Hematologist Results

on 3/4/15 1:10 pm

As you guys know I had to go see the Hematologist for Anemia. Well, he said that Bypass won't be a good option for me right now because once I had surgery I wouldn't be able to absorb the Iron medication fully. He said I don't have any Iron stored in my body and when I take Iron my body automatically uses it and doesn't store any. He said my Anemia has nothing to do with my diet, it's due to my heavy menstruation. He told me that I have to do Iron Infusions and I'm scheduled for next Tuesday but I have to reschedule because my sister will be having her Bypass then. So, as soon as I get the periods under control and I take an infusion, we're going to go from there but I'm looking at least until May before I can have surgery. So, for now, I'm going to continue watching my diet and what I eat and exercise. I know I'll get there to my surgery I just got to take care of this first and then it'll follow. Thanks for all the prayers, comments, and messages. They mean a lot to me. Thanks again. God bless, XO.


HW:325, SW:281, CW:250

on 3/4/15 1:18 pm
RNY on 12/29/14

I understand the issues of low iron due to my menstrual cycle.  This was hard for me through all my pre-hysterectomy life!  Sadly, I did not realize fully what the problem was for almost 3 decades, and definitely did not when I was young like you. I think my anemia and low energy partially contributed to my weight gain over the years...low energy, seeking food for quick energy, etc.  So anyhow, I think it is great that you are having this evaluated now, and that you are aware at your young age.  I know it must be discouraging, too, but I am sure it will all work out.  Keep plugging away towards the WLS.  It will work out before long.

on 3/4/15 1:31 pm

Thank you so much. My greatest fear is not being able to have surgery at all or them telling me I have to have lapband or something. It's RNY or nothing. Is your Anemia worse now that you have had surgery? Do you have to take Iron Infusions, if you don't mind me asking. I hope it all will work out. Thanks again!


HW:325, SW:281, CW:250

on 3/6/15 4:52 am
RNY on 12/29/14

I wish I could give you better information.  I had my hysterectomy a year before I had the WLS.  My anemia was a problem before that, for much of my life, but it was definitely better after the hysterectomy.  But I was almost 50 years old when I had that hysterectomy; you are young. 

Also, about anemia after WLS, I cannot give good info on that either.  I am only 2  mos out from surgery.  I feel like I had good energy during that year after the hysterectomy and before WLS.  However, now that I am after WLS, my energy level is very low.   I have wondered if it could be anemia, since I had that for so many years before.  But it could be soooooo many other things, instead, and I don't have my first labs for another few weeks.

I guess I mostly wanted you to know that others know how hard the anemia/bleeding issues can be.  For some women, they can be extreme, and you have to stand up for yourself.  I am sure that with effort, you will find a solution to both your anemia and your goals for WLS.  Good luck to you.


on 3/4/15 1:23 pm - Kitchener, Canada

It definitely makes sense for you to look after the iron deficiency before WLS. Frustrating I know when you're ready to forge ahead but you'll be so much better off when the surgery day finally comes. Best of luck to you and your  sister! Kim

Dr Referral Jan/14, Guelph Orientation Feb 27/14, Nurse, Nut, SW app't Mar 14 & June 16/14, Nut, SW Aug 26/14, Internist Dr. Agarwal app't Sept 15/14, Surgeon App't Dr. Bhojani Dec 11/14, Start 3 weeks Opti Jan 6/15, Surgery Jan 27/15. Eating to live...Not living to eat!


on 3/4/15 1:32 pm

Thank you so much! & Yes, It's SO frustrating! I have been trying for this surgery since Jan 2014 and it just seems like one bump in the road after another.


HW:325, SW:281, CW:250

on 3/4/15 1:45 pm - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

My sister had RNY seven years before me; one of her many problems is iron levels.  She has surgery regrets.  Please gather more professional opinions along with your hematologist, see if they match, and go from there.  I read your story; your words reveal you are a strong, good person and will manage well no matter what your outcome.  

on 3/4/15 1:51 pm

Thank you! My hematologist and my surgeon have both told to see an OB/GYN and get my periods under control and take a couple Iron Infusions and I should manage normal levels as long as my periods are controlled. I have PCOS and that causes me to have heavy cycles.


HW:325, SW:281, CW:250

H.A.L.A B.
on 3/4/15 8:26 pm
H.A.L.A B.
on 3/4/15 8:26 pm, edited 3/5/15 4:03 am

Even without periods i can't keep my iron up without infusions. It sucks on that part. 

Some people can take supplements and absorb them. 

Have you consider the sleeve? I understand you want RNY ..but...

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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