal mentally and physically so I told them to change my room and they did- after the changing of the room i was able to ralax and the nurse that came on really helped me out allot(NURSE D). 
The third day I went home.. I was so excited and glad to go home. My mom stayed for a week and helped my out allot.  
I feel alot better when I got home I lost

OMG!!! it is so!!

Apr 06, 2007


I can not believe this. I have 3 more days to go and My new Beginning will start. I am excited,thrilled and all that good stuff. I believe I'm ready and everything is in place for surgery. My mom will be here to help me for a week-I'm glad of that, Well I'm not sure if I will update before surgery. All that are on this Journey with me Please pray,pray for me. 

Much Love,


count down is on!!

Apr 02, 2007

Eventhough I've been counting down since I've been approved its finally April. I thought it would never ever get here. I'm so excited and ready for the 2nd CHANCE and CHANGE of life. OMG!! I can't help but look at the calender every so often and count the day's.. Ok yes something is wrong with  My last day work will be friday 4/6 and I figure the weekend I will wash and do my last minute clean up's, My house is good to go because  I clean daily and I don't play with my kids you mess you clean so that way it won't be much on MEEEE!!!  Well the count down is on a sista is ready.. 

Holla back,


What to do?

Mar 31, 2007

10 days left and the count down is on. What am I going to do? This is really happening I can't believe it. I don't know if I'm scared or what. Its so much running thru my mind. All I can think about is how it may feel afterward and will I use this tool correctly. In all honesty a sista is scared lol!!. I don't want to regain my weight and I don't want to go back to unhealthy eating habbits. I want to break the curse forever and be free from the mental and emotional abuse that i have engaged in nearly all my life.  God help me please!! Well on another note. I've been buying my supplements and all that good stuff to make thing easier for me when I come home. That way I can focus on healing instead of shopping for what  i need to help me heal. This is a journey and I'm ready to get down and dirty.. lol.. well for anyone who is reading my page I ask that you keep me in your thoughts and prayers. 


A good day!

Mar 31, 2007

Today is a good day. I can't help but to think what I will be doing,feeling like around this time next month. I am praying that my surgery will go well and healing,pain will be tolerable.. It shouldn't be that bad.. YA RIGHT. After having 3 kids It should be piece of cake.. lol we will see. I find myself counting the day's-it is getting so bad that I'm looking at the calendar more than twice a day and all i'm doing is counting the day's.. I need help. lol I wonder if anyone is like me-I am hoping that i will need no plastic surgery. I want the weight to shrink into place. Well its in God hands and we will see. I don't want to be flabby nor do I want to look old. I see that many people who had the surgery tend to look much older then they are after the surgery.


I'm Approved

Mar 31, 2007

I know its been forever since I've posted.. well just to catch you all up.. I've been approved and Got a DATE.. 4/10/07. It wasn't bad at all. on 3/19 I will go to the Hosp and do my blood work and all that good stuff,the process is going pretty smooth thus far. I'm excited but yet determined to stay committed to my new way of life. I thank God daily for the opportunity to get this done. I'm starting now to get my mind and body ready for the change and adapt to the new process.


Mar 31, 2007

Well all I am so discourage right now. I had my pysch eval on 2/2 and i've been calling my doct office this week and they haven't recived the eval yet. I called the pysch and left serval messages. Someone finally called me back and told me that the psy will fax it the following morning. Ok granted I gave them another day to fax it. Well called my doct office today and they still haven't recived it. Re-called psy office and what did I get a recording once again. Im trying to be calm. I just want my paper work to get submitted soon. well I'm holding on and trying to be calm. I hoping they will fax it tomorrow. Will update then

About Me
Philadelphia, PA
Surgery Date
Jan 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 19

Latest Blog 8
How can I slow down
Guess Who is BACK!!
OMG!!! it is so!!
count down is on!!
What to do?
A good day!
I'm Approved
