A gift to myself as well as my children.

on 5/9/11 7:48 am

So yesterday on mother's day I gave the greatest gift to myself and my children. I quit SMOKING!!! Yay me! I can't believe I even started smoking again. I had quit when I was pregnant with the twins (they just turned 2). Then when they were 2 months old I had a pulmonary embolism. Yeah, I should have NEVER started again. About 7 months ago, I had a party and don't usually drink. Well, I got a little tipsy (ok really tipsy) and my friend was on my porch smoking. I thought I could be one of those people who just had a couple and leave it alone again. Nope. I did for a few weeks and broke down and bought my own pack to the disappoint of myself and my husband. I have a degree and have been in nursing since 95 so I know all of the implications of smoking after a PE. Well, I also know that if I still smoke after surgery, I was setting myself up for another PE. It was the most excruciating pain in my life and never want to go thru that again.

So I am done. Done forever. I now know that I am not and will never be one of those people that can have just one and be done. I have to approach this like it is, a true addiction. I have the patch on so I am not having any physical cravings, just head cravings. I didn't smoke in my house or in the car, just my porch. So if I get the urge, I will go take my Kindle that dh just got me for mother's day and sit on the porch and read in my smoking chair. lol

I'm sorry this was so long. Thanks for reading. On another positive note. I all of my pre-op requirements completed and just waiting on insurance approval. Once I get that, I will have my 1/2 day class with my dr, nurse and NUT and I will be good to go. The only pre-op testing I have to get is blood work! YAY. 

**SHELLY**   HW: 316   SW: 256   GW: 125  CW: 118       

on 5/9/11 7:54 am - NC
 Congratulations! I am the same way with smoking. I quit for 34 years and then started again. I was dating a girl who smoked like crazy, one after another. One night she asked me to hold her cigarette while she did something with her hair. I sneaked a quick puff and that was all she wrote. I bought a pack on my way home after dropping her off at home. That started a pack a day habit until I decided to have RNY surgery. I hope I never start again. BTW - When I broke up with her it was the best 125 pounds I have ever lost! 
on 5/9/11 8:05 am
Congratulations on quiting.  I started smoking about after about 10 years off of them.  I was going through a divorce and I just went out and bought a carton because I knew that after one puff I would be smoking again.
I finally quit about 8 or 9 months ago.  I really didn't want to but I just can't afford to smoke.  I am glad I did though.  I never say never, with weight, cigarettes or any other addiction.  I just say not today.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 5/9/11 8:26 am - FL
Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!! I was a 3 pack a day smoker and have been quit for 6 years now. The best thing i have EVER done next to this surgery.

on 5/9/11 2:42 pm - Cottage Grove, MN
Good for you!! Quitting sucks in it's own way, but you will feel so much better without it! I quit about 3 1/2yrs ago using Chantix, and have never looked at cigarettes with anything but disgust since. Good luck on your journey!
on 5/9/11 3:03 pm
Yay to you...Congrats on this decision!!! Good luck!!!!
on 5/9/11 3:06 pm
I used to go have a smoke while working on an oncology unit!
I quit in 1999. It's that first one that gets you. I also didn't drink any alcohol for about 5 years because I knew those two went together so well.
Congrats to you.
Deb T.


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