Tell people your business & you leave yourself open to their opinions...

on 10/19/11 4:54 am - NY
Since I began my vsg journey I have been very open and honest about my plans with coworkers, friends and family. I shared this with them because I am not ashamed of my decision even though I know some of them they look at it as a desperate "out". I also talk about it so that I can pay it forward if it weren't for a friend of mine I probably would have never started the process to save my life. This forum and youtube journey videos have been such a big part of me making this decision as well, I am so grateful for everyone who shares their experience. 

My insurance required six months medical supervision, along the way I have heard few comments some telling omg your gonna be a knockout and be so much healthier are very supportive and others have flat out told me that I am crazy that I dont need it (really? I am little over 300lbs?) How could anyone say that I don't need an intervention via diet or surgery? 

I am coming up on my six month visit on Nov 7, I will be getting a surgery date and I have been really excited/scared. More excited really and happy to get this six month dr appt mayhem over and done with, plus my copay is $30!!! Ouch! 

These last few days my excitement turned into me questioning my decision to not only go through with surgery but the fact that I shared my decision with everyone. People don't have tact I swear how could they wait less than month away from me getting my date to lay all their worries on me? I have heard that friends/coworkers are talking about me and doubting my decision was a well informed one, they fear that I am not prepared for the loose skin issues, possible regain, complications etc.

I wonder where the concern was when I was smoking cigarettes, drinking, binging on on unhealthy foods. I'll end this post with this:

Tell people your business and you leave yourself open to their opinions. Don't be afraid to put them in their place if they get out of pocket. Nobody can tell you what to do with your life/health. Especially if they lack good decision making in those areas of their life themselves!

on 10/19/11 5:03 am - Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis
I am 100% happy that I was open about my decision to have VSG. There have been a few times I have tried to skirt around saying I had surgery and felt like a dirty liar every time.

That being said, sharing this opens yourself up for every negativity in the book. Most of us have been in your shoes, my parents, family, and friends were all against my surgery. One person even told me I would end up on a ventilator 3 days before my surgery (a hater!)..

In one ear and out the other. Once they see you are ok they will be thrilled, and yes the haters will be hating even more and you can get rid of anyone in your life that shows their true colors.

Oh, and even if I could never have plastics I would take the loose skin over being morbidly obese any frickin day of the week!

                       HW: 258lbs  SW: 240   CW: 140  I am 5 foot 7 and 30 years old               
                 VSG 12/21/10  Plastics: Tummy tuck, breast lift, and augmentation 11/3/11
                                             Soon to be veterinarian!! xoxo

on 10/19/11 9:09 am - NY
 On a ventilator? Are u serious? Ughh people can be so hurtful. I am already getting hate now, like oh you are gonna be so conceited blah blah blah and I am like so what I have been the funny fat friend for years. Let me have that shoot!! lol
on 10/19/11 5:07 am - GA
VSG on 03/21/12
I agree, this decision is hard enough to make without people throwing salt in the game. I go back and forth with myself about this surgery being a good choice for me or not, don't need anyone else adding more doubt. Only you know what is best for you. Good Luck.....

on 10/19/11 9:11 am - NY
 Thank you and good luck too!
(deactivated member)
on 10/19/11 5:10 am
I think the only thing you need to say to those people is:  I have made my decision based on my health and my Drs opinions.  PERIOD
(deactivated member)
on 10/19/11 5:32 am
 I feel for you.  I got so much negatively just from the the family and close friends, that I decided NOT to tell my co-workers.  It's none of thier business and I don' t need to extra office gossip.

Hang in there!  Even after you lose all your weight, they are still goin to be hatin on you, so take their comments with a grain of salt.  

You are going to do great!
on 10/19/11 5:44 am
My Friend I wish you Nothing but the best! Opinions are like a#@holes everyone's got them. With that said you are the only one who can give their words power nobody else. As long as you are sure with your decisions its the only thing that matters. I have no regrets only one is why I didn't do it sooner!!!!
on 10/19/11 5:59 am
Well I shared it with co workers and some were iffy until they seen how much research I have done. I work with some doctors and nurses so they are basically the ones that I have talked with. I returned to work this week and they all came to me to see how well I was doing. I told them that I was feeling great other then this cold that hit me where I probably should have stayed home for a few days. They were all great about it and I am bringing in my xrays for some of the staff to look at.

My family didn't like my plans at first and tried to talk me out of it. My mom has a fixation on people's weight which is sad. You can watch her from a distance anywhere we go she is always looking at figures. She has been battling her weight forever and loses weight to go on vacations every year then eats like crazy when she is there and almost puts the weight right back on within a month or two. I told her this has to stop, she is killing herself that I said when I am ready to lose weight I am going to do it ONE LAST TIME and it is going to be when I am ready and I was tired of hearing her talking about it everytime I went to visit her. It gets really old and it is her number one conversation with everyone, if she is the biggest in the room she talks about diets. Anyways she was always comparing the kids telling them they shouldn't eat this or that, kids are kids these are kids under 10 that were picking up on this. So I had to tell her we are aware of her picking people apart all the time. Anyways back to the surgery, she told me to go ahead and just get it over with she was tired of hearing me talk about it lol. When I got home from Mexico she said if she had known I was getting that type of surgery she wouldn't have agreed to it, not like she was going to be able to stop me anyways, I could have found another babysitter for my children and she was aware if she was listening of me explaining this surgery.

Since I got home from Mexico my family has been around, 2 already came forward and wished they would have went with me to get the surgery. I think I was like their ginny pig to see how things worked out for me. So at least 2 in my family will probably be going within the year if they see the weight coming off of me and me feeling well.

I just take it all with a grain of salt what they say. I am an adult and know what I need done and what I need to do. It is definitely hard when you have children you have to cook for and smell the good stuff especially on the pre op, post op you don't even feel like eating.

My mom is telling me to get busy weight lifting so I can tone my body so I don't need plastic surgery. I told her for over 20 years I could not do sit ups because I cannot lay on any hard surface without extreme back pain and I already know I will need a tummy tuck from my c-sections it just hangs over the incision site already so I don't think I can get rid of that. I am almost 5 weeks post op and told my mom that I cannot do that type of exercise yet and that I need to just walk right now. She is just a person that likes to control everyones life and thinks we know nothing She means well but when 10 yr olds start saying that nanny is telling them that they are fat it is time to talk to nanny. SHe is obsessed with peoples weight and I don't think there is anything we can tell her because I already said everything to her that we are aware of her looking everyone up and down everywhere we go but yet she is heavy herself and won't do anything to fix it. Her dr apparently told her that they will not allow her to have this surgery done so let her live with it cause my dr tried to talk me out of it too but eventually said he would follow me up, while I am in Mexico having my surgery he left his practice so I am in search of a new dr once again lol.
Sleeved 15-Sept-2011 HW 294 Pre op weight 285 SW 279 GW 145?
Pre op 6 lbs lost, M1 - 23 lbs M2 - 11 lbs M3 - 12 M4 - 6 M5 -10 M6 -10 M7 -7 M8 - 4 M9 - 4
M10- 4 M11 - 5 M12 - 0

on 10/19/11 6:17 am - WI

First I want to say Wow are you pretty!!!

Secondly, I totally agree with you! But - we will always have haters and if you dont, then you're not doing something right!

Dont doubt yourself, you have worked hard for 6 months - you are making the right decision. Good luck sweetie! :)

Surgery Date: January 16, 2012
Highest weight: 367 Surgery weight: 360  Current weight:248
Total lost = 119


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