Feel like Freaking Out

Jennifer S.
on 3/28/11 7:03 am - KS
Ok....so I quit smoking about a month ago and have started my 3 week pre-op protien shake diet today....and I am freaking out. I feel like running and robbing an Arby's and demanding a pack of ciggerettes too. I am having major "cravings" and having a hard time concentrating.  I had no idea I was this ADDICTED to food. Trying to figure out how I am going to do this for 3 weeks!
Any words of encouragement and tips would be greatly appreciated.


"My life tomorrow will be the result of my attitudes and the choices I make today."


on 3/28/11 7:08 am
You'll do it the same way the alcoholics do it... one day at a time.  If that's too long a stretch, think of it as one choice at a time.  Every time you're about to put something in your mouth, consider whether it's part of your pre-op diet or not.  If not, ask yourself if eating it is worth having your surgery rescheduled, which means an even LONGER time you'll be on the pre-op diet.

Also consider that after the surgery, you'll be on a post-op diet that will be similar (if not more restrictive), but that one will be tied to how well you heal and avoid complications.  If you can't pull off the pre-op, then you're sure to have trouble with the post-op and THAT's the one you can't afford to make mistakes on.

If you want this surgery and want to change your life, you need to start breaking those bad habits that got you to where you are now.  There's no time like the present!

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(deactivated member)
on 3/28/11 7:11 am
I'm sorry you're having a tough time of it.  I only had to do a pre-liquid diet for 9 days and the way I approached it was..it is completely necessary and just changed my mindset.  I don't know what will work for you, but that worked for me.  Additionally, the reason why my surgeon had me do a liquid pre-op diet is to shrink the liver which will aid in reducing complications during surgery since the surgeon works so closely to the liver.

I also chose a protein drink that didn't taste bad.  I was drinking muscle milk vanilla creme 3x/day and in between, water, crystal light and at times vegetable and chicken broth.  I hope you find something that works for you.  I did not have to battle w/the cravings of smoking either...but I hope it gets better for you!!
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/11 7:13 am - CA
You can do this!

What helped me was thinking about they way I felt when I would go try something on at a dept. store and it wouldn't fit. Feeling like an outcast because of my weight or worried about not fitting in a restaurant booth and still ordered a burger, then felt guilty, then ate etc.....

This is going to pass....Stay motivated. The choices your making now are going to help you be the best "YOU" can ever be! It's not going to be easy but it's definitely going to be worth it.

Hang in! Booo for Arby's!! Booo cigarettes!!

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/11 7:25 am - CA
Hang in there! I am right there with you.  I'm under a lot of stress and I totally want to eat a whole pizza right now.  We have to stay strong and stay away from people/places that might trigger us.  The three weeks will go by. Stay strong!
on 3/28/11 8:04 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
I didn't have the cigs to worry about but I feel your pain.

I am on day 5 of my pre-op diet and it is beginning to get better (notice I didn't say easier).

The headache is gone, the diarrhea is almost gone, I'm not starving and I think I'm going to live.

The first 2 - 3 days are the worst.

Just remember.....you are doing this to be healthier and the cigarettes and Arby's got you to this point.

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/11 8:23 am
Ugg thanks everyone I start my 2 week pre op tomorrow and I can only eat 800 calories which is to funny because I have to drink 5 protein shakes and that equals 800 calories. Now if I cut one of the protein drinks I can eat broth which is 15 calories per cup and have one popsicle on top of that I must it is a must drink 64 oz of water. This is going to be interesting. I told my husband I might be crabby so don't take it personally. He said he understand. Oh does he? Time will tell. I am so looking forward to this surgery. I went to the mall yesterday and drug my husband in Victoria Secret he said he was embarrassed because he was the only man in the store. I said so what I am the only big girl in the store. He said no there is another one over there. So we strolled over to the perfume section and he felt better. He going to have to go back because I pointed out everything I wanted from there. He is a good guy we have fun together. Have a great evening everyone
Jennifer S.
on 3/29/11 12:49 am - KS
Thanks for all of your posts. Today is a new day and I know I can do this....one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time....just needed to freak out a little.......
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