Michael Jay Nusbaum

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 144 ratings

Michael Jay Nusbaum Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FASMBS

8 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

14 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

99% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 17

Max Age of Patient is 65

Kelly Iorillo Profile Pic
Kelly Iorillo
Danielle Hill Profile Pic
Danielle Hill
Sharifa Spence Profile Pic
Sharifa Spence
Bariatric Coordinator
Denise Castillo Profile Pic
Denise Castillo
Bariatric Coordinator
Wanda Figueroa Profile Pic
Wanda Figueroa
Bariatric Coordinator

144 Reviews for Michael Jay Nusbaum
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I had seen a recommended surgeon before finding g Dr. Nusbaum; two actually because one held a big seminar promising to take all insurance but then tried to switch me to less experienced surgeon in his practice. When I met Dr. Nusbaum the degree of difference was shocking. He was as straightforward, comprehensive, knowledgeable, warm, and impeccable in everything he did as a surgeon can and should be. Moreover, every single staff member at both of his offices followed suit. And then, every caregiver associated with him in the hospital and in follow-up care continued the extremely high standard of care he set from our first meeting. And I mean everyone from his outstanding nutritional Counselor/coach and his very patient office staff to his PAs, associated endocrinologists, anesthesiologists, etc. Even the patients/clients who attend his nutritionist's monthly support group are lovely, supportive, generous people. Unfortunately, over the course of my life I have had a great deal of surgery. Fortunately, I ended up choosing Dr. Nusbaum and the outstanding professionals with whom he surrounds himself. If I had known he existed sooner I would have undertaken this journey that much faster. I still have a bit of a ways to go but I, and the new friends I have made through his practice, have literally enjoyed every step of the way. A good critic always finds some area that can use improvement. The honest truth is that this group of medical professionals are as compassionate and supportive as they are technically excellent an knowledgeably equipped. I cannot possibly commend them enough for helping me both lose the weight, get fit, adjust psychologically and be absolutely inspired to continue living the healthy life I was meant to live.


If I could select 10 stars, I would. I can't even say enough about the comprehensive quality of care I've received and continue to receive. I had the sleeve October 2013. Dr. Nusbaum is extremely well-qualified, having performed well over 6000 bariatric procedures. He has a great bedside manner. He and his staff is amazing and patient, from taking each patient carefully through the decision-making process, the testing and insurance maze, and surgery day. More importantly is the follow up care. Between Dr. Nusbaum, his PAs, and his amazing dietician (Karla), the quality of care, and responsiveness to any question (large or small) was a breath of fresh air. Each patient is referred to a metabolic specialist, and that is also a great experience. I have a wonderful doctor who monitors all the vitamin and mineral levels, along with the metabolic functions, and on top of that, there is a fabulous exercise physiologist that tailors each person's workout to maximize losing fat and slowly building muscle. All I can say is that Dr. Nusbaum has been responsible for unleashing something in me that I never thought possible, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I'd recommend him and his extended team of medical professionals over and over again. And, yes, I've lost a boat-load of weight, and am getting closer to goal every day.


Where do I start!

Dr. Nussbaum's impact on my life will never be forgotten. He gave me my life back, and for that, I will always be thankful.

For starters, Dr. has performed over 6000 bariatric surgeries, and has never lost a patient. He started the bariatric program at two hospitals, and is the chair at another. His professional achievements are numerous, and he is clearly an industry leader.

I switched to Dr. Nussbaum after dealing with a nightmare at Johns Hopkins in their bariatric program. I would have had to wait another six months had I waited for Hopkins, but after I brought my documentation to Dr. Nussbaum, his wonderful office staff had me approved in a week!!!! His office staff are nothing short of miracle workers. Wanda and Karla are so nice, and incredible at what they do.

The Surgery- Sleeve Gastrectomy: Dr. Nussbaum performed my surgery at Morristown memorial, and the experience was awesome. Every person I interacted with was incredible. The surgery went well, I woke up in pain, but that is to be expected. Because of the Med-X iPhone app that the doc uses, I was in constant contact with Dr. Nussbaum after surgery for any questions that came up. Think about it: a doc answering a quick text message? You bet! That's how efficient Dr. Nussbaum and his staff operate. They have put a lot of thought into making sure the patients are never left wondering... It was awesome.

