Joshua Alley

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 12 ratings

Joshua Alley Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

8 yr Experience

8 yr in Bariatrics

8 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 20

Max Age of Patient is 70

12 Reviews for Joshua Alley
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Dr Alley is the best. He knows my questions even before I ask them. He is a very compassionate yet firm doctor. When he says NO CHEATING you know he means it.

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Dr. Alley is one of the Best the Air Force had, soo bad to see him leave :( but hey... we gotta share the wealth :P For me He is the Best Ever!!! Great Bedside manners, Awesome urgeon from beginning to the end - he'ld explain everthing about the surgery, the benefits, risks, what I should expect, what needs to be done after the surgery. He had the program setup in a way that after surgery you'll get all the supposrt that you need from websites resources to his medical staff, to the nutritionist even to his booking clerks... awesome!! For me, it's like getting a second chance to live life better, I've tried for so many years to loose weight, did exercise, tried all the diet in the world, my weight just went yoyo, my A1C just keep on going up thru all the years, as I grew older my metabolism slowed down, but Thank God for Dr. Alley!!! He diagnosed me to have Metabolic Syndrome, did my Sleeve Gastrectomy and it had resolved my diabetes, my blood pressure and high cholesterol and elevated triglyceride now I'm off on all medications -diabetes, BP medications and cholesterol meds - am taking just my vitamins now and am happy, got my life got back on track and I feel a lot better! :) God is Good! and Thank God for Dr. Alley , He came just in time! He's my BFF (Best Friend for Life!) I couldn't thank him enough I would Highly Recommend Dr. Alley anytime!!! He's a Brilliant Surgeon, the best in his field!

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