Glen Strickland

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 75 ratings

Glen Strickland Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

16 yr Experience

22 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

60% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 72

Marc Antonetti Profile Pic
Marc Antonetti
James Givens Profile Pic
James Givens
S. Gray Hughes Profile Pic
S. Gray Hughes
Emily Kohls Profile Pic
Emily Kohls
Eric Cockrell Profile Pic
Eric Cockrell
MSN, RN, CNOR, CHES, Bariatric Coordinator
Erin Thompson Profile Pic
Erin Thompson
Lori Norris Profile Pic
Lori Norris

75 Reviews for Glen Strickland
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I had my surgery 10.23.2012, it was done by Glen Strickland. I would recommend everyone to see him! He is awesome. I saw him a couple times before surgery, he is very patient and has great bedside manner, you don't find that much anymore! Surgery went well. I saw him and members of his staff daily while in the hospital. My primary care doctor referred me to Dr. Strickland and I could not be happier. He is looking out for my best interest.

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There is so much I could say about Dr. Strickland. He was everything positive you had to say about a surgeon. He was it. I never had a doctor make me feel so comfortable about a proceedure than him. If I had to do it all over again I would as long as I could have Dr. Strickland for my doctor. I thank him for giving me back my life. Tina Rivera


He was easy to talk with.rnit did not change. I have not seen him but one time.rnNicernNot a thing.rnGood doctor.rnI do not know.rnfor fills.rngoodrnGreatrnBoth


I met with Dr Strickland on the day of the seminar and liked him a lot. My husband and I met with him again to get info on the sleeve and if it would be a better surgery for me. He was very nice and said either surgery would get me to a healthy weight. He would not recommend one over the other, but said I was the one who would have to decide. If my priority was to lose faster the sleeve would be the one. If it was just to lose the band would get me there but would take longer. The band is less than half the cost of the sleeve and being self pay that is a huge consideratioin.rnrnHe was great about giving me the information and not making me feel as if he was only in it for the money.rnrnI felt very comfortable asking him questions and althought he was way behind due to being held up at the hospital he did not make us feel rushed.rnrnJust before surgery, I talked to Dr Strickland and asked him not to be stingy with the pain meds. I was very afraid of being in severe pain. He told me not to worry, they would take care of me. rnrnI don't remember having very much pain at all. I made sure to push the button as soon as I started to feel uncomfortable. rnrnI had a question about black poop at 12 am on Wed. after surgery and called Dr. S. He called me back quickly and reassured me it was normal. I had to call him again on Sunday about the nausea and again he promptly called me back. The problem was from meds my PCP gave me for Gout. rnrnMy only complaint is the wait time for my 2nd consult and my post-op appt.


You could not ask for a better surgeon.


He is a very nice Dr.rnrnHis staff is very nice.


My first impression of Dr.Strickland was a good one. He is a wonderful doctor and I have heard nothing but great things about him. I will update more after my surgery. WOW what can I say about Dr. Strickland now.. He is AMAZING.. I was so nervous before the surgery and he was so comforting. Said things would be fine and I was in good hands. I was. He came to see me the next morning and told me things went very well. I am so impressed by him. I would send everyone I know to him. What a wonderful doctor.


I was very pleased with him from the beginning and I am still very pleased. He is a great surgeon. The office staff was very helpful and always friendly. There isn't anything bad I could say about Riverside Surgical. He is a very caring doctor who made me feel like I was his only concern and that he actually cared about me. He made it very clear that I would be expected to take care of myself and it was my job to help him help me. His staff is always available, just call. They went over the surgery risk in great detail and I'm not gonna lie scared me a bit, but it just made me even more determined to do what I needed to do. He has wonderful bedside manner and surgical abilites, he could do any surgery I ever need. If I had to rank him it would be with the highest on whatever scale, he & his staff couldn't have been any better.


My surgical consult with Dr Strickland went great. He has a wonderful bedside manner. I felt totally comfortable with him and confident that he is my surgeon.rnI have my last appointment with him on 4-2-08 which is 2 days before my surgery date to go over my labs and x-rays and any last minute information. rnHad my surgery yesterday, I could not be more pleased with Dr.S. My husband was very impressed by him too because after the surgery he went right out and talked with him, to let him know everything was oK.

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