New show on TLC "Skin Tight"

on 12/30/15 5:24 pm - Ayer, MA

There is a new show coming to the TLC network in January called Skin Tight where they show people after having WLS (and losing weight) with extra skin and I don't know rest as it hasn't aired yet. I think maybe it will show their journey/tribulations to having (or not having) various skin removal surgeries. Should be interesting...What do you all think?? I'm on the count down to my Tummy Tuck with muscle and hernia repair on 2/16/16. I've already had BL/BA and arm lif****ching the new show may entertain me and help the 7 weeks until my surgery go by.


on 12/31/15 7:41 am
VSG on 04/18/17

....I just saw the coming attractions for the "Skin Tight" show and not only am I excited about it but I'm going to see if I can BE ON IT!!

I had a pannilectomy (tummy tuck) and the insurance paid for it but that was almost 9 yrs ago. I have a terrible time with the "bat wings" and I don't think they will pay for that. did you get support with your arm lift? and how bad were yours?

I've been out of surgery for almost 13 yrs now and I'm trying to take off the 50 lbs I put on in the last 2-3 yrs now. I'd like to have my arms done because even at my smallest I can't wear anything sleeveless including a bathing suit. Imgine losing over 130 lbs (well you can duh) and not even WANTING to put on a bathing suit in Jamaica????

I'm looking forward to the show girl but don't be surprised if you see me on it!! LOL

won't they do it for free if I have it televised???


on 12/31/15 5:59 pm - Ayer, MA

Hello Replay Queen,

Congrats on losing 130 lbs. and getting back on track to lose the weight you regained! That is awesome! You can do it!

Just one thing I wanted to tell though because we all need to be informed about the different procedures out there and what we have had done. You mentioned in your post that you had a panniculectomy (tummy tuck) that insurance paid for. 

A panniculectomy is not a tummy tuck. It is a surgical procedure that removes the pannus (the apron of skin that hangs down and covers your vagina and/or your thighs) usually from the belly botton down. It just cuts off that lower roll if you will. Some insurances will cover it because people get rashes and infections in their skin folds. 

A tummy tuck is a full Abdominoplasty is a much more detailed surgery that 1) removes excess skin and fat that covers the entire abdomen starting underneath your breast going down to genitals. 2) It usually includes muscle repair (abdominal muscles separate with weight gain and pregnancy. Those muscles are the "6 pack" people talk about. Some people elect not to have the muscle repair as it can be painful or they don't need it and just have skin and fat removed. Abdominoplasty also often includes lipo of fat tissue and a mons lift (the puffy part of your vigina). Most insurances won't pay for this and only pay to remove the pannus (panniculectomy).  I'm lucky my insurance is paying for it (complete extended abdominoplasty with muscle and hernia repair) and determined it was medically necessary for me. I only explain this to help you so that you know what procedures you have had done and what you may still need to have done if your not happy with your abdomen above the belly botton. Sorry so long!

That being said (whew)! I think that is great that you are applying to be on the show! Yes, the should pay for it if your chosen! My husband and I paid for my BL/BA and Arm lift. We paid mostly cash and charged some on CareCredit that we have paid off. My batwings were quite large and like you I had to buy coats, sweaters, and shirts in an XL or even a 1X (plus size) to fit over my arms and were too big for the rest of my body where I wore a large. Now I'm down to a medium!! Yay! 

We have to keep in touch and be supportive of each other! It will be funny to look up and see you on the show but I'm sure you will let know if you are selected!!! Happy New Year to you and Yours!!! Don't know if I can stay awake to bring in the New Year. Hubbie asked if I wanted to go out and show off my new body in a cute little dress to a couple parties we were invited to.  I said:Yes, just you, me, my cute itty bitty black dress, sexy thong and a spanks that I have to keep pulling up as it rolls down all night while we are dancing. No thank you. I will wait to next year after my TT when I won't even OWN a girdle!!


on 1/1/16 2:42 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

I am interested in seeing the show, considering I am trying to find a plastic surgeon at this point and make decisions. can ask you two questions? First, which Doc are you using? Did they do you your BL/BA and Arm lift?

Also how did you ge them to pay for the whole abdominoplasty? Did you have to go to a Doc 'participating' in your plan?

OK, that is 4 questions LOL.... thanks

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 1/3/16 5:55 pm - Ayer, MA

Hello NYMOM222,

Happy New Year! 

OK, you asked me four questions:

1) Yes, the same PS who did my BL,BA, Arm lift and Upper Body lift (he excised the skin, lipoed the fat  sculpted that whole "bra fat"  and back area). He did a wonderful job and I'm very happy with his work.

2) I do not give out my PS name because he would be bombarded with request for TT 's by people who can't afford to get the TT otherwise (if insurance didn't pay they can't afford the surgery, he makes no money but would be out of his time for consult and the time it takes to submit to insurance). Keep in mind that my husband and I have already paid him for my other work that wasn't covered.

3)The truth of the matter is this: It is not my surgeon that made the difference in my insurance covering my TT it is my INSURANCE it self. I have Federal Blue Cross/Shield. I'm a federal employee. According to my benefit brochure if you and your doctor want to perform a procedure that is not listed as automatically covered your doctor (in this case PS) has to submit a for a Precertification for the procedure. It will go be for a medical board and they will determine if the procedure requested is medically necessary or not.


