What's up, peeps?!! 2½ years out......Down 200 lbs!!!!!!!

on 8/22/11 6:33 am, edited 8/23/11 12:58 pm - Loveland, OH
Hello, everyone!  I know I have totally slacked on updating everything on here, and keeping in touch with all of you!  Life has a way of getting in the way of doing some things.  ;)

There's probably a lot more new people on here that don't know who I am.........So I'll introduce myself again.  My name is Lyndsay.  I had the sleeve performed in March of 2009 by Dr. Trace Curry in Cincinnati, OH.  My heaviest weight ever was somewhere in the 390's.  On the date of my surgery, I weighed around 370.  To date, I have lost over 200 lbs.  I have never been happier.  Life is definitely taken some different and very unexpected turns......Such as:  I seem to be turning a lot of heads.  This is weird.  2 years ago, people would barely make eye contact with me..........but now........I'm getting hit on at least twice a day.  Someone please try to talk me through the chip on my shoulder, because I think I'm becoming a total *****  I can't help but get angry at this because--- I don't understand what's different.  I'm still the same exact person, I just happen to look a little different.  Even men *****jected me and broke me to pieces back in the day---are suddenly "interested".  Hmmmph.  WHATEVER!!!!

Lemme see if I can give you some picktchas...........

http://i1177.photobucket.com/albums/x351/Lyndz1031/Beforeand Now.jpg 

I know you guys probably have lots of questions.........I'm open to anything! Hit me up! :)
on 8/22/11 6:39 am
what was a typical day of eating for you?
on 8/22/11 6:51 am - Loveland, OH
To be honest, I never really kept to a strict diet......  I could only eat a few bites at a time (and STILL can only eat a few bites at a time)......So my calorie intake was always low.  I just made sure to exercise as much as possible..... But I do make healthier descisions when it comes to food.  I have recently fallen in love with Chobani Yogurt...OMG..  THE BEST!!! 

I think it's funny........Big greasy burgers.......huge deserts......Those were things I once loved.  Now they repulse the hell out of me.  :)  Thank you, sleeve!
on 8/22/11 6:43 am
 I'm so happy you decided to post!!! Congrats on an amazing weight loss. You look FANTASTIC!! 


on 8/22/11 6:45 am - Loveland, OH
Thanks, sugar! :)
on 8/22/11 6:45 am
Hi Lyndsay,

Well done!  You've done fabulously and its such an inspiration to see people a couple of years out maintaining their loss.  I have two questions for you relating to your feelings around the new attention you are now getting.  Firstly - what sort of men are you attracted too?  Big men or more healthy looking proportioned men?  There is no right or wrong answer here - your innate biology should drive you towards the healthy looking men - in evolutionary terms they are better mates and are going to be more able to provide (hunt) for you and keep you safe.  So don't blame men for the same - it really isn't something us humans control - if we were all only attracted to obese unhealthy people then the human race wouldn't last too long! 

Secondly - are you really the same person you were two years ago?  Are you sure you are not more confident? Outgoing? Putting out a different sexual energy? Interested in and able to do more things? Wearing more fun clothes? Going out more?  You get my point!  I really hope my weightloss journey changes who I am (there are heaps of things I want to try!) and I really hope I get a bit more male attention because of it.  I am happy married so won't be acting on it but it would be nice not to be invisible to men!  

Anyway thats some food for thought - ENJOY IT I say - you've earnt it!

on 8/22/11 6:52 am - Loveland, OH
Wow, chick.......you have a point!! Thanks! 
Adrienne J.
on 8/22/11 6:45 am - GA
You look awesome!!! Thanks for sharing with us
on 8/22/11 6:53 am
OHHHH I love hearing and seeing about folks that are a couple years out and doing great --- a real inspiration to me !!!

Thank you for posting !!!
Briar Rose  
High Wt 300 lbs.  Pre-op Wt loss 34 lbs.   
on 8/22/11 7:18 am - Arlington, VA
VSG on 01/10/11 with
wow!  thanks for posting.  it means so much to me to read about people who are a good distance out and maintaining.  and i'm wicked jealous of the 200 lbs, considering my measly 68 at 7 mos.  i still get hungry, which is a pain, but my doc says 1000 cals at least, so hopefully i'm just a slow but steady loser.  did you lose fast?????

and i've gotta look at your pix; i'm sure they're fabby! 

  Ann             LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat           


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