IUD placement...what is it like?

Tiffani A.
on 5/29/12 10:52 pm, edited 5/29/12 10:53 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
 After talking with my doctor and reading posts on OH, I have decided to have an IUD put in. My doctor doesn't really want me to have additional surgeries, and recommends this.
Anyway, I was wondering if you have one, can you tell me what it's like? I am mostly wondering if you needed a ride home, or felt ok to drive yourself. 
Thanks for your input!
ETA: I'm going with a copper IUD, not Mirena. 
Amy D.
on 5/29/12 10:59 pm - VA
RNY on 03/13/12
I had the Mirena put in in January and while it sucked, I was fine to drive myself home. I was very, very crampy and icky feeling the rest of the day.

Good luck!
HW: 272 lbs. (BMI 49.7)     SW: 237 lbs. (BMI 43.3)    GW: 140 lbs. (BMI 25.6)   
on 5/29/12 11:00 pm - NY
RNY on 02/28/12
You will be totally fine to drive yourself home. The actual placement is a little pinch. Then you'll be crampy. Take some Tylenol before your appointment, you'll be fine. I've had both the Paragaurd and I still have the Mirena. Placement was very similar with both. Paragaurd and I did not mix though... but I am on year 3 of my Mirena. Good luck!
on 5/29/12 11:07 pm
I'm on my 2nd IUD.  The 1st insertion was uncomfortable with minor cramping.  The 2nd was not fun at all.... probably because it was a removal/re-insertion.  Both times I was able to drive myself home. 
High Weight 278; consult weight 234; Surgery Weight 219 Surgeon's Goal Weight 150 -10/27/10  -  Personal goal weight 140 - Achieved 12/11/10  
Elizabeth G.
on 5/29/12 11:29 pm - RI
RNY on 10/18/12
I had the Mirena inserted two years ago. Never having children, the doctor thought it would be harder and more painful to place since my cervix was never naturally dilated.  Admittedly, I am a baby when it comes to medical procedures so I was expecting the worst but it worked out great! Some cramps that night but by the next day, I was golden. Highly, highly, highly recommend!
on 5/30/12 12:07 am - OH
RNY on 05/14/12 with
 i have the implanon the one that goes in your arm for 3 years and its just a lil shot.. :) LOVE IT

               HW - 260    SW - 237    CW - 152    GW - 140                    


on 5/30/12 12:17 am
RNY on 06/06/12
 I had the mirena Placed last friday. Mind you I have never had kids so my gyno warned me it would hurt more, I was fine to drive home, however I thought it was very painful I didnt have anyone with me but the lidocain injections and the actually implantation made me very crampy the doctor actually wrote me a note to be off work I was supposed to work a grave that night. Needless to say after a few tears and ALOT of sleep that night and next day I felt better. Just plan on going home and resting. They gave me a shot of toradol prior to the procedure. Good luck it was painful for me but I am having no issues now totally worth it. 
Tiffani A.
on 5/30/12 12:29 am - Virginia Beach, VA
 Thanks for all the responses! I'm feeling a lot better about it now.
on 5/30/12 1:01 am
I have the Mirena.  I have never had children, so I am not very accostomed to pain in that area as far as that goes, so my doctor says I'm more sensible and will also have more pain.  So, that being said...it hurt really bad....like a cramping, making your uterus contract kinda hurt.  That lasted all day and on and off for the next 2 weeks.  I have had mine now for 3 weeks and every now and again I will still get a cramping pain, but it doesn't last very long.  I actully had to go back after having it inserted and have the doctor cut the strings back because my husband could feel it and it was painful for him.  Now that they are cut, no problems at all.  Just the occasional cramping pain, but it doesn't last very long now.  I'd say over all, it is worth all the pain and discomfort.  I did drive myself and I even walked 1.5 miles on the treadmill the day I had it put in even though I was in pain!  Can't skip my workout!
on 5/30/12 7:40 pm - Bristol, PA
I had the copper IUD placed in December, about 3 months after I had my son and 6 days after I had RNY.  (I still had my JP drain in when I went to have it placed.)  It was a little pinch and then it was over.  I was really scared because I had heard horror stories, but I have not had one issue so far and the placement waws no big deal.  I may have had a tiny bit of cramping, but I didn't even need to take Tylenol for it.  My periods have been pretty normal since day 1 also.  Feel free to hit me up with a PM if you have any questions...
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