On the Verge of Crying again!

on 11/20/11 3:59 am - Waldorf, MD
VSG on 04/29/13

So to make a long story short ,I had Surgery on March 24th and at that time I was 311 lbs.  I currently weigh 239.  Need to update my ticker.  However, I feel like I'm not losing weight again.  I have been stuck at this weight for almost a month.  I get approximately 600-700 calories in a day, All my water and loads of protein about 100 grams or more.  I excercise 5 days a week and chart everything I eat.  What am I doing wrong.  My husband says he can see the difference in my weight but when I look in the mirroe I still see fat  Cheri.  I cry alot and it upsets me.  Here is what my food intake is on a daily basis.

B:  Protein shake 110 calories with 30 grams of protein
L:  Chicken or tunafish and small salad
D;  Seafood or Fish and if room some broccoli or salad

Please give me some advice... I know on here I will get more than asking someone face to face.

Ms. Poker Face
on 11/20/11 4:15 am
You've accomplished a lot by losing 73 pounds in 8 months!!  That's an average of over 9 pounds per month!  Don't sell yourself short on your progress.

Good for you for charting what you eat, sticking to the plan and exercising.  That's hard, especially when the scale isn't showing losses. 

I only have a few ideas.  Have you had labs checked lately?  Maybe there's something in there that could guide you in a direction.  Also, maybe you need to eat more?  It sounds counter-intuitive but I know that works for some people.  Maybe try adding in 100-200 calories more per day for a week or two and seeing if that helps.  Especially because you exercise 5 days a week.  Lastly, maybe have your doc check your thyroid.  Just in case that's part of the issue.

Either way, you are doing great.  Hang in there!


5'5"    Goal reached, but fighting regain.  Back to Basics.
Start Weight 246    Goal Weight 160    Current Weight 183

Starting size: 22, 2x
Current size: 12, L


on 11/20/11 4:18 am - Waldorf, MD
VSG on 04/29/13
I will try to add so more calories to what I eat now.  Just had labwork done and everything was normal for a change.  Thanks !
on 11/20/11 4:19 am - Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis
Just wanted to say..

Sometimes I look in the mirror and see 'fat Kristen' too. Or wonder why attractive men want to talk to me. 
It takes a while for your brain and body to catch up. Even at goal you may still not be there. I hope it will happen for us eventually..I know it will..we were overweight for so long that it was our "normal"..

it will get better. just stay on track and try and be thankful for things even when you want to cry instead.

                       HW: 258lbs  SW: 240   CW: 140  I am 5 foot 7 and 30 years old               
                 VSG 12/21/10  Plastics: Tummy tuck, breast lift, and augmentation 11/3/11
                                             Soon to be veterinarian!! xoxo

on 11/20/11 4:42 am, edited 11/20/11 4:42 am
Raise your calories to closer to 1000 on days you work out. Try zig-zagging your calories, carbs and exercise -- meaning change them up throughout the week. Sometimes eat closer to 1000, sometimes closer to 700. On some days exercise intensely, some days take it a bit easier. Same with carbs.

Call me a heretic, but I think 600 calories is way to low when you're exercising intensely on a regular basis.
" I am not at all concerned with appearing to be consistent. In my pursuit after Truth I have discarded many ideas and learnt many new things."  Ghandi            
on 11/20/11 9:55 am - CA
VSG on 01/12/12
I completely agree.  Stalls are often broken by a change.  Changing calories for a few days or a change to your exercise routine should help break it.

If you walk....try biking if you can.  If you bike....maybe switch to swimming.  Give some resistance exercises a try....you can even do it with body weight (push ups, situps, pull ups, squats, etc). 

Make sure you aren't eating anything that might cause a stall.....some people get sensitive to dairy or other foods.  And of course....an adequate amount of water.

on 11/20/11 8:12 am - Waldorf, MD
VSG on 04/29/13
 Thanks Everyone
on 11/20/11 9:27 am
First, I want to congratulate you on your weight loss so far. I think that is great! I lost weight quite easily for the first 9 months and then it just stopped. I stayed within the same 10 pounds, up and down, for 3 months. Very frustrating. So I know how hard that can be. I went to see my nutritionist to find out what I could do differently - my story was very much the same as yours, exercising, tracking, etc. She reviewed all of my charts and graphs (yes I bring those to my visits because I am a freak). Here is the advice she gave me:
1. Measure my portions - many people track but they think they are eating less than they really are.
2. She told me to increase my calories by 200. This didn't make sense to me since I have always been told that calories in must be less than calories out to lose weight. But I have been doing circuit training and running so my body needs more fuel to feel my muscles.
3. I had started snacking, so we also went over some good protein-filled snacks. I don't have quite the protein highs that most patients are supposed to have. I get in about 50g a day and was just told to try to increase it by 20.

I took these guidelines and continued with my exercise. I also rejoined weigh****chers since it pays attention to fats, protein, fiber and carbs and I have since lost 6 pounds in two weeks. Sometimes I think it is nothing more than a change in routine that is needed. Change up your diet, change up your type of exercise, and most importantly by patient. Even when I wasn't losing in those three months, I went down a full size so changes were still happening in my body and I noticed that my bumps were smoothing out.

This is a lifestyle change. Keep up the good work and you will see the changes.

Lori H.

on 11/20/11 11:40 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
if this is a typical menu for you,you are not getting as much protein as you think.

Using tuna fish and tilapia for food items,along with the stat from your protein drink,this is only 71 gms of protein. That is not "loads of protein". It is barely minimum.

Another couple dense protein meals in there might help you get closer to 100 gms a day annnnd jump start your loss again.

Also how much is " all my water"? close to 100 oz a day? 64 oz is a minimum.

Are too many carbs creeping in? Happens to the best of us.

You are doing good,hang in there and track a little closer. See what is actually happening. Some times we aren't as aware as we thing we are.

Good luck,




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