So Pissed!!!

on 4/20/11 10:04 am
Sorry, I have to vent for a moment!!....

My surgeon told me that he wanted me to be 50lbs by my follow up!! He told me that he would email me a menu to follow to help me get to this. I was supposed to have this menu by last Friday. Its almost Friday again and I still do not have it. I have called him like 3 times about this menu and still nothing. And to make matters worse, I have only lost 4lbs over this last week and still need to lose another 10. I swear my weight has a grudge against me! I eat healthy, I have an active lifestyle, I work with children I get my sleep, and I work out twice a day, four days a week and then once a day for two days a week.

There has to be something I am doing wrong since my weight refuses to move!! I guess Im just even more mad because I feel like if he would've emailed me the menu I might have lost more weight!!! UGGGHHHHH!! Im starting to think this surgery was bad idea.... If only I has implemented these changes a long time ago, i would not be sittin here pissed right now!!!!
Lady Lithia
on 4/20/11 10:09 am
You are barely a month out and he wants you to hit the 50lb mark?

YOU aren't doing anything wrong, he's the whackadoo!

I hit 33 lbs lost at TWO months

50 lbs lost at THREE months

50% excess weight at SIX months

You're doing FABULOUS

I'd just follow the plan, ignore what he wants (I'm sure he wants lots of things he's not going to get)

When you go see him and he wants to know how you did on HIS special menu, tell him that as SOON AS YOU GET IT you'll let him know.

Be real sweet like saccharin and let him know that HE FELL DOWN ON HIS JOB and thus he can't expect you to be a mind-reader.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 4/20/11 10:18 am
Hahaha!! Good idea!! & Your right! 
My husband says I'm stressing especially with my workouts. He always says that even if I ate til I was 100% full and puking at every mean, I'd still probably burn up all my calories between kickboxing and the gym at night and having to walk up and down the gym at work all day!! I guess with my current "limitations" there can't be much I'm doing wrong!
on 4/20/11 10:10 am
So you  have lost over 40 lbs since 3-15-11?  That is GREAT!  4 lbs in a week is also great.
on 4/20/11 10:21 am
Yup, but majority of that was in the first 2 weeks!! And about 10 of it was while I was in the hospital for a week not eating anything at all!!
Michelle V.
on 4/20/11 10:11 am - GA
 IMO he is insane to make a weight loss goal for you. Everyone loses weight at different rates and speeds. You are way ahead of me in lose and my doctor says I am doing great.  I had a week where I didn't lose one pound. And what's funny is that was the week I puked every day.

You are losing and that is what counts. I wondered if all this was worth it with the problems I have been having but when I looked at my first month picture of my face the other day....O Yes! it is all worth it.

Stay strong!

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/20/11 10:13 am - OH
Don;t be so hard on yourself.  At the stage you are at, how much you are losing and when you stall has VERY little to do with what you are eating... it is MUCH more about your body adjusting to the bypass and the drastic reduction in food.  The weight will start dropping again when your body is ready and NOT UNTIL THEN.  (So you might still be sitting there all pissed off even if he had sent the menu and you had followed it to the letter!)

Your doctor should know how this works and that he cannot prescribe how much weight ANYONE "should" lose over any specific time period.  He SHOULD, however, have sent the menu he promised, and I would be sure to raise the issue with him the next time you are in to see him!  Either that ot  just pester the hell out of his office until they DO send it!


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Laura in Texas
on 4/20/11 10:28 am
Have you looked at the OH weight loss planner?  Click HERE to enter your height and weight and it will give you an estimate of what to expect month by month.  Your doctor is crazy.  Don't let him drive YOU crazy.  My first month I "only" lost 29 pounds and I am at goal now.  


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 4/20/11 11:06 am
I can control how much food I put into my mouth.  I cannot control how much weight I lose.  I can eat the exact same thing day after day and one week I lose 1 lb and the next week .5 lb.  I have no idea why it's so unpredictable but you would think a MD would realize that.  It is just not in our control.  There are many variables including activity levels, hormones, the alignment of the stars.  I would just give him a copy of how you have been eating and exercising and see if he has any suggestions for improvement.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 4/20/11 1:19 pm - Cottage Grove, MN
Also remember, that if exercise is new to you with your increased weight loss, muscle you are building is denser, heavier that fat. I'm no expert, but it could explain some of what you are going through. You ARE doing fantastic though....try not to let this throw a roadblock in front of your success!!
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