3) I had my WLS in 2007 and over the years I've had yeast infections and skin breakdown (where my skin would become red, painful and crack open) under my pannus or apron. I went to my primary care physician who prescribed  medicine and treated me for my skin infections. Those visits where she examined me and prescribed medication for the rashes and infections were documented in my chart.

I signed a release of information and had my PCP fax those medical records (the ones pertaining to my rashes and infections) to my PS.

My PS took pictures of my abdomen, wrote a brief letter explaining that I had lost over 100lbs. and had Gastric Bypass in 2007 (which Blue Cross already knew because they paid for it) and had excess skin that the only way to correct was through a TT. He measured my hanging pannus. 

He then called the number on the back of  my insurance card  and asked them where to send the precertification request. He emailed and faxed the pre certification (pre-approval) request for TT, the letter, pictures, measurements and  PCP documentation to Blue Cross. They approved me in less than 24 hours. But it is because of my insurance plan NOT the doctor. 

So, first thing I would do? Call the number on the back of your insurance card speak to an agent and ask what is the policy on getting pre approved for a procedure? Do they even do pre approvals? My surgery was approved in writing with my doctor's name, date and hospital.  You can also look in your benefit plan brochure, the plan may even be one on-line. Look under surgeries as to what is covered and what is not. It will certainly say that cosmetic procedures are not covered. It may also say something about applying for pre certifications  for procedures/surgeries. Blue Cross determined after we submitted that my surgery is not cosmetic but is medically necessary. So, if your insurance plan will cover the TT if you meet their requirements it doesn't matter who the doctor is. Other than 4) Yes, your doctor  should be a surgeon that is in network. 

Good luck, I hope this helps... 


on 1/5/16 9:09 am - Damariscotta, ME
I'm hoping for the full tt as well. i had a c section 23 years ago so my pannis doesn't hang normal. it falls to the sides so my belly looks like a butt. i try to make fun but in reality it really bothers me. i've been exercising like crazy to get the 30 pounds i've gained back off. i had gny in 2008 and did great until i slacked on exercising. mostly because it became painful. running with my pannis is like running without a bra. no matter what garment i wear it's still painful. now i'm working on a weight training regimine and walking. i've gotten 13 pounds back off and my goal is in within 2 years to get my tt. i also have the rashes and have had them documented. i'm a state worker so my insurance isn't as good as yours but cudos to your doctor of all of his effort to help you get approved. if i can't get it covered by insurance i will pay out of pocket. i'm hoping they pick up most of the bill so i can keep on my path of health.

Highest-232.5  Surgery Day 2/18/08 - 215  Today-197  Goal-150
Sadly gained after 2 years out!  Working hard to get it off! 
Goal 150 with tummy tuck and thigh lift to follow!

on 1/5/16 7:26 pm - Ayer, MA

Hello Pinky

Congrats on losing the 13 lbs.! You are halfway there! I wish you luck  with your insurance approval! From what you described your surgery sounds medically necessary. May I ask why wait to 2 years before applying? I would go for it. From what you described you shouldn't have to be at your ideal weight before applying for surgery. You do however want to be at a stable weight that you can easily maintain and really shouldn't lose or gain more than 10-12 lbs.because you don't want to ruin your new tummy. I'm getting nervous  about my TT and will be leaning on support I find here on OH!



on 1/6/16 5:36 am - Damariscotta, ME
I know it's a major surgery and I want to get in the best shape I can so recovery will be easier. I'm going for my annual physical next month and will plan to start the process then. I have maintained my weight now for 4-5 years so I know once I'm back down I can do it. Thanks for your kind words. I will stay in touch.

Highest-232.5  Surgery Day 2/18/08 - 215  Today-197  Goal-150
Sadly gained after 2 years out!  Working hard to get it off! 
Goal 150 with tummy tuck and thigh lift to follow!

on 1/5/16 10:33 am
VSG on 04/18/17

Hello again Finechocoalte!


Sorry for the delay in my response. I should have explained why I put said Tummy Tuck. I realize that it's not the same, but my insurance and most insurance will only pay for the "skin removal" and that's what I was going to get. HOWEVER....a surprise to me but when my dr went in to to the surgery he found my "muscles" or "6 pk" were already together. Therefore he said I had the results of a tummy tuck.

Many dr's of patients in my support group will also check out the muscles while doing surgery and some even go ahead and do the a part of the surgery.

I was happy (except for a small "dog ear" on the right side of my lower abdomen) and I'm still happy with the results almost 10 yrs later....and after weight gain!!

I don't know about other plastics but tummy tuck is something I have experience with!!

Good luck with your journey!!


on 1/5/16 6:56 pm - Ayer, MA

Hello ReplayQueen,

I'm so happy that your results were/are so awesome! I'm excited to see my results but nervous about surgery as I have heard that the muscle tightening is painful and my PC says I need it. I'm sorry if I told you info you already knew... always try to help others as others on here have helped me. I wish you good luck on your journey as well and maybe see you on Skin Tight! We will have to keep in touch. I may need a little extra support in the upcoming weeks surgery is 2/16/16...I will try not to freak out. 



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