How should I be feeling 12 Days Post-Op?

on 1/1/12 7:39 pm - Greenwood, IN
I am now 12 days post-op and I must say it has been a bit rough so far. I had a couple of minor problems that medication have taken care of but I was wondering just how I should be feeling at this point? I feel belchy all the time, stomache always feels a bit unsettled. Eventhough I have started puree'd foods, I still loose almost all of my fluids via my bowels (I urinate very little). I feel weak, unmotivated, don't want to eat, mostly just want to drink cold fluids (water). I don't sleep great at night, kind of achey (especially my hips). I am sure most of this is normal but was wondering others experiences and how long I can expect these things to go on. I hope everyone had a great holiday season? Mine was, well, interesting but I anticipate it will be much better next year!
on 1/1/12 8:54 pm
For me it seems that things changed at 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months.  At 2 days I started to feel more human (probably because I got out of the hospital), 2 weeks I started feeling like I could venture away from the house without worry, and at 2 months I REALLY started to feel like I was back to "me" again, just with a different diet.

Hang in there, biggest thing is to get your fluids and protein.
on 1/1/12 9:39 pm - Barberton, OH

I have to say I felt REALLY belchy for the first couple of weeks...still do at times, and I'm 8 weeks out. I guess it's just your "new" digestive system starting to work. My stomach sounded like a war zone after I ate or drank anything at first! I only really wanted cold drinks too. Especially right out of the hospital. I was on liquids the first two weeks, and even protein shakes made me kind of nauseated sometimes. I've not been hungry at all. The soreness in my abdomen took about 4 weeks to completely go away. It only really bothered me at night when I was trying to get comfortable in bed. I didn't sleep real well either, which is why you might not feel energetic during the day. I took naps and that helped. You have to remember, you had major surgery and your body is healing right now, that will drain your energy. Also, are you drinking enough water? I didn't urinate a WHOLE lot, but I did go pretty normally. It's hard to get in enough fluids I know. I chewed crushed ice a lot with my water. And lots of jello and sugar free popsicles help get your fluids in too. It took awhile to get my system regulated again.
You're right...the holidays were interesting this year, but will be better next year for us! Hope you start feeling better soon! I'm sure you will.

LilySlim Weight loss tickers
on 1/1/12 10:13 pm - TX
I remember that my hips would hurt alot during sleep. The sleep was not as restful as normal either. It was hard to find a good spot where all my body was comfortable.

I'm heading into my 10th week post-op now and feel great. I don't remember when my hips stopped aching, but they did.

It gets so much better. Your energy level will soon increase and you'll forget that your hips ached at night!

Sending positive energies your way.
on 1/2/12 3:59 am - Elizabeth, NJ
I actually felt better in my first and second weeks than in my third. I think that the pain and tiredness of recuperating in the beginning distracted me from the stomach sensations, and then in the third week I finally realized how bloated I felt.

Today I am starting week four, and I'm optimistic about it, because I've been keeping a food diary, and so I'm developing some guesses about which foods bloat me worse than others.
(deactivated member)
on 1/3/12 5:13 am
i m at three weeks post op and im feeling a little better, everything you wrote i felt it... its like if you were talking about me.. i started to feel better just sunday.... at 1 day away from my three weeks you have to remember that six weeks its the time you need to get back to normal activity and feel somehow normal... im hoping that by six weeks im finally able to exercise and do a lot of the routine stuff i used to do, with the exception of eating of course... good luck  to you and dont worry by the 4th week you will be feeling a lot better
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