6.5 Weeks Post Op, Boyfriend Told His Family and I'm Angry

First of all I am not embarassed about my WLS (LAP RNY 6.5 Weeks) but I made the decision that there were some people I did not want to share with, and my body my decision. So My boyfriend that I told SPECIFICALLY not to tell his Mother just fesses up that he told her about a week post-op. She is not a bad lady, just very "perfect" and opinionated about my relationship with her son... (not to mention my bf and his family are very slender people.) I am SOOOO ANGRY at him because: #1. I trusted him, #2. She asked me about the type of surgery I had about two weeks ago and I fibbed and said gallbladder (I actually did that three years ago) and she knows I lied through my teeth. and #3. It's not like he ever talks to his Mother about ANYTHING, so me made an out of the ordinary call to her to tell her! Has anyone been caught like this?... I don't want to give her the benefit of coming clean, and now my boyfriend told her we'd come over to dinner today (they live about 2 hours away). I'm down 50 lbs and I do NOT want to see her, but if I don't go she'll know something is up too!!!! Any suggestions? Anyone been through this? --LOL thanks for the vent!    — Leah S. (posted on March 30, 2003)

March 30, 2003
Hello Leah, I know you are upset with your boyfriend and you have a right to be! You need to find out why he broke your trust and told his Mom. Now for her, I would tell her that you did not plan on making it public knowledge until you reached say two months when you were comfortable/adjusted to your new lifestyle. Not a big deal there. You are entitled to your privacy without getting the third degree. For me, I tell people now when they ask how I have lost 50 pounds... What can they say? I look, feel, act better! The most popular question people ask me, "Did it hurt?". Best of luck to you! :-)
   — Pizofret

March 30, 2003
Hi Leah, I agree with the previous poster that it is your decision but, maybe, just maybe your boyfriend may have been worried about you and needed someone else to confide in to talk to. Did your boyfriend say what his mothers reaction was maybe she will be more conpassionate than you think. I wish you all the luck and along with your weight, this too shall pass.
   — Barbara S.

March 30, 2003
From what you said it sounds like the mom probably been putting a lot of pressure on your Boyfriend to find a more "suitable girlfriend" e.g., one that's not so fat. She's probably been puting this pressure on him from the first time she met you and how he would be better off with someone who was thin since fat people have or develop all sorts of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attacks, etc... She was probably nagging him and in your defense told her how you delt with your weight - surgery. You don't know if he really made the call to his mother out of the blue. It's very likely she called him and started her fat bashing. Just my speculations... don't be to harsh on your boyfriend until you get the actual facts of why he told mom. <p>Take Care, Be Well, Be Happy!
   — John T.

March 30, 2003
WOW, First I could never lie to my mom, she died years ago but I learned to fess up with the truth, she could tell by my voice, or just looking at me. So she asked and he came clean. Whenever she saw you she would know that either you had WLS or were dying of AIDS cancer or similiar problem. NO ONE OTHER THAN THIS LOOSES WEIGHT THAT FAST AND KEEPS IT OFF! Sorry theres NO hiding a 50 pound loss. Besides if anyone else knows everyoine will eventually. WLS is NOTHING to be ashamed of! Be proud you took action to get healthy and probably save your life!
   — bob-haller

March 30, 2003
Interesting that the 2 male posters thought your boyfriend's behavior was OK! Just an observation. You have every right to be angry.
   — Angie M.

March 30, 2003
I have to agree with the other posters who said to get all the facts first. Also, if you tell his mother the truth and that you were sorry for not telling her right off it gives her a little bit of insight about you and your integrety. Be honest about why you did not want to make this public, and let her know that sharing it with her is in confidence. She may not be as bad as you think - it may be just that she doesn't know you well enough. If it turns out badly - then at least you can't be hurt more as you would be by being secretive about it.
   — MaryCinFL

March 30, 2003
I am 5 months post op, and I let EVERYBODY know what I was doing up front, including my employer, my family, my friends. I have received wonderful support from day one from them all.
   — GPoynor

March 30, 2003
I understand your feelings completely. This has nothing to do with being either shameful or proud of having pursued WLS. This is an issue of trust, plain and simple. Some people choose to shout it from the rooftops while others prefer to be more selective about who they tell. The main theme here is PERSONAL CHOICE. As other posters have suggested, I would get the facts from my boyfriend and if/when it comes up with his mother, I would just be very candid about the fact that you felt more comfortable keeping the surgery confidential. I would think that any reasonable person would understand this explanation.
   — Leni M.

March 30, 2003
Thumbs up to Bob and John...I totally agree with you both!
   — Kimberley E.

