Fahad Bamehriz Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

Fahad Bamehriz Bariatric Surgeon Picture

6 Y yr in Bariatrics

10 Y yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 Y yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

99% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 7 Y

Max Age of Patient is 80 Y

Years of Experience
  • 6 Y
  • 10 Y
  • 6 Y
Practice Details
  • Clinical
  • Sometimes
Procedures Performed
Method Currently Performing Total Surgeries Lap-to-Open Conversions Avg. Currently Done Per Week Years Experience With This Type Average O.R. Stay Time Average Hospital Stay


Open Yes 5 0 10 120 6
Laparoscopic Yes 186 2 6 120 2

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Open 0
Laparoscopic Yes 8 1 6 120 2

Vertical Banded Gastroplasty

Open 0
Laparoscopic Yes 87 0 6 60 2


Laparoscopic Yes 655 2 6 35 0


Open 2 0 6 180 6
Laparoscopic Yes 52 1 6 120 3

Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

Laparoscopic Yes 680 2 5 2
Other Clinical Experience
ADVANCED LAPAROSCOPIC AND ROBOTIC SURGERIES, INCLUDING, 1- SOLID ORGANS (SPLEEN, PANCREASE, LIVER, ADRENAL), 2-GI TRACT (ESOPHAGUS(CA,MOTILITY,DIVERTICULUM),STOMACH CA, SMALL BOWEL OB, PATHOLOGY), 3- ALL different complex, complicated abdominal hernia 4- diagnostic laparoscopic surgeries and biopsy 5- lap.emergencies 6- lap. biliary tree surgeries
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