Gut and digestive distress many years after gastric bypass w/gall bladder removal

on 1/15/17 2:10 pm

I have been having serious issues related to my digestive tract for the past 2-3 years. Things like serious pain, gas and bloating, distention, constipation, diarrhea, acne, fatigue, hormonal imbalance and whole body inflammation. I have been through many types of healthcare practitioners and tests and therapies and yet I still struggle to return to normal healthy functioning. 

I am reaching out to see if anyone has experienced something similar and what you did about it. Thank you.


Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 1/15/17 4:24 pm
DS on 04/11/16

Have you tried probiotics? There is a really great one called VSL#3, they actually use it to treat Crohns. You have to get it from the pharmacy and it needs to be refrigerated. It is pricey like $75 for a 30 day supply, but the stuff works miracles. 

on 1/15/17 6:22 pm

Thank you. Yes, I have tried probiotics but not specifically those. I will look into it. Thanks again. 

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


Laura in Texas
on 1/15/17 6:48 pm

Hala has written often about her food sensitivities and intolerances. I hope she chimes in to give you ideas. Have you tried an elimination diet?

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 1/15/17 7:12 pm

Thank you for your reply. I have been working with a clinical nutritionist for a few months and she has me on a very strict diet that has eliminated most all foods. I am not joking when I state that. Protein drink in the morning. Berries mid morning. Bone broth and small salad and 1/2 avocado for lunch. Berries mid afternoon. Fish and a choice of vegetable from a very specific list plus some ferment d sauerkraut for dinner. Fast from 7 pm to 10 am. Take lots of supplements. Do a 40-min detox bath in epsom salt daily. Now she wants me to add a daily coffee enema (good grief). 


Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


Beam me up Scottie
on 1/15/17 9:05 pm
Just based on my digestive track....i'd be sh**ing too!

Epsom salt baths....are basically a way of putting a lot of magnesium into your system. Magnesium= pooping. Lots of magnesium= lots of pooping.

Protein drinks. Honestly, Whey protein and I just do not agree. I have found 1 protein shake (body fortress) and 1 protein bar brand (Atkins) that agree with me....every other whey protein shake/bar gives me terrible gas). A lot of them have xylitol, or other sugar alcohols. At more than a year out form's unlikely that you "need" protein'd be better off eating a solid protein (i.e. Eggs) for breakfast.

Berries: Meh.....wouldn't affect me.

Salad/avocado /bone broth...again wouldn't affect me. What kind of dressing are you using (if any)? Most dressings do not affect me...but an oil and vinegar would not agree with me.

Fermented sauerkraut? Basically asking for trouble! I have read all the NP stuff about it....but YIKES. Cabbage and probiotics!!! I'd be bloated all night.

Coffee enema....meh. I've read enough about know that the research is iffy on it. It can stress your body (I know what NPs say...but MDs say it can stress your body). Besides Enema's are not a great way to keep things moving.

This is going to sound crazzzzzyyyyy.....but instead of spending any more money on doctors...... go down to Hala's post and just try eating a very gut friendly diet for a week.

On a side note, one of my friends is allergic to glutton (not intolerant....allergic). She has to eat a VERY strict paleo type diet. When she doesn't ....her face breaks out, she has all the symptoms you have, and she gains weight. It is almost impossible to eat out with her, because she can only eat a few items ...and if she orders something, she has to grill the waiters on what is in the recipe. When she has a night time event, she won't take the chance of eating out...because it can affect her gut. (She did not have WLS).

Good luck to you!

on 1/15/17 9:40 pm

Ugh, lately I have trouble with constipation even taking oral magnesium. I was away for two weeks and the place that I was staying had a shower, not a tub, so I could not take the epsom salt baths. So maybe that is why. Just got out of my bath. Let the pooping begin (sorry, I could not resist)!

Does NP = NaturoPath? 

Do you know why the probiotics bother you? I was told that PREbiotics cause gas. No one said anything about probiotics.

Your experience with whey protein interests me. I am pretty sure that I was bloated after my shoe this morning. I am using PaleoPure protein powder. My clinical nutritionist said it is the most bioavailable. She wants to see if it is the coconut milk that I mis it with that is causing me gas/bloat. I am going to check out the ingredients list on the protein powder in the morning based on what you've written. As far as eggs, she said 3x a week I could have three egg whites and one yolk that was runny. No thanks. I'll pass on that. She said that my intestines would not be able to handle the yolk if it was cooked. 

Why does oil and vinegar bother you? I use lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Sometimes I add a little EVOO or Macadamia Oil. But with the avocado it usually isn't necessary. 

I do not think that the fermented veggies bother me but it does seem weird that I would be able to tolerate cabbage even if it is partly "digested" through fermentation. I am going to begin a food diary and write down my body's response after each meal. 


I haven't read anything about coffee enemas. I will check it out. Thanks.

Your friend sounds like me. It is very difficult for me to eat anywhere but home. I assume your friend is following an AIP Paleo diet. It was a little concerning to me that some of the foods forbidden on AIP Paleo or the SIBO FODMAPS diet that Hala mentioned were on my meal plan. I might go ahead and eliminate them. Like I said, I should just live on air and water (with sea salt and lemon juice added).

Thanks so much for your detailed reply.



Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 1/16/17 9:54 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

The most bio-available protein powder is whey protein isolate which is why it is recommended for us... and is also lactose free- which can eliminate some of the gas and digestion problems... if you feel a need to use it. Whey protein concentrate does have you have to pay attention...

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



Beam me up Scottie
on 1/18/17 6:48 pm
NP -Naturo path

I cannot have most Whey proteins. I am lactose intolerant - I do not care what people say...something in whey (all whey including isolate) gives me diarrhea and gas. I use to use an egg protein shake for years, but found that Body Fortress works ok, same with Atkins bars. Not sure why....but it does. I do not drink it often...I've had the same protein shake for months......I eat a couple of atkins bars a day.

Not sure why probiotics make me bloat....but my wife begged me to stop taking them the last time I tried them. (I've tried all kinds of those as well). Have no idea why Vinegar and oil effects me....same with mayo on tuna. I do eat a lot of fat, but those versions go right through me.

on 1/20/17 8:27 pm

Thank you. There is a lot of good information here. Thanks.

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


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