
on 4/23/11 3:15 am
After what has to be the longest winter on record...I think Spring may finally be coming.  I have been wearing my 3X winter coat since it seemed silly to buy a new one until next year as I am only half way to goal.  So the weather is finally nice enough to be be in shirt sleeves and I am being bombarded with compliments.  After years of being invisible, I think that all these compliments are making me a little anxious.  It is a very odd feeling to get such great compliments and smile and thank the person.  I think it is related to being invisible for 20 some years.  Anyone else experience this...or am I the only one just wanting to talk about anything else but my weight loss with acquaintances that I rarely see?
on 4/23/11 3:46 am
I just say "thank you for noticing !" and re direct the conversation !!!
Briar Rose  
High Wt 300 lbs.  Pre-op Wt loss 34 lbs.   
on 4/23/11 3:57 am
I am only 2 months out next Monday, and have lost over 60 lbs (but I started at 425), so I am starting to hear the compliments too.
I think the people that know and care for me are happy I look healthier and am able to do more with them now. I was very much on the sidelines for years.
As for the excitement and nearly intrusive compliments from acquaintances, I think it is how they deal with their nervousness around obese people. They would never have discussed my size before, but they now feel it is acceptable because my weight loss is "good."
It reminds me of the strangers that would touch my belly and share TMI when I was pregnant.
I try to realize they mean well, and use the opportunity to affirm my commitment to my new life style and the successes I am earning.
I also keep reminding myself that this IS about me, not them. Not to be selfish, but a healthy self centered change in lifestyle so I can have the energy and strength to then make a difference in others lives.
Congrats on your sucesses. Please keep smiling, thanking, and affirming yourself. We all deserve it!
on 4/23/11 3:57 am
I think this is common for those of us who have been heavy for most of our lives. It is very difficult to go from invisible to constant comments and attention from people who never recognized you before. I am trying to embrace it.

Lori H.
on 4/23/11 4:11 am
ditto what lori said....   i find it interesting the number of times i get "second looks" from men i pass by on the street....  thank goodness i have my sunglasses on so they don't see that i notice!! 

i am learning to enjoy it.....      but i don't make a big deal out of it, especially around my hubby....  i just make sure he knows he's #1 for me!!!     (today is our 6th anniversary!...    i'm still in love..)


To live would be an awfully big adventure -- Peter Pan

on 4/23/11 5:07 am

I have found getting compliments is very uncomfortable.  I thank the person and try to change to subject quickly. 

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