What's on your menu Friday, RNYers?

on 1/8/15 8:31 pm - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Good morning OH world! It's Friday and it couldn't have come soon enough. This has been a really long week for me at work - though I can't complain because I'm off today and Monday and I'm headed to the GREENBRIER!

My aunt works in the tourism industry in WV and there's a conference there this weekend, so I'll be there with her. This is the aunt who lost her husband right before Thanksgiving. The resort hotel is beautiful, though I haven't been there since childhood. I'm planning on relaxing, a soak in the hot springs, working out, going to the casino, and we have to "dress for dinner," so I'm super excited to rock some hot dresses.

That being said - I'll be driving 6 hours there today and then having dinner there - so my menu is a bit... under-planned.

Time since surgery: 9+ months

B: Loaded Greek yogurt before I hit the road

S: peanuts and a Babybel

L: Quest bar

And that's what I've got!

I've been checking out the menus for the different dining rooms and restaurants at the hotel and it looks like there will be plenty of good options for me - though the thought of getting a $45 steak and only being able to eat a small part of it is a bit sad.

I hope everyone has a great weekend - make good choices!

PS. It was SO fun to see pictures yesterday. Again, getting to know everyone with the bios on Wednesday and then putting faces with the names was great. I know some of you had technical difficulties and didn't get to do it - so feel free to try again today!

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 1/8/15 8:37 pm - United Kingdom

Im home sick with a cold - but who wants to go out in a deep freeze?

b - 2 little egg bites (thanks Eggface!), handful of blueberries

sn - 1 tbsp almond butter, 1/2 apple

l - 2 slices chicken, 1 oz cheese, 1/5 avacado

sn - 2 protein muffins

d - 2 oz turkey, 1/4 c mashed potatoes, 1/4 c cooked carrots

sn - protein ice cream

fluids - 64 oz (I'm finding that ho****er with lemon is really hitting the spot!), port 71, cal 815, carb 49

Stay warm, everyone!

on 1/8/15 8:39 pm
RNY on 11/18/14

Good Morning!  That resort looks heavenly Anny!  A bit jealous this morning. 

At work for another long day - came in super early so I hopefully don't have to stay super-late tonight.  Last night I worked till 8 and when I got home I was HUNGRY- so I heated up my meatballs, sat down to eat, and forgot to pay attention to HOW I am so supposed to eat.  So, of course - I ate too fast, didn't chew well - and well, you know..... So I spent the rest of the evening laying down since I just felt yuck. 

Today, I'm a little nervous about the foods, so I packed 3 protein shakes, a sugar-free pudding and some unsweetened applesauce.  I also have some chili here if I decide to be brave. 

Have a good day everyone! 



on 1/8/15 9:18 pm
RNY on 02/25/14

Good Morning.  This sure has seemed like an extremely long week.  So glad it is Friday! 

I am going to try running again tomorrow.  I have not been able to run for a week because of a sore hip.  I am hoping that it is now healed.  We will see tomorrow.  My weight has stayed the same all week and I am sure a lot of that is due to no exercise.

Have a great weekend everyone.

B:  premier protein, tea

S:  Greek Yogurt

L:  Chicken Parm and an apple with PB2

D:  ****tail Shrimp and sauce

S:  popcorn

Totals:  1065 Calories, 103 protein, 120 carbs


(deactivated member)
on 1/8/15 9:29 pm

Anny I am so jealous of you going to Greenbrier it looks amazing. I am sitting at my desk watching the snow fall. I should be working but it is too early to focus.

Have a great trip. I enjoyed yesterdays posts with pictures.


S:Coffee/ Yogurt with protein powder

L:Turkey with gravy green beans

D:Not sure.


Have a great day. Have a great weekend.

on 1/8/15 9:43 pm
RNY on 07/17/14

Oooo, a mini-break to a resort!  I'm not jealous or anything.     HA!  My weekend plans include basketball, some more basketball and on Sunday; basketball.  Oh!  We may get to break out my son's go-kart he got for Christmas.  We ALL can't wait to get on that thing but there are no indoor tracks around here and you can't exactly race in the snow.  Our friend has offered to let us use the parking garage where he works on the weekend; we plan to set up cones and make our own course.  Wheee!

B:  coffee and a Yoplait Greek Apple Pie yogurt

S:  1/2 a cookies and cream Quest bar

L:  3 oz. Buffalo chicken salad (thanks for the idea Anny), celery sticks and a Babybel light

D:  2 oz. deli roast beef and 2 slices of Sargento thin sliced mild cheddar on Sara Lee Delightful multigrain bread spread with a wedge of sundried tomato and basil Laughing Cow and a couple of baked mozzarella sticks.  *phew*  I found this bread last night and I want to give it a go: it's 45 calories a slice and per 2 slices it's got 6 gms protein and 5 gms of fiber.  Plus I really want a sandwich.

TOTALS:  Cals:  861  Protein:  78  Carbs:  62  Fat:  37





on 1/8/15 9:45 pm

OMG!  My parents bought us a go-cart when we were little and had the best time with that thing!!  We could only use it in the summer but we used to make a course in the high school parking lot across the street from my house.  SO MUCH FUN!  Have a great time!

on 1/9/15 7:12 am - Kalamazoo, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

AV,  how funny I bought Sara Lee Delightful 100% whole wheat last night myself.  On my plan I can have bread/toast now.  I got this because of the calories and protein.  Hope we like it


on 1/8/15 9:43 pm

Good morning!  TGIF!  Today is only my 4th day in the office due to extreme cold but it still seems like this week has gone incredibly slow.  So, I just wanted to mention that I tried a new protein snack, FUNNBAR, they are supposed to be candy protein chews.  The stats are not bad at all and they sounded like a great little way to curb hunger after the gym, etc.  They are horrible!  Do not waste $2.79 on a package.  I only tried the berry flavor but they had a nasty medicine taste and definitely not a candy texture (instead it was grainy and hard).  Just my personal opinion but I thought I would warn people.

We don't have a ton planned for this weekend excep****ch our beloved Packers in the playoffs.  I am going to try and avoid ordering pizza like the plague.  I also need to rid the house of the remaining Christmas chocolate, for the most part I have been good, but I don't like it staring me in the face.

Time since surgery: 6 months

B: SF Latte, a scrambled egg, and 1.5 slice turkey bacon

S: Archer Farms Sunshine Cranberry Nut Mix

L:  Weigh****chers mini cheeseburger and string cheese

S: Latte

D: To be determined

W/V: Started

Exercise: 1300m swim

Have a great weekend all!  Especially you Anny, I am so jealous of the hot springs!  I could really use a good warming up right now

on 1/8/15 10:00 pm
RNY on 12/17/14

Good morning.  I had my 3 week checkup yesterday.  I'm officially down 36.2 pounds.  20 of that lost before surgery. In a few more days I get to move to soft protein and I don't have to put it in a blender first.  YEAH!

B: ricotta and egg

S1: carnation instant breakfast

L: pimiento cheese

That's all I've got so far.  I'm going to my mom's in Alabama this weekend.  I'll be taking things with me to eat.  She claims she doesn't understand how to feed me.  She's been so supportive in every other way, though.  I think I'll share my skinny pimiento cheese with her :)

Have a great weekend, everyone.  Enjoy your retreat, Anny.



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