Doubting if this is the right thing......

on 6/7/11 2:32 am - Manassas, VA
VSG on 06/27/11 with

I know it is, but I'm having some doubts/cold feet.  Surgery is in 3 weeks, 6/27/2011. 

Am I doing the right thing?  Should I wait and have the rest of the babies I want before doing this?  If I don't wait, my child's next sibling will be almost 5 years younger.  Does that matter?  Do I really need this?  Have I really tried/exhausted all avenues?  Can I really give up bread, diet rite, and ice cream?  I'm struggling today.

Jennifer S.
on 6/7/11 2:40 am - CA
 I know how you feel about the food part. I too love bread, ice cream etc. But I am about 5 weeks post op and don't miss a thing. I have to force myself to eat all my protein daily. This was the right thing for me. I too have kids but am not having more....ever. I have 5 ranging in age from 21 to 10 and 1 grand baby who is a week today. I did this so I will be around for my kids, so I can go on the rides with them. So I can play at the park, go on bike rides etc. Only good has come from this and I look forward to more of it. No regrets at all. I do regret I waited so long to do it. I regret I let it get this bad. Hope this helps. 

Kristy R.
on 6/7/11 2:42 am - Santa Clara, CA
 It is good to give this deep though.  It's not an easy decision at all.  It does take effort and commitment, forever.  

In most cases, if you have come to this point you have already come to your breaking point with the failing diets.  I would hate for you to have your surgery scheduled and you cancel and find yourself right back here again in a year or so.  You will be dieting anyway, if you want to lose weight - but if you have this surgery you have a more than fighting chance at being successful.  The things you have to give up are not good for you anyway.  You can have some things in moderation, you don't REALLY have to give them up, there are many alternatives.  It just means you can't be lazy about your food.  

Post-op you will feel differently about food.  Most likely, you won't even really want it for a while.  When the pounds start coming off, you really consider what you are eating and if you want to undo your work.  At least, that has been my experience.  I look at everything I eat from the perspective of making sure I get my nutrition.   There is really no room for junk - but I DO have treats.  Just not crappy treats.

Good luck!  Only you can make this decision.  Do what you feel is best for YOU.  xo

~Kristy~ VSG 3/29/11 ~ 15 pounds lost pre-op, SW - 240/GW - 150
diane S.
on 6/7/11 2:43 am
you don't say how heavy you are or what health issues you have, but I for one am so glad i did this and wish I could have done it at a younger age. there is never a really convenient time to do this - something in life always gets in the way. so i think if you are prepped and ready you should go for it. I don't know if you have exhausted all avenues but studies show traditional dieting rarely works long term. as to giving up bread and ice cream, yeah you are going to have to do that but the sleeve makes it much easier. having said that though, you still need to get in the right mindset that you are willing to try and do that and not keep looking for ways around your sleeve. you need to be mentally prepared to move beyond your old eating habits. I thought about this alot and got myself psyched up for a change and decided I was ready to trade in my old sweet and carb eating habits for improved health and slimness. Read my blog page for a success story. Eat some ice cream now and say goodbye to it. Look ahead to all the benefits you will get.

As to having more children and when, thats a personal matter but being obese and having children can result in complications or fertility issues plus its hard to be a good mom to toddlers if you are morbidly obese. so just something to factor in. GL with your surgery. Diane

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on 6/7/11 2:45 am
You will be a healthier mom for those children you have and will have.  You have to take care of you so you can take care of them.  We all have feelings of.... if this is the right thing.........Good luck getting to a decision,  I will send some good thoughts to you and by the way......yes you can give up bread, diet rite, and ice isn't forever ...... it can all come back in moderation like it should be.  Again,  good luck

             I have missed too many dances in my life now it is time to start living
5' 1"

on 6/7/11 3:03 am - Manassas, VA
VSG on 06/27/11 with

thank you to everyone!  It's the jitters that's all i think.  I am so exicted to have it done.  I've been counting down the days since I found out.  I have cleaned out my closet.  I've been saying goodby to things.  Then all of a sudden today, they changed my surgeon, and I had to rearrange a bunch of appts, and work is annoyed with me.  Then I had that "i'm being selfish" feeling b/c I always put everyone else, especially my daughter first and I panicked.

I'm 240, 5'4" btw :D 

I feel better now!  This is the best forum ever!!

on 6/7/11 3:04 am - TX
When I read your topic I said to myself - that person hasn't had surgery yet!! You won't miss it!! I promise!!!  Stay focused on your goal!! I have gone from a size 20 to a 16 almost 14 in 4 months!! Nothing tastes as good as that feels!! Say goodbye to your clothes!!  YAY!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 6/7/11 3:32 am - Elkton, MD
Hey, we have the same surgery dates! Congrats!

I for one am done having kiddos so I cant help with that. However, if I were, I would rather wait  to have more kids and do this surgery and lose the weight first then have a normal pregnancy. I was overweight with both mine, and tired and exhausted. Think of the potential problems you and a baby would face being pregnant and overweight. Gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia and who knows what else.
I am looking forward to this surgery to get me healthy and so I can get out and active with them. My children are my world and I am doing this for me to be with them for as long as I can.
on 6/7/11 3:57 am - Atlanta , GA
I am in the same boat. I plan to have surgery at the end of summer. I have a two year old and I would like two more. Pregnancy was tiring being obese. I did not have complications but I was drained. I want to be fit and healthy for my next two. I want to do more for my children and fat is in my way. Good luck to you!
    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat   I met my initial goal of 160!          
on 6/7/11 4:10 am
Hi epark, I totally understand where your coming from, I will be sleeved next month and doubts and fears creep in at quiet moments. With that siad I was 248 when I had my last baby 2 years ago, and although I am active I had a complicated pregnancy. High bp, on bed rest 70% of the pregnancy and had preterm labor at 20 weeks, then again at 30. Pre-eclampsia set in after the 30 week mark and by the time I was at 38 weeks they had to take the baby due to the fact my health was failing. I say all this because the answer from the specialist was that my weight had a lot to do with the results of the pregnancy. A healthier you makes a healthier pregnancy and baby. My little girl was healthy..thank God and I am so happy. My next point is I now am @ 272 and have never been this heavy. My energy level is low and I want to enjoy my children to the fullest! I wish I would have done this sooner...for me and my family. Best wishes to you and your decision. We support you!
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