Sheryl M. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Sherry: I am sheryl in NM. I am just 7weeks postop and I am now getting my energy and stamina increased every week.I am concerned with your protien intake. I get atleast 80 grams of protien per day. I was told to force myself to eat 6 times a day in 1oz amounts to get my protien in. I used canation instant breakfast and dry nonfat milk added for the protien content.Make sure it is No Sugar Added.I enjoy capachinos made with cib, nonfat dry milk, just a few grains of decaf coffee, and flavored coffee mate. It gives you atleast 12 grams of protien.I have lost 50+ lbs and 18+inches in just 5weeks. I will be weighed on tuesday Sept 10.I see my surgeon then.My energy and stamina is increasing steadaly each day now. hang in there and please let me know about your health and progress on your journey.

YvonneBryant 21 years, 9 months ago

Well I'm back home, 15 days post-op, and 20 lbs. lighter! Every day gets a little easier. I am so thankful for my loving Mother and sister who took such good care of me when I couldn't care for myself. In addition to that I feel that I am blessed with the best surgeon in the world! During my surgery he spent over an hour removing adhesions from my hysterectomy before he could advance to the RNY. Most surgeons would have just opened me up because of all the work that had to be done but not my Doc, he continued Lap. I am very grateful for that. Also I encountered some problems while in the hospital and he was there immediately and treated each problem as it arose. He even called in the middle of the night checking up on me! My hospital stay was 6 days because he wanted to make sure that everything was resolved before he sent me home. I have never met such a compassionate, caring doctor in all my life. I am blessed! Blessings To All, Sherry

Alice W. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hello Sherry~~ Glad to hear that your home from the hospital. I hope that you feel better with each new day! Take good care of yourself!!

Gina Landers 21 years, 9 months ago

Angel putting away her halo and wings until the next time.. Sherry is able to be up and about ,and posting now for herself.She is doing awesome.. and I know she will continue to move forward now that she is over the rough first few days.. Hugs,

YvonneBryant 21 years, 9 months ago

Good evening All, First of all I would like to thank everyone who prayed for me as I know that's what brought me through some very rough days. I'm 11 days post op and doing soooo much better! I was in the hospital for 6 days and am now at my Mom's being taken care of. I go back Monday to see the surgeon and will update later. Blessings, Sherry

Gina Landers 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi all, Sherry is still at her Mother/s home resting and reuperating from her recent surgery. She has moved forward to eating some soft foods and is tolerating her diet well. She is still not up to phone calls or visitors.. but hopefully will be soon. Thanks for all the support. Hugs,

Gina Landers 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi All, Sherry was released from the hospital today. She is going to be staying at her mom/s house for a few days to fully recuperate before returning home as a full time wife, and mother of gorgeous children.. We are all so proud of her for her successful journey to the losing side.. Thanks for reaching out to Sherry and continue to encourage her in the days to come Hugs,

Tricia P. 21 years, 9 months ago

Congratulations on your trip to the "other side"! I wish you a speedy recovery and wonderful life!

Gina Landers 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi .. quick landing by Sherry/s angel, Gina. Sherry seems to be slowly improving. I talked with her Mom at length tonight.. She still doesnt feel well enough to accept visitors.. but her Mom and older sister are staying with her at the hospital and getting her to walk, drink her water, and eat a few bites of sugar free jello. She does feel better, but still has a ways to go... keep her in your thoughts or prayers if so inclined.. Thanks Hugs,

Ms. M. 21 years, 9 months ago

Sherry, hang in there. I am gonna say an extra prayer for you tonight...God Bless you..Carol
About Me
Knoxville, GA
Surgery Date
May 14, 2002
Member Since