March 30, 2003
Whoa! Been there, done that. My ex-husband always disregared my wishes and told people things I specifically asked him not to (once, even after a marriage counselor made him repeat my wishes to keep something private, he went and blabbed anyway). Your boyfriend had no right to say anything. Even if he was being pressured by his Mom, or didn't want to lie, he's an adult and should have told her "Mom...this is Leah's business and it's not my place to discuss it". If he was concerned, and felt the need to discuss it with someone, that's what dogs and bartenders are for. You need to tell your boyfriend how you feel. Hopefully, he'll understand, and not do this again in the future (everyone deserves one free pass). As for his mother, you could choose to either just ignore the fact she knows (if you feel uncomfortable discussing this with her since it really isn't any of her business), or simply take her aside and tell her that your surgery is a private matter that you have chosen not to disclose or discuss, that her son was wrong to say anything, and you would appreciate it if she would keep this information to herself.
   — Cyndie K.

March 30, 2003
I wish people who answer posts like this would understand that it is not an issue about who to tell and who not to. It is a matter of trust. You trusted your boyfriend and he broke that trust. For the men who don't see this as a big deal, think of it this way. If you were having a sexual problem, would you want your significant other talking about it anyone? I'll bet not. We all have the right to our own privacy and if the people closest to us violate that right, that is the issue.
   — garw

March 30, 2003
1. Has he done this before 2. Are you looking for a long term relationship, mariage. 3. Is this worth the stress.
   — faybay

March 30, 2003
</P><P ALIGN="left">1: lying will ALWAYS come back to bite you in the butt. one of the most important lessons a person can is learn is that you do NOT have to answer every question put to you. when his mother (or anyone else you did not care to tell) asked what kind of surgery you had, all you needed to say was "i don't want to talk about it. thanks for understanding." put those two sentences in your vocabulary and you'll save yourself a lot of grief in life. </P><P ALIGN="left"> 2: only you can decide whether this incident is worth ending the relationship over. you seem pretty angry -- can you get past this?
   — Kasey

March 30, 2003
As a lot of you know, I am on the side of openness regarding WLS. However, as someone else pointed out, this is not that type of matter. This is a betrayal of trust. Leah specifically asked her boyfriend not to tell his mother and he went and told his mother. Whether it was in the act of defending Leah or not, it doesn't matter. <p> Leah, go today to the dinner and do what you can to smooth things over with your b/f's mom now that she knows the truth. Then sit down with your boyfriend *after* tonight and lay it on the line to him. Tell him that it is *your* choice to tell people or not about this surgery and that you had trusted him with this sensitive information and asked him not to tell his mother and he went and blabbed it. Tell him that's mistake #1. Mistake #2 and he's going to be looking for a new girlfriend. Ask him why he felt that it was necessary to tell his mother - maybe he's got some fears about this surgery that he couldn't talk to you about and needed someone to talk to. That's still not an excuse, but at least you'd know where he's coming from. Use this mistake as an opportunity to work on your relationship and make it stronger...JR
   — John Rushton

March 30, 2003
The damage is done now and you'll have to find a way to move on from this with your boyfriend either by learning to trust him again or realizing he cannot be trusted with important secrets such as these. If he is bascially trustworthy but screwed up this once, then there's hope for him and in time you'll probably learn to trust him again. If he has never been very trustworthy about keeping personal information to himself, than you will have to deal with that by deciding what he needs to know in the future. <p> About his mother... She may know someone who is obese or has other relatives that are obese and will hopefully be totally supportive of you taking control of your life. If she's basically clueless about the whole WLS process, go to dinner and knock her socks off! Once she sees how you eat now, she'll be so impressed! Go to dinner with your head held high. What you've done takes courage and hard work and you should be proud. Have a good time!! (Oh btw, don't be surprised if she's full of questions about your WLS. No doubt she knows someone else who's looking into it.)<br> Lap-RNY 1/13/03 -83lbs & Counting!
   — thumpiez

March 30, 2003
I would go to the dinner and just not discuss WLS with his mother. If she asks, you can say, "I'm sorry, I'm not ready to discuss such a personal matter". Hold your head up high and just be as pleasant and gracious as possible to his family. As for your boyfriend, you don't say whether he has betrayed your trust before, or is this a first time? You also don't say why your boyfriend told her. I assume you asked him? If he is truly sorry and this was the first time he did so, I would just make clear to him that from this point forward, who you tell about your surgery is your businessm, and right to tell or not tell, and not his. If he has betrayed your trust before, then you are the one at fault, for sticking with a boyfriend who is not mature enough to care about anyone but himself-he certainly does not respect you. He won't change.
   — Cindy R.

March 30, 2003
May I suggest that you pick your fights? Is he generally there for you? Do you believe he was holding you up to ridicule? The truth easily outs with this surgery. Not many can lose 50 lbs in 6 weeks otherwisd. Yes, he has violated something that you felt was only for you to share. Again, I would try to consider the fact that he has been your support person through sickness and now, in health.
   — michelle R.

