For those of you that get PS or not to get PS? ( a little winded)

I keloid and altough I am still a year out from plastics I am not sure that I want them....I can already tell that my major areas will be a tummy tuck and a thigh lift but I am afraid that it wont be worth it if I have this HUGE UGLY KELOID going across my bell or arms if I have that done. It happens for me the worse the cut. Surgery I keloided but I pierced my eyebrow and didn't. So for those who know they WILL keyloid with major cutting do you still do it or live with the skin????    — davesband1 (posted on August 16, 2005)

August 17, 2005
Hi, I think that probably you ought to ask a plastic surgeon these kinds of questions. My guess would be that if you ended up with keloid scars from your wls, that you would be more likely to develop the same kind of scarring from plastic surgery... I don't think that piercing your eyebrow would really be a fair comparision to major surgery (as wls and plastic tend to be). I know that there are some things that can be done (after surgery)to a scar to make it less prominent.. but ultimately, I'd ask a plastic surgeon (or even a dermatologist) about scarring. Best wishes, Sid
   — mrsidknee

August 17, 2005

   — Kasey

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