How do you (or dont you?) tell men you date about your surgery and past obesity?

I am a 25 year old single woman, and I was wondering what other womens expierence has been with this issue. Do you or don't you explain your past obesity and surgery to new men in your life? How do you deal with that? I would like to hear peoples experiences and opinions.    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 15, 2000)

November 15, 2000
I just had to make a comment to your question. I think you should be proud of your accomplishment. The surgery you had was only a tool, it was your hard work that got you where you are today. I dont think telling a new man about your surgery is necessary unless things get more intense. When you are close to someone it will be easy to be truthful and they wont judge you. Until you get to that point, it is not necessary, in my opinion, to have to explain anything. Good luck with this...cindy
   — Cindy S.

November 15, 2000
Although I'm happily married this question caught my eye. :) However if I were single I would not feel obligated to tell my date anything about my wls unless the relationship became serious and I felt comfortable. Now if you're having health problems that you're dealing with...that's a different issue but I still believe that you could tactfully explain should the need arise. Regarding personal info...Sometimes less IS better. You'll know what to do/say when the time comes.
   — [Anonymous]

November 15, 2000
Didn't mean to post anonymously :)
   — TJSmith

November 15, 2000
I've also wondered myself how to handle this. I'm a 33 year old single mom of a toddler and just recently started having every other weekend free -- and have been asked out a few times. First dates in a long time ... I've lost 102 pounds and I'm 7 away from my goal weight. Anyway, I just don't mention it, but of course if I were at the point where it was serious, then there are going to be questions about my scar when it is discovered. I will be truthful when it gets to that point, but I don't think it's "first date" material ... or even really something I want to discuss unless the situation had progressed beyond a casual dating status. Hope this helps you!
   — Beth B.

November 15, 2000
Beth, being a man it is one of my business what surgery you have orhave ot had. If later in a relationship you feel confortable discussing you scar tell him, ifthis bothers him show him the door until he can come to grips with your imperfection. Lord knows he will have plenty of his own. Be proud of what you acomplish and surround your with people that are proud of you.
   — MARK N.

November 15, 2000
well i read all the reponses> I respect everyones thoughts and i agree with you but....Im an in your face kind of girl. If i was worried i would be dumped because A man would be afraid i would get fat again..i would tell him just to see...LOL..if he was that shallow thank god he ran for the door. I think i will be so proud of how i got from where i was to how i am that keeping it a secret would be hard. I would be like...."see what you could have had??" out my pics and see if he said " Oh my!!glad i found you now" or "baby i still see that beautiful smile hasnt changed" me the tubby Madonna...shock value is sometimes our friend!! Anyway you handle it be true to yourself. If you feel an need to confide then thats whats right for you. If not then give it some time and see if the need arises. Be Well : )
   — Tracy L.

November 15, 2000
I've wondered this too. All the responses made sense, but no one could actually answer the question from experience. So, I'll tell you how this was answered in the chatroom one night from someone who has dated seriously since WLS. She said it was no big deal. The guys didn't mind the scar or the surgery (but maybe she know how to pick 'em!). Hope that puts you to did me!
   — Allie B.

November 15, 2000
Great question! I have to share this. I was in the voting line when a guy I knew (who hadn't seen me in quite a while) said hello. As he looked me up and down, he said, "Well, look at you!". I answered, "Yeah, I look damned good, don't I?". It wasn't a smart response - it was just a confident one. The "old" me would never have had the courage to say anything like that. He knows nothing about the surgery, and a voting line was no place to discuss it! It made me feel good he noticed the change. This really has nothing to do with your question other than I just wanted to share! Sorry - I don't mean to ramble! Anyway, I am looking forward to the dating scene. A doctor friend of mine advised me that when I do start dating, not to just spill my guts automatically, and this makes sense. There is such a thing as saying too much on a first date. But I have been wondering about what to do for the first meal out. I don't want to be put into a situation where I need to explain why I can't eat certain things or quantities. I look forward to more responses. :):):) 6 months post-op and 91 pounds gone forever!
   — Paula G.

November 16, 2000
You know, I may be secretive, but I don't see how my surgeries are anyone's business but my own. And I don't feel that anyone would notice what I eat on a dinner date unless I pointed it out. It's not something I would want to discuss on a date, as I find talking about health issues on a first date is kind of a turn-off for me. Then again, if this is something that you WANT to discuss, go for it! I just don't feel that I owe any explanations to my dates about my plumbing. And, at over a year post-op, it isn't something I think about all the time anymore either. That is just my two cents. I would like to hear from others who feel that it is necessary to divuldge, as maybe I am missing something.
   — Peggy G.

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