ACT TWO: Choice,Gods gift to mankind

Jan 05, 2011

So.... Lets see how I shall start  this out. It has been a while since I have blogged anything regarding my WLS. I have been so busy with life and preparing for this life long journey that I truly had very little time to blog. For those who care to be informed I have chosen to change my type of WLS. I did this in early December. I sat down with my surgeon again and we disscussed (re-discussed) what was the best choice for me. And to my surprise he changed his original recommendation whichs was the lapband to gastric sleeve. Once I found out that my insurance covered this surgery type I weighed  my options and made a leap of faith. My initial choice (remember that word) for the lapband surgery was the right one for me at that time. But after more research, consultations and prayer I chose to go with the sleeve. I could sit here and try to please or apease everyone on OH and go on and on about choice and why I switched but I won't. I simply made the best choice. And I hope that everyone else in this fight for life does the same. I continue to get mixed messages about all types of WLS and which is best or worst. I even found out that I have several family members that had different types WLS. I didnt realize this because all oft them have regained their weight. I have also met people that WLS has worked for, from a lapband to bypass. I am afraid, nervous, hungry (lol), anxious, elated, grateful and every other adjective in the dictionary. Even with all these feelings overflowing in me right now I look forward to being reborn........  So as I sit on my bed typing this blog and awaiting my upcoming surgery (01/12/11), I have this to say to all who chose to embark upon this life altering path. God gave mankind  two gifts that no other mammal can enjoy and that is the gifts of choice and free will. And if there is a much deeper reason(s) for the choice you make that no one has the right to question, then make your choice and and make it work for you.Choose wisely and God Bless.

Act One: New Bandster- to- Be

Nov 27, 2010

I am new to the OH site and have been encouraged and discouraged at the same time by some of the posts. I have been through months of tests and therapy sessions and now I am finally here. I am scheduled to have my band on January 7th 2011.

The reason I am encouraged and discouraged at times is because of the posts that I see. Everyone knows that lifestyle changes are the hardest changes of all and are to be taken one day at a time. But when I come here (my doc refered me to this site) I see some positive things but mostly I see a soap opera. I would like to think that people should be able to  express themselves regarding a very serious thing (WLS) and not be  condemned. The name of the site is "Obesity Help: making the journey together"......... My hopes are that when I have my band placed I will be able to get some help from this site without fear of ridicule from my peers. I believe that is the purpose of this site....right? Sadly, I know the world does not work that way, there are negatives to every side of positive and I realize this.Am I naieve enough to think that everything posted will be positive? No. What I expect is respect from those who are going through the same struggle whether their experience is negative or positive. But I hope to have a positive yet realistic experience with this journey on my road to healthier living. And I also hope to find support  from a site that was created for that


About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 16, 2010
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