Three Weeks Post op

Aug 31, 2009

So today marks week three of my new beginning and I feel a little bit better.  This past week was a little rough.  Last monday I was in the hospital because of stomach pains.  then I called and talked to the dr's office and because I was still having pains they sent me back to the hospital wednesday.  I ended up having a urinary tract infection that they missed.  then the Dr wanted to see me on friday.  He said my pains are normal for this far out.  I feel like im going to get sick after I eat but hopefully that will go away soon. he also said this was normal.   I get to go on regular foods starting on thursday.  Im so excited because I lost 50 POUNDS.  thats a big number for me.  My goal was to lose 100 by christmas and im already half way there.  I like my DS.

Day 12

Aug 22, 2009

We decided to go to the first family party since my surgery 12 days ago.  It was 1:45 ride each way.  I packed my food with me and on we went.  we stayed a little while then had to leave.  when we were there I saw all the food that was there and just looking at it made me wanna get sick.  i guess the appeteit went right out the window.  It was better then I thought and I had a good time.  a few people asked about my surgery but I didn't mind.  im glad I went. 


11 days post op.

Aug 21, 2009

First my stats.

high weight 485
surgery day weight 465
current weight 447

My surgery was on the 10th and I was in the hospital until the following monday because of minor complications. the surgery only took 3 hours instead of 4. right after surgery my BP shot way up to 183/135. I kept getting really dizzy and near passing out. I almost fell flat on my face during leak test. I also kept turning blue so I had to be on oxygen. I was in ICU for 3 days then went to the second floor. They found that my pain pump wasn't working for at least 12 hours before I got there. I wasn't happy that noone realized that because I was in bad pain. Then They took out and re inserted the cathedar twice while I was awake. the last time I wanted to punch someone. they laid me back farther than flat and put the cathedar in and said she put it in the wrong hole and got someone else. and left me there. Ok there is only one pee hole that I know of so how could you screw that up. then she came back with the other nurse who decided to turn it in to a lesson. I got mad and was in pain so just put the damn thing in already and draw her a picture. Finally I got released from the hospital on monday. That night I went to my hospital because I started getting symptoms of blood clots so I had to get checked. no blood clots.

I went to DR G's yesterday and Weighed in at 447. woo hoo. then He said I was doing extremely well and put me to pureed foods. one thing that shocked me was when he checked my stomach. He just came up and looked and said aw you don't need this and ripped the steri strip off without blinking. ooww warning next time.

getting a little dizzy now so I have to end here.


1 comment

three..... two...... ONE......

Aug 06, 2009

It's getting closer.  onl.y 3 more days until Im in the OR the count down begins.  I have been very good on the meal replacements.  and going to the class was very helpful last Monday.  I got a nice tote bag to keep my hospital and DS stuff in.  they also gave out papers on the different exercises to do in and out of the hospital.  then we got free samples from a company that makes high protein items.  I can't wait for winter they have a high protein hot cocoa. MMMMM.

I got to see everything that will be conneccted to me when I get up :  the neck IV, the heart monitor, the drain, and the cathedar.  I also got to see what portions a ds plate should have.  Then we got a list of foods we should eat at different stages post op.

finally I got this cd to listen to 2 times a day until surgery. it is supposed to help you relax and help with healing.  I listened to it last night and it seemed to make me a little mellower but I dont know.  Im not nervous about the surgery at all. I am excited and I cant wait until it is over and start seeing a big change.  I Have to call today to find out when I have to be in the hospital but for right now im just taking it as it comes.

When it rains, it pours...............................and Pours

Jul 09, 2009

this has been a horrible week.  First, last week The nurse at the dr's said the insurance company should call her by this tuesday to see if im approved.  They have not called yet and I am getting worried that I will be denied. 

then Yesterday was exactly one year from when my dad died.  It was such a horrible day but we made it through the best we could.  He died of a hypertensive heart attack at a hotel when we were at my college orientation.  I think yesterday was just as bad as it was a year ago. 

Today was just a kicker.  I went to the ortho because my knee was bothering me still and he told me that I will have to have surgery on my knee and it could go three ways.  he will go in laproscopically to see how far gone the cartilage is.  if it is too far there is nothing he can do and I will have to live with it.  If it is ok, he can either move the knee cap back in place and I will be walking next day, or he will need to break the leg cut a chunk out and make it straight and will take two months to walk.   

He also said losing weight will make the surgery easier and less complicated.  Well suprise suprise I am getting the DS.  and I guess not a moment too soon.  He said that If it doesn't get fixed that I will have arthritis in 5-10 years.  just what I wanted to hear, arthritis by the age 30.  This is just one more reason to get the DS.  He said it can wait until I lose the weight.  lets just add another surgery to the list.  I wonder how long  it will take to get this weight off.  He wants me down around 150.

I am not really looking forward as to whats to come this week. We burried my dad a year from the 14.  For now I am taking it one step at a time.    Hopefully good news will come soon.  I really need it. 

Getting closer

Jun 28, 2009

I am getting so excited for the August 10th to come.  I am slowly getting things I will need after the surgery.  We went to Le Gourmet Chef and got tiny spoons and forks, and small bowls and plates.  The other day I ordered what I think will be my last plus size clothes(i will alter the ones I have before buying another 35 dollar shirt because I have to).  I am so excited and a little nervous at the same time.  I get this "what am i doing?" feeling but in the end I know it is best for me and my health.  now I sit very anxious and hoping the surgery will be sooner. 

No Help

Jun 18, 2009

Boy has this week been annoying to say the least.  last Friday I got to meet the Surgeon and get a date.  Monday I find out that the insurance company will need more info from the dietician.  I am trying to get that all settled out and then I get a letter from the college.  FAFSA(which is supposed to have aid for everyone)  will not give me any loans or grants for college.  They say that we make too much money for aid.  I am so tired of hearing that.  Since my dad passed away in July income has went down by more than 3/4 of the previous year.    Now I switched colleges and finally got in to what I am interested in.  I guess it is the game of money.  I don't like this game I want out lol. 

enough ranting.  there is 51 days until my date and I am getting so excited.  I am on my way. 


Jun 14, 2009

Wow time flies.  I have had my first meeting with Dr. Greenbaum this past Friday.  I already have a date.  woo hoo.  August 10. ( It helped to have all the other Dr. Visits beforehand).  No birthday cake for me, I wil be spending my birthday in the hospital because it is two days later.  This will be an interesting end to the teen years.  I am so excited-nervous-anxious.  I better get started on collecting the necessities. 

Happy sunday Everyone and good luck to all who are having there surgery soon.

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Surgery Date
Apr 23, 2009
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