Has anyone gone back to work in 3 wks with an Open RNY????

I am hoping to get back to work in 3 wks. I am having the open RNY and I don't have short term disability. Has anyone gone back to work in this short of time? ANY responses will be greatly appreciated!!!    — Lesa B. (posted on April 17, 2001)

April 17, 2001
Hi Lesa, I had Open RNY on 1/18/01 and went back to work on 2/5/01. I was very tired the first week back. I would go home and take a nap every day. Three weeks seems like enough time as long as you have a desk job, but everyone is different. You will know when you're ready to go back. Hope this helps.
   — Vanessa J.

April 17, 2001
I had open RNY on February 13 and went back to work on the 26th. I was real tired the first couple of weeks... but it was good to get out of the house and keep my mind off of food.
   — audra H.

April 17, 2001
I teach pre-k and was able to go back to work after three weeks. I worked half days my first week back and went to full time the second week back. I just made sure to follow my doctor's restrictions, and I am also fortunate enough to work at a wonderful place that supported my decision for surgery 100%. My co-workers were a lot of help. Just listen to your body and don't overdo it...and take lots of naps when you get home!! :)
   — robin C.

April 17, 2001
I went back to work at 4 weeks, my job involves alot of standing, walking ect. I was tired just getting dressed in the morning! You will feel fatiqued, but it will pass and then the good times roll. Once you start to lose the weight-you will get an amazing amount of energy. So yes, you can get back to work in 3-4 weeks, and yes, you will be tired, but it will amaze you how wonderful you will feel a couple weeks after that.
   — Margaret S.

April 17, 2001
I went back to work (but went home anout an hour early the first week) after 2.5 weeks. I had an open RNY but a very small incision (about 3 inches.) In week 3 I went out of town to staff an 8000-person conference. I took naps at lunchtime everyday; other than that I kept a normal schedule. And yes, in case you are wondering, I *am* completely out of my mind. I also went back to work 3 days after my bilateral brachioplasty (arm lift.) hugs, Ann RNY 9/10/99 260/128
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 19, 2001
I had my open RNY on March 26th and went back to work in one week..I just walked alot in the hospital.
   — Victoria B.

October 3, 2002
I went back to work 16 days after surgery. I had some complications in the hospital, so my hosptial stay ended up being nine days. My surgeon said that if I was motivated enough, I could go back in two weeks after surgery. He had one patient that was so highly motivated, she went back after just one week! (Can't imagine that) Was it a good idea I went back in 16 days? I have a sit-down job, so I thought it would be okay. That first day back was a BAD idea. I was so tired and weak with a bit of pain. The second day went slightly better, and the third day was reasonable without much notice to the fact that I had a surgery. Even though my energy levels are very low, it's okay for the type of job I do. I am writing this just 24 days after my surgery, here at work. And YES, I am tired, but I am glad to be back to work among friends and a paycheck. I suppose it all depends on your job duties, how much they need you at work, and how motivated you are to go. But those first few days will be KILLERS, be warned! Would I repeat my decision to go back in 16 days? NO. I would come back after 3 weeks or even a month if I had the choice.
   — Meloney

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