OT but looking for your votes on business name

on 7/2/13 1:05 am - FL

I am just about done with my massage school, I will also be using and selling the do-Terra essential oils along with my  massage business.....these oils are 100% therapeutic grade oils, they can be taken orally due to the way they are extracted from the plant material...these are mighty powerful oils so a little goes a LONG ways...I will be getting certified in their aroma touch technique this Sat, it is a special massage technique to go with their aroma touch massage...using 8 special blends of oils during the massage

so here are my thought process for names....

Lil Scent from Heaven & Massage or Scents from Heaven & Massage or Heavens Scent & Massage


please let me know what you think....

thanks and have a blessed day



on 7/2/13 1:11 am, edited 7/2/13 1:11 am - San Diego, CA
RNY on 12/27/12

When I hear massage business and business names, I keep thinking of "Relaxy Cab" from the show FRIENDS. 

Anyway, the only thing I want to point out is, what happens if you decide you don't want to use their essential oils anymore, but still want to continue with your business?  You will have the "Scents" in your name - are you OK with that?  Would you have to change your business name, and business cards, signs, towels, etc.?

Havings said that, I like Heavens Scent & Massage (but add the apostrophe = Heaven's Scent & Massage)

HW: 274 | SW: 232 | CW: 137 | Goal: 145 (ticker includes a 42 pound loss pre-op) | Height: 5'4"

M1: -24 (205) | M2: -14 (191) | M3: -11 (180) | M4: -7 (173) | M5: -7 (166) | M6: -8 (158) | M7: -11 (147) | M8: -2 (145) | M9: -3 (142) | M10: -2 (140) | M11: -4 (136) | M12: -2 (134) | M13: -0 (134) | M14: -3 (131) | M15: +4 (135) | M16: +2 (137)

Mo Diggity
on 7/2/13 2:23 am - poughkeepsie, NY
RNY on 07/03/13

I like "Heaven's Scent and Massage", because it sounds like Heaven *Sent*, as in a gift from Heaven :)

Maureen Tired of Living my Life in the Dark

on 7/2/13 3:34 am - FL

That is what i was going for..thanks i have 2 different sections voting and so far this one is the one everyone has chosen...thanks again

have a blessed day


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