Is it possible to continue losing well after 6 months?

I am almost 6 months out, -91 lbs. I started at 325 at 5'7", I'm 41. I'm about ready to move out of my honeymoon period into the realm of the agonizingly slow weight loss and I'm petrified! Have any of you with a similar "starting point" as me continue to lose at a pretty good pace for a few more months (8 months? 9 months?). I'm hoping to get a "grace period" of a just a few more months to get to 205 or so...if it takes 6-9 more months to get the remaining 40 off, I think I can deal. Thanks, all!    — Joyce C. (posted on July 22, 2003)

July 22, 2003
i'm only eight months out but i'm still loseing about ten pounds a month at this point and i'm glad i think it will slow down a little later. i still have a way to go yet i am currently at 208. started at 319 at 5'3" for a loss of 111 since 11/12/02 open distal rny. best of luck to you
   — kimberly T.

July 22, 2003
It's possible to still loose at a good rate at 6 months and later post op. I am 11 months and have lost 18 pounds in the last month. I am going to be honest though and tell you that is partly because I had emergency surgery a month ago for a bowel blockage and could only have ice chips for a week and then after that my appetite decreased some but even before that I was still loosing about 7 - 10 pounds a month. Closer to 10 and my surgeon had told me to expect to loose about 6 pounds a month at this point so I am happy with that. I had the open RNY August 15, 2002. Started at 354 and am now 199. I do have to watch how I eat now to loose at a steady rate. I don't "diet" but if I were to eat what ever I wanted when I wanted I'm sure I'd not be loosing any more. Also sometimes more is better. When i hit a plateu increasing calories and carbs a couple days then cutting back really gets me loosing again. It's my plateu buster of choice. I sort of figured it out by accident but it works every time. Good luck . Carrie
   — Carrie D.

July 22, 2003
Hi! I am 10 months post op, 5'6/7", started at 368 and am stilling pretty at 168! :~) I am pregnanant now, too... so... but I just wanted to let you know that all is not lost! LOL! :~) Keep up the work, be prepared for some major plateaus, but don't give up control nor give into carb cravings... you can do it!! :~) Oh, yeah... I am 39! :~) Lap RNY 12-13-01.
   — Sharon m. B.

July 22, 2003
I am 6 months out and have been stalled for 8 weeks at the same weight. I am exercising, and getting all the protein in as well as the water. I started at 310, and now I am 235. So I would say that your weight loss is great. I should be so lucky. My hair 2/3, has fallen out too. Be happy with your loss. It is great. Best wishes.
   — Laura K.

July 22, 2003
Joyce, I lost 120 pounds in six months and by the time I was 14 months out I had lost 170 and now have lost 181. I started at 346. Sure, it slowed down after 6 months but if you continue to eat properly, you will continue to lose. I didn't lose and ounce between 6 and 8 months and then lost 30 pounds the next month. Then it slowed down to a crawl. Picked up again after my tummy tuck at 15 months. Good luck!
   — Patty_Butler

July 22, 2003
Almost 2 years post-op and still dropping a few.

July 22, 2003
Yes, it's possible! I started at 310 and am 5'5, 35 yrs. old. I had lost 110 lbs at 6 mos. out. I am now 16 months post-op and have lost 170 lbs total. I am still losing - only a couple of pounds a month, but I reached my personal goal a few months ago, so I'm not concerned about losing fast anymore. You will do it! Good luck!
   — Mary W.

July 23, 2003
Joyce, I lost 100 pounds at 6 months...... I'm now 14 months post op and am down a total of 133 pounds, the closer you get to goal the harder it will be, just take your time..... this is where we really need the patience.. Hang in there, many hugs!
   — tannedtigress

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