Surgery Date!

on 5/8/11 7:49 pm - Las Vegas, NV
May 25th with Dr. Aceves!  I'm so excited / scared / nervous ...EXCITED!   woot!  On the road to a healthy me!
XOXO for everyone that's following my journey in my blog, your comments mean alot to me!

I owe my journey to the sister that adopted me and started a donation site for me, Asia Carrera!  Follow my journey at  Thank you Asia for caring enough about me to help, Love you!

on 5/8/11 9:16 pm - New Orleans
You've chosen a great surgeon.  I hope your experience is as positive as mine was.  I even drove myself back to Vegas 3-days post op.

Current weight: 170 lbs.

Once I reach goal, this cow will be killed & eaten... 2 ounces at a time.

Total includes 56 lbs. lost on 2-month low carb pre-op diet.  Start date 9/13/10.

Sabrina R.
on 5/9/11 2:10 am - CA
YEAH!!!!!  Mine is May 23rd, but in Fountain Valley, CA!  I can't wait!  Did you have good nutritional classes before hand?  I've read alot of posts, and it doesn't seem like many have had the prep classes. If not, let me know, I can email you my notes from my "Options" class through Kaiser. GOOD LUCK! I'm so exicited! :)
Sabrina R.
on 5/9/11 2:12 am - CA
I forgot to say "Thank God for your sister loving you sooo much"! I'm glad you have a good support system!
on 5/9/11 2:20 am - Las Vegas, NV
Actually I live in Vegas, but a really really close friend of mine is coming into town to take me down there, hold my hand and listen to me whine and cry so she'll be doing all the driving.  There's no WAY I can drive my Mustang that far, it's a 5 speed and I seriously don't want to deal with the clutch issues.

I haven't done any classes, however, this friend of mine that's coming in has had hers for a year (as of May 26th, as close as I could get to my surgery date) so she'll be here to help me and teach the rest of my family how to cook / feed me.  If you've read my blog, you know I have alot going on as far as my health is concerned so I want to do everything right!  If you want to send me your cliff notes, I won't say no to them!  lol

I can't wait to get healthy and get going on my new life
XOXO Renee`

I owe my journey to the sister that adopted me and started a donation site for me, Asia Carrera!  Follow my journey at  Thank you Asia for caring enough about me to help, Love you!

on 5/9/11 2:22 am - Las Vegas, NV
DOH!  Forgot to add, you're right in that Asia is a great friend and she adopted me as her sister.  We're so much alike it's scary.  We've been really close for I think about 6 years, but maybe longer, eesh time flies. 
I owe my journey to the sister that adopted me and started a donation site for me, Asia Carrera!  Follow my journey at  Thank you Asia for caring enough about me to help, Love you!

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