1st Mtg with NUT - feeling really discouraged!

on 7/1/11 8:10 am - Spring, TX
I had my first meeting with the nutritionist today to begin my requirements insurance requires prior to surgery.  I felt like it completely got started on the wrong foot.  She did not think I should be getting DS surgery and seemed surprised I would want it.  She said she thought I would still dump with the DS.  When I indicated the number of people I see requiring RNY revision, she indicated that was only a very small percentage of RNYers that didn't do extremely well.  When I talked about the OH boards, she indicated that the happy RNYers weren't wasting their time posting on OH.  Grrrrrrr.  This is already a tough journey, I'm already having self-doubt and questioning.  I'm pissed at myself for not being to handle my weight on my own.  I'm nervous about having another surgery, this is obviously a HUGE step and a HUGE commitment.  But I'm also tired of being overweight, tired of wasting so much time, thought and energy on being overweight, tired of being tired, out of breath, self conscious.  So, sorry for the rant.  Bottom line, I wi**** had gone better.

Kathi - Houston, Texas
2008 - Lap Band  Hoping for revision to DS Mar 2012
Jewel506 is my Angel!

on 7/1/11 8:24 am - VA
Most NUTS don't get it. Some do, but they are few and far between. Hang tough and just consider her another hoop to jump through to get to your goal.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

(deactivated member)
on 7/1/11 8:27 am, edited 6/30/11 8:30 pm
Your nutritionist obviously doesn't understand the difference between the DS and RNY. I had a variation of the RNY called the fobi pouch. The main reason I was revised was to correct severe dumping syndrome, which led me to become hypoglycemic and caused regain.

The bottom line is that the pylorus is an essential part of human anatomy and should be kept intact where it belongs. Bypassing the stomach is the biggest mistake in WLS, and it often results in surgical failure. Do what you think is best for you. The nutritionist appointment is just some red tape. It doesn't really matter what she thinks of the DS. She's ignorant.

on 7/1/11 8:33 am - Spring, TX
Hypoglycemia is a really huge concern of mine with regard to the RNY.  I had severe hypoglycemia as a child and young adult - started passing out at about 6 years old which progressed to seizures in lieu of fainting by the time I was 15 until I was about 20.  I've grown out of it, thankfully, but when I hear the details of dumping - it truly sounds like putting myself in that position again.  Because of my prior history, I'm afraid RNY would "re-activate" it.  Both you and Gina are right, I need to stick by my guns, and make this decision for me.  Glad you got your valve back! (-:

Kathi - Houston, Texas
2008 - Lap Band  Hoping for revision to DS Mar 2012
Jewel506 is my Angel!

on 7/1/11 10:26 am
On July 1, 2011 at 3:33 PM Pacific Time, kmg9122 wrote:
Hypoglycemia is a really huge concern of mine with regard to the RNY.  I had severe hypoglycemia as a child and young adult - started passing out at about 6 years old which progressed to seizures in lieu of fainting by the time I was 15 until I was about 20.  I've grown out of it, thankfully, but when I hear the details of dumping - it truly sounds like putting myself in that position again.  Because of my prior history, I'm afraid RNY would "re-activate" it.  Both you and Gina are right, I need to stick by my guns, and make this decision for me.  Glad you got your valve back! (-:
If You have hypoglycemia already, even if you have "outgrown" it, PLEASE do NOT get the RNY. You can still go hypo with the DS but only as much as a normie does.

See my collection of articles I used for my FIGHT to get the DS: Dates are May 20, and May 26, and they are on my blog here under my user name.

IF you also need any type of NSAID, be aware that you also need the DS for that. You can't take NSAIDS with the RNY.

Anything I can do to help, let me know. And as Gina said, stick to your guns, the NUT is NOT your surgeon, she should allow you and HIM to make those decisions as to what surgery to have. She just needs to go with the program and TEACH what is best. (altho most don't know the difference and treat all of us as RNY'ers)


Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


on 7/2/11 12:33 am - Spring, TX
Liz, thank you for all of this information.  It is truly valuable to me.  Up until now, I had just kind of been going with my gut on the dumping thing, but this completely validates it.  Hopefully I won't be in a position of arguing with the insurance but if so, these articles will be my first line of defense.  Again, thanks so much!

Kathi - Houston, Texas
2008 - Lap Band  Hoping for revision to DS Mar 2012
Jewel506 is my Angel!

on 7/1/11 8:31 am - IA
I'm sorry you had such a ****ty experience with the NUT.  And yes the whole pre-op experience with insurance and all the **** you have to go through blows.  And that ***** just made it worse for you.  I'm sorry.  Shake it off and move on.  You KNOW what you need to do and you've made the decison to do it.  In the long run what she thinks doesn't matter.  

Just know that you've made the right decision...and you have now learned what most of know to be true - NUT'S don't get the DS, don't know about the post-of life of the DS, and they do NOT want to come down from their RNY as their favorite high horse.  So next time (if there is one) she starts in on why do you want that, the DS sucks, DS'ers on OH don't know crap, etc - tell her in a firm voice that you have made your decision and you're not listening to anymore of her bull****  Period.  And then just know that she'll give you incomplete if not totally WRONG nutritional, supplemental, and food plan information.  You know where to go for the real deal, that's here on OH and use your own common sense and experience.  

I would also consider telling your surgeon that she is "knocking" the DS.  It is NOT her place to try to change your mind.  Your mind as already been made up before you get to her so really she needs to keep her opinions to herself.  Plus she doesn't know what the **** she's talking about.  DS'ers as a rule, do NOT dump.  Normies can dump ergo, so can DS'ers.  But no more DS'ers dump than normies, as far as I can tell.  RNY'ers dump b/c they have no pyloric valve regulating when food goes into the intestine (I think that's correct).

on 7/1/11 8:39 am - Spring, TX
Thanks, Marci!  I knew you guys would be a whole lot more supportive than what I got today!  I actually couldn't wait to drive home to get online.  (-:  I appreciate your response!

Kathi - Houston, Texas
2008 - Lap Band  Hoping for revision to DS Mar 2012
Jewel506 is my Angel!

Elizabeth N.
on 7/1/11 10:15 am - Burlington County, NJ
Hear hear, yapping about surgery choice falls in the category of giving medical advice, and she is wayyyyy outside her appropriate parameters. She needs to be ***** slapped.

on 7/1/11 8:56 am - bay area, CA
It seems pretty clear that you know the difference between RNY and DS, both in anatomy and in function. Why, oh why, are you wasting your emotional energy on someone who knows less than you, and who is overstepping the bounds of her profession by trying to give you medical advice?
      It's just another hoop. Jump through it and move forward. And if you feel up to it, let your surgeon know about it. But don't beat yourself up about it.

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