Websites for Video of Lap R-N-Y and Open R-N-Y.

Debbie M.
on 5/14/03 1:47 pm - Conway, Ar
Hi guys, Her are Websites of surgeries. It's kind of gross and Graffic. Hope no one is sqeemish. You will need to down load Real Player. It is free on this site. Just Schrole down and there will be a free download just before you come to Video Clips. OPEN R-Y-N LAP. R-Y-N I'm possitive the first address is right but not sure about the last I think it is right Hugs Debbie
Tina B.
on 5/15/03 1:44 pm - Benton, ar
Hello Debbie , Well I watched the video it really helped to understand what goes on . thanks Tina
Sonya P.
on 5/25/03 7:24 am - Camden, AR
I went to website and I must say it really gets a person ready for what is going to happen. I am glad you posted this. Thanks a lot Debbie
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