OT welfare

on 3/25/11 10:51 am - ID
Why does welfare seem to think that they have to have their noses in everybody's business. Somebody called and told them that I was not educating my children, I homeschool and my children's education is of utmost importance. They have medical conditions that keep them from regular school because of attendance and dr appts. They are very high needs, and there are 3 of them. We do school everyday that we can and I am in constant contact with the school we go through. I just don't understand why people can't keep their noses on their faces where they belong. I'm sorry if that is harsh but I am really, really upset right now. Anyway, I know it is off topic but I needed to vent and don't really have anybody else to turn to. Anyway, they are coming to "check things out" on Monday. I could really use some prayers that everything goes well and that I don't lose my rather fiery temper. I tend to be a momma bear when it comes to my family and I don't want to make things worse than they already are. Anyway, thanks for listening.
The faith of a mustard seed will see me through    
(deactivated member)
on 3/25/11 11:13 am

Sorry to hear you are having such stress. It only affects the children as well. You have to keep Satan out of your home not everyone who say they are your friend are. People like to go behind others back just to see them fail. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I know you feel so invaded and powerless but, remember GOD has the last word no matter what!

on 3/25/11 11:25 am - ID
Thanks for the prayers I could use them. I am really concerned about my kids because two of them are autistic/asperger's and things like this really upset them. I thank you for your friendship and support it means so much to me right now. Thanks.
The faith of a mustard seed will see me through    
(deactivated member)
on 3/25/11 11:17 am

First of all is it the welfare dept or the child protective dept?  I am asking because I am a retired welfare worker.  I could have cared less if you were homeschooling your children.  My job was to determine your benifits.  My job was to be certain you were not defrauding the government by claiming to have more kids and less $ than you reported.  CPS was responsible for making sure that all complaints about individuals were either founded or unfounded.  Its their job so that later on someone doesnt find some kids locked up in a cage in the basement because no one took notice that the kids weren't going to school. 
Make sure you have whatever program you are following there with your cirriculium.  If you are using a state program or private program either way be sure you have your childrens testing scores from the previous testing to prove your children are where they are supposed to be.  Sounds pretty bogus but every person in this country has the right to home school their children no matter wether they have medical issues or not.  Its a freedom we have.  I'm sure the person coming out feels this way too but since someone complained they have to respond.  I would greet them very friendly, be proudly willing to show them your childrens work, work area etc.   Offer them coffee even tho they will probably decline.  It gives them the idea you are open to their coming, excited to show them your childrens exceptional progress and they usually find that type of person very favorably.  When you talk to them let them know you don''t really care why someone would make that type of complaint other than to be a pill and because they are jealous, or mean spirited,or whatever the case may be... let us know how it turns out.  Remember the honey and vinigar thing....

on 3/25/11 11:24 am - ID
It is family and children services. I will do my best not to be a witch. I thank you for the advice. Appreciate it. I understand why they do it. It's not even facs I am angry at it is the person who turned me in, I just don't know who it could be and that makes me nervous about who I talk to and who I don't. It makes me suspicious of everybody and I don't like being that way. Anyway, thanks for the advice and support it means a lot to me.
The faith of a mustard seed will see me through    
on 3/25/11 11:25 am, edited 3/25/11 11:26 am
No doubt the welfare folks love those visits that turn out to be nothing!  

It sucks that you have to feel suspicious like that, do you have any indication who it might be?

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on 3/25/11 11:27 am - ID
Thank you. Like I said it's not really facs I'm mad at it's the person who turned me in. I wish I knew who it was. Thanks for the support.
The faith of a mustard seed will see me through    
on 3/25/11 11:25 am, edited 3/25/11 11:27 am
Praying for you! I used to homeschool and it's absolutely the most wonderful thing you can do for your children. What are your states laws regarding homeschooling?  Be prepared by knowing all the laws.  Be polite when they show up.  As the above posters said, they aren't the bad guys.  

Good luck on the 'fiery temper' thing. Us mama bears rule!!

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on 3/25/11 11:31 am - ID
I appreciate the prayers. I am going to enforce my rights as a parent. I'm not necessarily scared of the facs people, just nervous. I don't like the facs people even realizing I exist. As for my temper it comes with the red hair. I love my children and will do everything in my power to protect them. They are my babies!! I'm not sure of the laws on inspections but I do know that Idaho does not have homeschool requirements or laws. It is pretty free when it comes to homeschooling. Thanks for the prayers, I really appreciate the friends I have made here and the support I have been getting. It means so much to me. Thanks.
The faith of a mustard seed will see me through    
on 3/25/11 11:50 am
I am a teacher and a foster parent, so I have delt with more than my share of case workers.

I would say keep your temper no matter what!!!  They can go on power trips like you wouldn't believe sometimes!  Just remember, you can protect your rights and kiss ass at the same time... sometimes it's all you can do.

My biggest advice is smile and nod and remember every dang thing they say and be prepared to fight back nicely and with lots of knowledge...

Like if they want to tell you a better whay to homeschool just smile and nod and hope after thier little speech they will close the case and be gone for ever :-)

It never hurts to wow them with your amazing program either! :-)

Just a story about how often they do these "investigations" and close them after one visit...

My SIL's husband was diagnosed at 30 with bipolar and had difficulties with meds, plus is is atotal a-hole (I know lots of people who are bipolar and great... he isn't one, and I don't think it is the disease iykwim...)

Anyway he FLIPPED one night to the point where the cops had to shut down the road they lived on and take him down at gun point... he was arrested then sent to psych.  There were guns and threats involved and 3 kids in the middle of it all... VERY bad.

DHHS came to the house while he was locked up, my SIL ensured them they kids were safe and they saw the house was clean and all, talked to the kids and closed the case.  period.  No one even followed up when he was back in the house in no time at all, or cared that he was still totally unstable.... so I think you will probably be fine... just don't make 'em mad... come here and vent away after!

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