Padiath Aslam

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 125 ratings

Padiath Aslam Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

25 yr Experience

8 yr in Bariatrics

12 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

4 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 17

Max Age of Patient is 60

125 Reviews for Padiath Aslam
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I am Dr. Aslam's son, and I am happy to announce that he is practicing General Surgery at Rumford Community Hospital. They do not do any Bariatric surgery in Rumford, but feel free to call his new office for any of your ongoing needs. He would be happy to see you. His office phone is 207-369-1106.rnrnTake care!rnrnSincerely,rnSunny P. Aslam, MD


Actually I am now, one year later, VERY disappointed with Dr. Aslam. This man was my beacon of hope. He is now retiring and only seeing patients 3 times a year. I feel left out in the wind with no support whatsoever!! I am on the hunt for a new surgeon who will take over my care. Many offices will not take a patient of another surgeon. So I now feel all alone.


Dr A. is very sincere in what he does and made me feel very comfortable. I am glad I chose him to be my WLS.His staff is very nice and was very informative. I would referr my friends to Dr Aslam. His before and after prrograms seems to be inportant to him. He also support a group support meeting each month. I think that a doctor needs to be both competent and have good bedside manners.


DR. Aslam was very to the point. His helpr John is great too. The staff was helpful. I had questions and not did he just answer them he showed me things on it. He seemed worried about my heartburns and did a scope on my throat yesterday. Found out I have a hernia in scup-i-gus area. I spelled wrong.He seems go go out of his way to help and make things good well. He and John make sure you know what to exscept and no guarintee on how it'll help my heartburns.He tells you as I knew already that this is a tool. But, if do what's told will be ok. He tells you a lot of info. I made them laugh. I enjoyed the time with them all. I feel cofident to have the operation done by his and johns hands. They had me sign things already for I don't have too much stress day before operation.You can call him or staff 24/7 which is great.He is great so is his staff.He doesn't pull punchs either . he tells it out. I felt nervious but listening to him and John I'll be ok. The hospital staff I met even called after the scope(day after) just to see how all went. This is nice.Dr. Aslam tels you the do's and don'ts. I'm happy.


Haven't met him yet.


Dr. Aslam is a great man. Very kind, and Knowledgeable.


Dr.Aslam is a professional. He was very informative and answered the questions my husband and I have. Dr. Aslam is to the point and tells you exactly what you need to know. Dr.Aslam is one of the few surgeons that requires you to have the feeding tube, which is actually to your benefit because it allows time for your new stomach to heal. Dr. Aslam is huge on aftercare and gives you specific guidelines you need to follow.


My first impression of Dr.Aslam is that he was very professional.No nonense type of doctor.My impression of him never changed.I think he is a wonderful doctor.The office staff is generally nice.They always seem in a hurry but took the time when i needed it.There wasnt anything about Dr. Aslam that i didnt like.He is a very kind and professional,and smart man.His cause is to help people with their struggle of weight.
When he discharged me he was very thorough with infomation i needed and didnt mind my asking questions.He told me all about the risks before surgery and explained this isnt a cure-all but a tool to use...along with diet and excercise.On a 1-10 scale i would give him a 9.Very pleased with his work,care,and bedside manner.The only thing about him and the staff is they are extrmemly busy and as you talk to them you feel a sense to rush...but i have to say they did listen to my questions.They also seem to overbook.But what dr. doesnt.If you go in with an atitude about how you plan on doing this ect.He puts you back in place.Very by the book and Professional




He is very serious about helping people with their battle against obesity and what others see it as and what it really does to people.Since my surgery he has shown nothing short of empathy and kindness. His staff are fabulous and very supportive.His bedside manner is very dry and factual.He does a good job and does care about his patient.He emphasizes because he wants a good outcome for all of us.Yes he does.Very frankly and honest about outcome of surgery. I would rate him as a very good dedicated surgeon who cares about people who need to have someone who cares about them and their particular health problems.When push comes to shove he is a great surgeon.

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