bariatric card

on 10/11/11 12:57 am - FL
RNY on 03/26/12
Well said Jaade. Thank you!
A. C
on 10/10/11 2:16 pm
why are there su*****redibly out of proportion responses to a WLS card? seriously? this card is something to get worked up about?
if you don't like it, don't use it, but to condescend and be a ***** to someone who might want to use one? total BS.

on 10/10/11 2:53 pm, edited 10/10/11 2:59 am - TX
Why are some of you so mean? I have only been on this form for a short time and it seems to be the same peple *****ally are quite ugly to others.I thought this was supose to where folks could come and get answers to questions. If it is, please be nicer so we are not afraid to ask for fear of being "eaten alive".
I don't know why those little stars appear in this post and in some others. Also, why does the message go past the box and part of the words in the messages are clipped off?
So Blessed!
on 10/10/11 11:52 pm, edited 10/10/11 11:53 pm


There are all different kinds of personalities on this Message Board just like in real life.  We can't control how they will respond to a thread.  If someone rubs you the wrong way, there is a BLOCK button that you can press underneath their response and it removes everything that they post from your view.   You never have to see them again.  I've used this feature before when there were some particularly toxic people on the board who had nothing helpful to offer. 

There are, however, some people here who have a sharp tongue that are actually quite knowledgeable.  If you block them you might miss out on gaining some useful information.  You don't have to like them to learn from them.  It's your choice though.  You know your comfort level better than anyone else.

The threads with the stars mean that when they were created the poster marked them as being urgent.

I don't know the answer to your last question.  Sorry.

Have a good day.
Elizabeth N.
on 10/11/11 1:18 am - Burlington County, NJ
It's the Internet and this is how it works. Get used to it. If you don't like the way someone posts, you have a "block" button at the bottom of your message window. Click that, click "ok" in the next window and you won't see that person any more.

It's important to grow a thicker skin when you communicate on forums. I realize this is a huge jolt when you're new to this kind of interaction. I have some trauma stories of my own to tell, as I've been doing forums since, oh, 1994 or so.

What you do NOT get to do, and what will earn you an awful lot of pushback from others, is to tell people to "be nice" or how to post. You have to learn how to screen out the stuff you don't want to hear all on your own. You also have to learn how to not take it personally whenever possible.

It's a great growth opportunity :-).

on 10/12/11 9:57 am
are the stars inside of words? If so, it means you've got your 'adult content filter' turned on, and the software is blipping out 'naughty' words like "ass".
on 10/12/11 11:56 am - TX
Yes they are.  Thanks.  Is there any reason the text is also cut off at the end of each line?
on 10/12/11 12:12 pm
Sorry, I'm clueless on that one.
on 10/13/11 6:48 am - Northern, CA
On October 12, 2011 at 6:56 PM Pacific Time, NanaRose142 wrote:
Yes they are.  Thanks.  Is there any reason the text is also cut off at the end of each line?
Your browser doesn't like OH software. Sometimes switching to a different browser helps.

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on 10/10/11 4:02 pm - STATEN ISLAND, NY
seriously not worth the hassle. just ask for a to go container immediately and store it as it comes to the table.

Think about it; kids menu isn't the healthiest.

I wasn't given a card either, and restaurants don't have to honor them.
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