2417 pounds - GONE!

on 6/7/11 12:33 pm - Ottawa, Canada
 2417 pounds, yes we lost it.

Tonight at the Knoxdale support group meeting in Ottawa, I kept track of the amount of weight that we as a group had lost.  There were about 30 of us at the meeting, 70% post-ops and 30% preops.

Amazing how it adds up so quickly.



Citrate or Bust (a few bones) !
catnip.gif picture by catnipcook

on 6/7/11 12:49 pm - Ottawa, Canada
It was an awesome meeting!!!




on 6/7/11 1:45 pm - Canada
Was there really 30 of us!?! WOW. Good meeting. The guidance and experience of those that have gone before us as well as the reminders from those that are coming after us are much appreciated. Thank you to everyone who came out tonight. And thanks to Terry for taking care of making these meeting possible.

If only there was a way to measure how many fears were lost or how many miracle moments were found at this meeting...

A la prochaine.
~Just another day for you and me in paradise. 

on 6/7/11 6:41 pm
It was nice to meet folks in person. 

on 6/7/11 8:57 pm
That is so cool
I wish there was a  'Like" button.. . 


on 6/9/11 11:53 am - Ottawa, Canada
See?? I *do* know you!! lol




Karen M #2
on 6/7/11 10:11 pm - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 04/20/10 with
Too friggin' awesome! Loved that you kept track of that! Thanks!
Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.  - Robert Collier

Follow me on Twitter!: Karen_M_2

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