March 30, 2003
To look at all sides no he shouldn't have told but maybe he did so because he is proud of, or happy for you. Maybe he should also tell his mother to butt out. Also if you are in a serious relationship ie. marriage in the future, what you do does affect him. Just my two cents and thats about what it's worth.
   — bubba

March 30, 2003
Ok. I didn't read all the other posts so this may be in what someone else said but here's what I would say (without letting the boyfriend know first). Hello Mrs. so and so, I'm so glad to see you. Now. Let me get a couple things straight. It is my understanding that your son told you the type of surgery I had. (pause to hear what she says -- at this point -- the guilty party(boyfriend) will probably interrupt with excuses to which you can quietly let him speak by looking at him, then turn back to his mom and repeat the question. She'll probably say yes and maybe a few other things (she's probably feeling guilty too so she might make some excuses but if she's good and I bet she is, she'll probably try to turn it around on you and ask you why you lied to which you can continue to control the conversation by continuing to say what you have to say). Anyway, after all come clean you can say "ok, well, it was never my intention to explain this very personal decision to anyone until I was ready nor do I intend to offer any explanations today. I just wanted to clear the air so it doesn't feel as if anyone is trying to be deceitful." Technically, Mom started the lie by being manipulative to see if you were going to lie to her. So she has nothing to be mad about. Boyfriend has a big mouth -- he can be forgiven (make him work for this though -- this was a no no). Mom, on the other hand, is an adult, perfectly capable of coming out and saying "son told me you had surgery and I'm wondering why you didn't tell me". That's called a woman to woman talk and that's the way she should've approached you had she known...perhaps she thought you had an abortion or something that would cause her to be even more judgemental. Either way, make sure you walk through the door confidently, knowing that you don't need to explain anything to anyone. That you need to hear the true story with all parties in the same room so you don't accuse him or her of something incorrect and end up looking like the fool. And that everyone is aware that you are not going to continue the conversation until you are fully comfortable talking about it. And you can say "ok, well I appreciate your honesty and to be quite honest with the both of you, this is still a very personal matter to me, it is very new and I'd appreciate it if neither of you bring the subject up to me until I feel comfortable talking about it. I will be sure to let you know when and if that happens. Now what's for dinner? I won't be able to eat much but something sure smells good!" Then go to the bathroom, wash your hands, and sit down at the table with your head held high. REFUSE to get into a cat and mouse manipulation game. She who holds her tongue is the one that controls the situation. They can ask and talk and stare all they want (if there are other guests there, assume that mom has already told them -- if you feel uncomfortable saying this in front of them, pull mom and boyfriend to the side to say this). As uncomfortable as it may be for you, hold your head high, compliment them on the food and ask for some to go, and continue to be polite. As hard as this is to understand...don't take any of this personally. Yes, I said it. Him telling his mom about you is more about his issue (be it not being able to lie to his mom, slipping and telling by accident, being a big gossip etc.) than it is about deliberately hurting you. His mom blatantly manipulating you into lying to her is more about her own insecurities (why am I not close enough to my son's girlfriend for her to tell me the truth, what's wrong with me, am I too much of a b---ch et.) than it is about you personally. I read about this(not taking things personally) in a book called "The Four Agreements" and it has literally helped me not to be so sensitive all the time by what people say. I am learning not to take it personally and realize it is much more about them than it is me. So print this out and keep it in your purse, take it to the bathroom with you if you need to read it for strength and you will be fine! Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

March 30, 2003
i had the same thing done to me by my husband. the boyfriend was flat out wrong. no matter why he told her. he could have been worried for you and needed someone who he trusted to tell, but he was still VERY WRONG. ohhhhh and the mother...she sounds like my mother-in-law. you don't owe her any answer at all.she knew that you didn't want to tell her what kind of surgery you had, but she still asked you after she already knew what kind you had. so you don't feel like you need to say sorry to her ;) one good thing about this is that you don't have to worry about coming up with excuses why you can't eat this and that. but if it were me....i would still go....and NEVER tell her that you had wls. she already what is the point.if you tell her she will feel like she has the goods on you. by NOT telling out of your own mouth, you are quietly saying "it is none of your bussiness". that way you don't have to explain or answer any of her questions. just because she is your boyfriend's mother, doesn't mean YOU have to answer to her in anyway shape or form. i don't know how old you are, but i was 17 when i started dating my husband(30now) and i gave my mother-in-law too much power and say-so...Now i decide what she needs to know and what not. good luck!
   — franbvan

March 30, 2003
Okay the update... The bf claims his Mother "drug" it out of him... and although I believe in free will... I really think this could've been the case. He knows that the surgery was hard for me (pre-during-and post) but to him it was something I did to make myself feel better and its no real big deal... and although from time to time he says something stupid, I do love him and can forgive an occasional lack of thought on his part. Sooo... I went to dinner with my new haircut and looking all fine and down 50 lbs, I smiled and joked and behaved (lol to the best of MY ablility) like a lady. Now it was my bf's time to sweat it out... he was waiting for me to "go postal". And all I said when they asked me about why I ate so little, was "I'm not that hungry." with a look on my face that said "Go ahead, say something!" LOL I didn't act like a brat AND I felt vindicated... so life is just fine. And although I like a good catfight now and then, I am 100% above her petty attitude... and she can gossip all she wants because I am one hot mamma, and her son is one lucky man. =)
   — Leah S.

