Who did you share your surgery journey with?

on 6/10/11 1:46 pm - Blaine, MN
So when I chose to have my VSG I only told my immediate family.  I am out on medical leave right now from work.  So HR and my boss knows no one else, I told them I wanted to keep my medical business confidential and if I chose to share it with anyone I would share it when and if I wanted to.  The issue that I am struggling with is what do I say to everyone?  Mainly my extended family, aunts and uncles, cousins, etc?  When and how do I explain to them what I chose to do?

My reason for keeping it quiet in the first place was because I didn't want people to judge me.  There are so many people out there who I feel judge you because they think you are taking the easy way out.  I also did not want to be judged on the success or failure of "my" surgery in their eyes.  Based on how much they think I should lose and how fast, etc.  It will be a success in my eyes but I am really sensitive and I do not like feeling like people are judging me.

I'm curious how the rest of you handled this, who you all shared your journey with and those that you chose not to share with or maybe shared with later on.  Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

HW: 375 SW: 325 CW: 263 GW: 160
Pre-Surgery WL: 50lbs
on 6/10/11 1:51 pm
Everyone.. I didnt even have to know them lol.. I dont mind them knowing..I still feel normal.. I dont hang out with  my cousins, uncles.. lol anyone really since I live in a different state but I expect it would have been more difficult had I been closer.. I think my sister in laws are jealous but that is the biggest issue I have to deal with
on 6/10/11 2:03 pm - TX
Congrats on your loss so far and for taking this step. Like you, I told my immediate family and even a few of my closest friends. I don't have any good advice on what to tell others, BUT I will say that we don't owe anybody anything. I don't know about you, but I did this for me and that's the only explanation needed. I really don't mind actually telling people I care about and who care about me. I'm sure the time will come that some will ask and I will be honest, but I have nothing to explain or defend. Good luck on your journey!
Lisa D.
on 6/10/11 2:27 pm - New Orleans, LA
I tell EVERYONE!!  I am not ashamed that I took this step to save my life.  I have given info to several people that are interested in getting healthy themselves.  The only reason that there is a stigma to surgery is because people still hide it and that makes the public believe there is something wrong with it.  Stand up and be counted.  I am a sleever.
I am not big boned!  Bones don't jiggle!         
Tracey W.
on 6/10/11 2:30 pm
I've told everyone in my life and then some. I'm proud that I'm taking control of my health finally. They all saw me gain the weight. Now they can watch me lose it!
I even told a guy in my life that I never tell anything "real" to. We usually just keep it superficial, but he knows too.

Good luck on your journey.
Trying to build a better life, one good choice at a time.  
"Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain."-Ruby Gettinger        
on 6/10/11 2:43 pm - TX
VSG on 02/15/11 with
Other than all of my doctors (I have several specialists), I have only told my husband (of course), my two daughters and son-in-laws, and one close friend.
Having surgery is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I thank God every day that I was able to get the surgery. I am not ashamed of having my surgery, but it is my business and not everyone else's. My ultimate goal is to get to the point that my doctors' do not "yell" at me when I walk in their door. I want to get off of some of my medicines and have a healthier life. I want to see all of my grandkids grow up and have kids! I may, at a later date, decide to tell everyone - just not yet. I'm too old to get a whole new set of friends if my current set disowns me as a friend (LOL).
I saw some friends recently and they asked about my diet and I just told them I was dieting and riding my recumbent bike. Both of these are true!
I have been on a diet since I was in Jr. High, so losing weight is not a new thing for me. I have lost, gained, lost, gained, and so on my entire life. As someone said before, "I've taken weight off a bazillion times". This time is different, but my family and friends have seen my weight change all of those bazillion times. I know this time is different; I am at a weight lower than 31+ years ago and this time the weight will not come back!!
Good luck on your journey!
   Lorraine    kats-mom
        Highest Weight-285  /  1st Nutritionist Appt-275  /  Pre-op Diet-257  /  
                               Day of Surgery: 246  /  Day Home-257
on 6/10/11 2:54 pm - TX
BEFORE surgery I told several people at work, and my immediate family. I did not ask them not to tell anyone. Since surgery I've told everyone on the planet (or close to it). I know some say they feel judged and have had people say ugly things to them - this has not been my experience. I guess all those close to me and those I work with have seen me struggle and do everything I could on my own - without success - so they didn't say those things - at least to my face. Everyone has been extremely supportive. Again - I have no idea what they say behind my back (and don't care) - but I have received only support to my face. I also do not have any "food police" in my life. What people see me eat is almost exclusively protein - and if I "splurge" or have a treat once in a blue moon they do not judge. Hope this helps. I truly believe if this is a "last option" for you, you have tried everything possible on your own, and you are confident in your decision then all those whose opinions are worth considering will support you.
on 6/10/11 3:07 pm - CA
 I'm in the same boat as you right now except I haven't had my surgery yet ( July 19th). I told my mom and my closet friends. The problem now is that I am taking a 6 week leave of abscene from work and people are starting to ask me why I am on leave. So far I have been telling them it's a vacation. I am feeling uncomfortable about lying about it but gosh I hate dealing with people's judgements and questions. I think I am probably gonna come to terms with it and just deal with telling others. I guess as long as we lose the weight *****ally cares how we got there as long as we get there....right?  Good luck with whatever you decide to do. 

      Leslie Nunes              
on 6/10/11 3:10 pm
 i have told about 6 friends and that's it.  i chose not to tell anyone in my family except one cousin...and intend to keep it that way.  i'm not ashamed about the surgery...and feel like it's the best thing i could have done for myself, but it is my business and i don't need them judging me.  a few of my friends that i have told are now the "food police" and question what i'm eating..and i feel like i have to defend the cheese i eat.."iT'S ON MY PLAN!!!"  

i actually haven't seen a lot of my family members for awhile..but i intend to tell them that i'm on a doctor monitored diet, meet with a nutritionist, exercise daily, and am conscious of everything that i put into my body.  

i've honestly been surprised that so few people ask..they acknowledge that i've lost weight..and move on..so no one has really poked and prodded for more information.  

i was really worried about going out to eat with people that don't know about the surgery..but honestly, they are so wrapped up in their food and whatever they're talking about..they rarely notice, and if anyone does i just mention that i'm watching what i eat..

it's your story and you are welcome to share it with whoever you feel comfortable..good luck with your journey! its going to be a great one...
on 6/10/11 3:22 pm - CA
I felt comfortable enough to tell all of my family, and only close friends but not co-workers, my HR department doesn't even know... they don't need to for me to go on leave.  I only told people that love me and I know wouldn't judge me.  I haven't had my surgery yet and I think maybe once I start losing a bunch of wait and my confidence increases, maybe then I'll start saying something so so people can see how happy it's made me.

Good luck on your journey!  Can't wait to start mine...
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