Bad day = sweet cravings ... don't give in!!!

on 2/12/13 4:47 am - Gloucester, Canada

Oh man, I have had such a bad day.  I want to go buy a bag of Goodies and dive right in.  I've been having a hard time with depression lately and some situations in my life make me feel helpless.   How crazy is it to be able to slip right back into old habits.   I have such a sweet craving right now, it is almost unbearable. I know it would give me a momentary sense of relief, but I can't do it to myself again.  This is one slippery slope I don't care to mess with.  I leave work in 15 minutes so I will head home and try to distract myself. 

I just needed to put this out there in order to feel accountable in a way.  Thanks for listening.

Referal: June 23, 2011;  Info: August 26, 2011;  Dr.: July3, 2012; U/S: July 13, 2012;  Beh/Nut: Aug 13, 2012;  Ed class: Aug 22, 2012;  Scope: Sept 7, 2012;  Met with surgeons fellow: Sept 17, 2012; SURGERY: Nov 16, 2012 with Dr. Mamazza.  
on 2/12/13 4:56 am
RNY on 12/05/13

Hi Debbie

I am new to this board. I know how bad it is with depression.  I suffered from it for many years.  I wish I was there to give you a hug.  I would like to share something I read on someone's signature here today.  It resonated with me so I wrote it down.  I plan on this being my new mantra should I be luck enough to get the opportunity to have WLS. Maybe it will help you:

Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!

So we have two choices,  have a quick release of the craving, choosing this “costs me the opportunity” of doing the other thing I want to do so much  (losing weight and getting healthy).

Hugs to you


Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 2/12/13 5:13 am - Gloucester, Canada

Thank you so much for this.  It really means a lot to me!

Referal: June 23, 2011;  Info: August 26, 2011;  Dr.: July3, 2012; U/S: July 13, 2012;  Beh/Nut: Aug 13, 2012;  Ed class: Aug 22, 2012;  Scope: Sept 7, 2012;  Met with surgeons fellow: Sept 17, 2012; SURGERY: Nov 16, 2012 with Dr. Mamazza.  
on 2/12/13 4:57 am - Ottawa, Canada

Hi Debbie,

try a little greek yogurt with some SF pudding mix.  add a little splenda for added 'sweetness'.  It's what I do if I'm craving desert.


HW: 386 - RNY: 356.8 (14-Mar-2013) - CW: 238.6 (07-May-2014)  . . . GOAL: 199  

on 2/12/13 5:14 am - Gloucester, Canada

I don't have any SF pudding mix, but thank you Tammy.

Referal: June 23, 2011;  Info: August 26, 2011;  Dr.: July3, 2012; U/S: July 13, 2012;  Beh/Nut: Aug 13, 2012;  Ed class: Aug 22, 2012;  Scope: Sept 7, 2012;  Met with surgeons fellow: Sept 17, 2012; SURGERY: Nov 16, 2012 with Dr. Mamazza.  
on 2/12/13 5:06 am - Canada

Protein bar ?  That often will take care of my sweet cravings.    I will have 1/2 of the Premier Protein bar from Costco (no sugar alcohols)

I'm sorry you are having a bad day :(  I hope that you are on your way home, windows down, music cranked and you are singing as loud as you can getting your stress and sad OUT.  (ok sometimes that works for me)

Big Hugs !

Referral:  August 2011  Information session:  November 2011
Nut/Psych/SW: Spring 2012  Surgeon Meet:  July 6, 2012  Surgery: August 30, 2012
on 2/12/13 5:16 am - Gloucester, Canada

Thank you.  I think I have a bar in my purse.

I take the bus home from work and it's funny how people look at me funny when I sing at the top of my lungs.  What's their problem?  lol

Hug received.

Referal: June 23, 2011;  Info: August 26, 2011;  Dr.: July3, 2012; U/S: July 13, 2012;  Beh/Nut: Aug 13, 2012;  Ed class: Aug 22, 2012;  Scope: Sept 7, 2012;  Met with surgeons fellow: Sept 17, 2012; SURGERY: Nov 16, 2012 with Dr. Mamazza.  
on 2/12/13 5:22 am
RNY on 12/05/13

That a girl!  I just picked up some SF premade Jello Pudding at Walmart yesterday.

Ottawa bus system, second to none!


Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 2/12/13 5:34 am - Canada
RNY on 09/13/13


I have found a new love for cottage cheese ( could never get past the mushy consistency.

I add a  drop or two of MIO ( favorite is mango) and almost puree it in mini chopper/blender. I then put it in the freezer for 5-10 minutes.

I love love this. 

Good Luck,

If you need to vent/rant while on the bus send me a text ( I gave you my cell number earlier).




Ref sent April 2012 - Orientation May 18, 2012 - Blood Work & NP October 9th, 2012 - H.Pylori  December 2012, Tested Positive-Nut & Beh December 6th 2012 - 2nd Nut. February 7th 2013- Pulmonary Function Test Feb 19 2013- Stress test Mar 7,2013-Sleep test March 11,2013- Abd.Us. April 8,2013-Angiogram April 23,2013-Pre-Op Class May 22,2013-Scope May 24,2013-Meet Surgeon May 30,2013-Surgery FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 13.

(deactivated member)
on 2/12/13 5:44 am - Straford, Canada

Good post! Hope you get home without incidence!  I walked through Bulk Barn today and used my usual aisle which is full of chocolate crap...  stopped in front of a couple of bins and had a quiet moment...  then moved on and picked up some psyllium and coffee beans and made a quick escape.  But I came close!  Good luck!  

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