March 30, 2003
At the time of my surgery, my husband told his boss and some of his co-workers what surgery I was having. He was working construction at the time, and they were the stereotypical macho lump-heads. I was mortified that he shared my personal information with this group of guys I had met once in my life. And I let him have it. He told me, with tears in his eyes, that the only reasons he had spoken about it to them was because he was scared about me having such a *dangerous/life altering* surgery, and because he was so proud of me for taking this step to take back my life. Well, I calmed down after that. No, I was still ticked off that he told his co-workers and his boss, but at the same time, he was working away from home and had no one else to talk to at that point. He was traveling out of state every week for work...he felt the need...I forgave him for it.<P> My point is, talk with the mother, and tell her that you were not comfortable with sharing this surgery with anyone--at least until you were past the *complication* stage and the *I told you it wouldn't work* stage. Make it seem like it wasn't *against* her that she wasn't told...but that not many people were told at felt it was still a very personal decision, like birth control *giggle*(that'll turn her face red) And just tell her you want to get past this point and move forward in your life and your relationship with her. Take care and Have a Sparkling Journey!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

March 30, 2003
OMG - I thought I was the only one - my husband told his mom without my consent about the surgery and I had not been totally honest with her - when she asked me was everything ok and why was I having surgery I simply replied - I have gallstones and need to have my gallbladder out. She was waiting on me to go into the WLS and I never did - later that night I found out from my husband that my mother-in-law had told him about our conversation and he questioned why I lied. Then he confessed that he told her and I was mortified. First of all - his whole family hates me - all they do is gossip about me in the first place and now he has given them ammunition to shoot me with. My surgery is within 2 days 4/2/03 and I have to put up with the stress from his mom being here pre-op and now knowing my little secret. Things have been tense around the house. His response to why he did it was that he did not feel comfortable lying to his mom - but who said he had to lie - he could have deferred the question or sent her to me - whatever - it doesn't matter anymore because she is fat too and probably envious that I have done something about it. I mean is it extreme to get braces if you have jacked up teeth, or to have laser eye surgery to correct your vision - NO! Absolutely not! I mean lets be real here. So to answer your question your bf was wrong - it is your decision and your business to share - but now that she knows - just show her what you're worth - show her what's really going on and how this is a good decision not a bad one. Godspeed - on your recovery!
   — Tia B.

March 30, 2003
Sweetie, I understand your frustration in this issue, but look at is as an opportunity to have a breakthrough with this woman...she's probably concerned about your health and wishing you well in this journey. Talk about it openly with her and the whole family, answer their questions and don't fear their judgements. I'll bet it provides an opportunity to become closer to them...Good luck! (But do inform your bf that you expect discression when you explicitly request it!)
   — rebeccamayhew

March 30, 2003
You have every right to be angry about what your boyfriend has done. Do not feel guilty about feeling angry, because first off your trust was broken. I understand fully how you feel. He should not have told her and then had the nerve to say yes to an invitation for dinner. Maybe you should reevaluate your relationship with your boyfriend and set down with him and let him know how you really feel, without incident of course. And let him know that if you two agree on something, then that is what you two should stick to it unless you both agree otherwise. And as far as his mother is concerned, don't worry about it. Besides, you probably are looking and feeling so much better these days. wink. Keep your head up girl, and don't let nothing get you down.
   — Anderia T.

March 31, 2003
Just read your update, Leah, and all I can say is, BRAVO! BRAVO! You handled the situation perfectly and are certainly entitled to a little giggle 'way down inside. You should be SO proud of yourself! Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 31, 2003
I agree with John Tucker. My boyfriends mother hated me because I was fat. She tried to enlist his ex to help break us up. When she found out we were moving in together she decided that she wanted to lecture me about it's not that she hated me but that my weight was so unhealthy. What she was really worried about is that I would be a burden to her son. She didn't care about my health. She kept hounding him about my losing weight and to shut her up, he told her I was looking into the surgery. That was the first time I was turned down for the surgery. I am now approved, but he has not told her yet. I don't think it is his fault. You know how parents can be when they demand an answer. Not that I was not furious, just like you are. Hang in there, it will get better. Sorry for the long post.
   — Sara W.

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