I was on a clear liquid diet before surgery for 24 hours, and the week after surgery. Every time I was ready to graduate to the next diet step (clear liquids, then to soft foods, etc..) I would meet with the dietitian (Karla) and she would personally walk me through what to expect. It was awesome. I called with questions, and they immediately answered them. I am so great full for Dr. Nussbaum and his entire staff.

5 weeks after surgery, I am down 37 lbs, and feel awesome. I thought going to the "big name" program at Hopkins was going to be the ticket, but little did I know, the industry leader is in NJ !

If you need to have a bariatric surgery, I recommend Dr. Nussbaum without hesitation.


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Where do I start!

Dr. Nussbaum's impact on my life will never be forgotten. He gave me my life back, and for that, I will always be thankful.

For starters, Dr. has performed over 6000 bariatric surgeries, and has never lost a patient. He started the bariatric program at two hospitals, and is the chair at another. His professional achievements are numerous, and he is clearly an industry leader.

I switched to Dr. Nussbaum after dealing with a nightmare at Johns Hopkins in their bariatric program. I would have had to wait another six months had I waited for Hopkins, but after I brought my documentation to Dr. Nussbaum, his wonderful office staff had me approved in a week!!!! His office staff are nothing short of miracle workers. Wanda and Karla are so nice, and incredible at what they do.

The Surgery- Sleeve Gastrectomy: Dr. Nussbaum performed my surgery at Morristown memorial, and the experience was awesome. Every person I interacted with was incredible. The surgery went well, I woke up in pain, but that is to be expected. Because of the Med-X iPhone app that the doc uses, I was in constant contact with Dr. Nussbaum after surgery for any questions that came up. Think about it: a doc answering a quick text message? You bet! That's how efficient Dr. Nussbaum and his staff operate. They have put a lot of thought into making sure the patients are never left wondering... It was awesome.

I was on a clear liquid diet before surgery for 24 hours, and the week after surgery. Every time I was ready to graduate to the next diet step (clear liquids, then to soft foods, etc..) I would meet with the dietitian (Karla) and she would personally walk me through what to expect. It was awesome. I called with questions, and they immediately answered them. I am so great full for Dr. Nussbaum and his entire staff.

5 weeks after surgery, I am down 37 lbs, and feel awesome. I thought going to the "big name" program at Hopkins was going to be the ticket, but little did I know, the industry leader is in NJ !

If you need to have a bariatric surgery, I recommend Dr. Nussbaum without hesitation.


excellent! only one word to describe a surgeon is it possible? meet him and you will see from the moment we spoke i knew i would have my surgery with him. the entire staff i thank you from the bottom of my heart.


From the beginning, initial visit, to the end and even now, Dr. Nusbaum made this transition flawless with comfort in all directions. The staff at the office is the most outstanding crew an office can have and the patient care is beyond words. Wanda, Shelly, Sharifa, and Sharonda, wow, you guys helped me through it all and make it that much more successful.
Dr. Nusbaum, from the beginning, was straight forward and honest. The first look was smooth as I thought he was giving me general information. When I realized that, not only did I do research before his first visit, decide the surgery that I wanted, and be ready to move forward, Dr. Nusbaum's attention to patient care, stability, mental capacity, decision assurances, and acceptance were the utmost, I surrendered myself to his hands and since, have not endured a single complication. Dr. Nusbaum is absolutely on the top of the best as for care, concern, and patient understanding. Thanks for a great life change experience opportunity and thank you for sharing your skills with me with your confidence in practice.


I had a single incision sleeve with Dr. Michael Nusbaum. I was so impressed with his skill, compassion and bedside manner. He has an amazing office staff and an awesome dietitian. I had seen another doctor who works out of Saint Barnbus but I found him to be cold and a bit of a used car salesman. I was so impressed with Dr. Nusbaum when I met him that I decided right there that he was the surgeon for me. It is now 1 year since my surgery and I'm down from 354 lbs to 136 lbs at 5'4." So, if you're just looking for a bariatric surgeon or you allready have one, see Dr. Nusbaum and you will end up with the best!

