sugar/sugar alcohol

on 6/15/12 10:00 am - Brussels, Canada
RNY on 05/30/12
 I am so confused about what I am supposed to be looking for. 
I am finding things with 0 sugar but then like 12g sugar alcohol.
Can anyone tell me what exactly I should be looking for? Thanks so much in advance.
on 6/15/12 10:23 am
Sugar alcohols are sugar substitutes and our bodies don't absorb them the same as sugar. Sugar substitutes are the ingredients listed with the -itol ending: sorbitol, malitol, etc. Some diets that use a low cal approach find that sugar alcohols are not digested and thus should be subtracted from the carb total of a product (much like you would fibre) to find net carbs, which is why it's found in products designed for dieters, low carbers and people avoiding sugar.

However, some people react negatively to sugar alcohols (digestive upset) if the sugar alcohol content is too high, so they try and avoid them. The only sugar alcohol (through my reading and understanding) that doesn't cause this effect is erythritol because it does not break down in the intestines if I remember correctly. Other sugar substitutes that aren't sugar alcohols are things like Splenda, Stevia, etc. I have used splenda, erythritol and stevia quite well in my cooking and baking and found no side effects.

All this being said, sugar alcohols may or may not bug you, or they may bug you but only in high amounts. It's a very individual thing. So my suggestion would be if you find a product you like and it works in your plan nutritionally, but the only thing that concerns you is the sugar alcohols, than I would say try it but proceed with caution, trying little bits at a time until you find your own personal tolerance.

Hope this helps! 
Katie  ♥     
on 6/15/12 11:04 am
I have slowly tested the amount of sugar alcohol my body can handle...I honestly don't have a good number yet it really depends on the type.  That being said I haven't had any major problems! (knock on wood! lol)  Do what feels right for your body...we all have to figure that part out! Best of luck!
Orientation: Oct. 5/11     NP: Nov. 16/11     SW: Nov. 16/11
NC: Nov. 23/11     N-1on1: Jan. 6/12     PSYC: Jan. 6/12
Surgeon:  Feb. 24/12     Surgery:  March 20/12

on 6/16/12 11:33 am - Hamilton, Canada
 ditto to Smiley K

Surgery date May 7 / 2012
Highest 312 lbs - Pre Op 297lbs - now 199 lbs
I know now that my location was never my destination.



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