INT of Tijuana

Rating: 4.8 out of 5 with 6 ratings

INT of Tijuana Hospital

  • Latest Reviews See all 6 reviews
    avatar eyeseehot1 on Sept. 8, 2012 for INT of Tijuana

    The hospital was clean and the doctors were very knowledgeable and nice.The only thing i notice that was different was the way they put the IV in your arm. I was not use to that. Overall I felt safe and my husband as well!

    avatar taracarter42 on July 7, 2011 for INT of Tijuana

    This was the cleanest hospital I've ever been in. They mopped the floors at LEAST 4 times a day. It smelled clean...not like the normal hospital smell you get to know in the US. I laugh at myself now for having fears of More...

    avatar NoEscape21 on May 17, 2011 for INT of Tijuana

    This was a small but nice and well-equipped hospital. Accomodations for travel companions could have been a little nicer but overall its a decent hospital.

  • Location
    Tijuana, MX
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