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I had a gastric band by another sugeon 5 years ago. Unfortunately, the band wasn't the right choice for me. Eventually, I found Dr. Nusbaum. What a difference! The staff was friendly and helpful. I didn't feel rushed. His compassion and bedside manner is amazing. I had a stomach sleeve with a band removal operation a year an a half ago. I went from 242 lbs down to 125 lbs. At 5'6" I look amazing! Dr. Nusbaum is the Chief of Bariatric Surgery at Morristown but started the program at Saint Barnabus over 14 years ago. I have four friends, all nurses, who had surgery with him and they are the ones who told me to leave my other surgeon and go to him. Boy were they right. I wish I had started with him in the first place. If anyone wants to ask me about the surgery or Dr. Nusbaum then please message me. I am so happy with him. I had seen three other surgeons after my band and he is by far the best surgeon in the area!

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I had a gastric band with Dr. Nusbaum about a year ago. Today, my friends don't even recognize me. I went from just under 300 lbs to 138 lbs! Given the fact that I'm 5'5" although I thought I was 5'6" until the doctors office measured me and I must have shrunk by an inch I would say I didn' pritty good. I can't say enough about Dr. Nusbaum and his office. What an amazing group of people. They have been with me every step of the way. Dr. Nusbaum is so caring and understanding that I can't get over it. He gave me his personal cell phone number after the surgery and just having it made me feel great. Fortunately I never had to call him but I knew I could get him if I needed to. My girlfriend went to him too and has been doing great as well. She had some food stuck and called his cell phone. Dr. Nusbaum was on vacation and still answered her call and told her what to do and arranged everything for her. He goes above and beyond for all his patients. He is the BEST!

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I had a Gastric Band with Dr. Nusbaum a year ago too. I've done everything he told me and I've lost nearly 200 lbs. As my family puts it, I'm half the woman I used to be. I did have some bumps in the road and I needed the help of Karla the Nutritionist in his office. Dr. Nusbaum stresses that the band is a tool to help you lose weight and that you still have to excercise and eat right. If you don't, then he relies upon the support provided by his dietitians, nutritionists and metabolic doctors. I must say that he has a very comprehensive program. I have found the office staff to be caring and compasionate and I must say that I love Dr. Nusbaum to pieces. He is terrific. Dr. Nusbaum makes sure that your office visit wait is no more than 10 min. As he describes it, he hates wating for doctors. So, you don't end up in a waiting room full of people angry and anxious about who's going in next. Joan is great too and I love seeing her at my visits. I drive an hour and a half to see him and he is well worth the trip. I go to the support group meetings that he has down here in Toms River, so I meet with many of his patients. Typically the meetings have twenty or thirty of his patients and they all rave about him. I can't say enough about Dr. Nusbaum and I tell everyone about him. I work in an Orthodontists office and I make sure that every patient who could use his help knows about him. He is the BEST!!!!

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I had a gastric sleeve with Dr. Nusbaum 6 months ago and I am so happy with everything about him and his office. He is so caring and understanding. He takes his time with me. I love Joan his PA and my coordinator Wanda is the best. I can't say enough about how wonderful these people are. Dr. Nusbaum gives his private cell phone number out to all his patients. When he did, I couldn't believe it. The day after surgery I called to thank him and honestly to see if it was really his phone and it was. I can't get over how he gives so much of himself to his patients. I was refered to him by four nurses at my husband's hospital. They all had surgery with him. Then I met a woman in Church and we got to talking and she had surgery with Dr. Nusbaum too and she loved him. Finally, I went to my dentist and I told her that I was thinking about the surgery with Dr. Nusbaum and it turns out that she had the surgery with him too and also loved him. So, I just had to go to Dr. Nusbaum. HIs office is two hours from my home, but so many people down here go to him. I would travel two days just to see him. He's the best hands down.

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