2 weeks post surgery and the scale has stopped moving. Help!

on 12/26/11 11:21 pm - GA
I am eating less than 800 calories per day and walking everywhere. I lost 10 pounds in the first two weeks post surgery now for 5 days the scales have stopped moving. What is wrong? Has this happened to anyone else? Is there something Im doing wrong? I know pre surgery if I was only eating this amount and exercising I would be loosing almost a pound per day
I would greatly appreciate any comments or insights into what going on...
PreOp Gal    
on 12/26/11 11:30 pm
It happens to most everyone.  It's called the 3 week stall.

Do not expect to lose every day or every week.  Especially shortly after surgery.  Your body is going through BIG changes and stalls out occasionally.  Just keep eating the way your are and exercising and you will start losing again  

Many people experience loss in their measurements when the scale does not move.  You might check that at the times when the scale stops.  

If you were further on after your surgery, there might be other things to try such as increasing your protein or eating more carbs for a day.  But since you are only 2 weeks out, I would assume your body is just taking a well needed break.  It has been through lots of trauma with the surgery and your are feeding yourself a very different diet.  Just try and relax and see what happens.  

Tell yourself, this is a process....not a race.  You will succeed with your weight loss as long as you follow the higher protein, lower carb and exercise plan.  Good luck.  

Ht 5' 4  SW 181  GW 120 - 125  Age 61  CW 130


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on 12/26/11 11:31 pm - Rochester, MN
It's a normal stall.  Mine happened at 2 weeks, too.  Wait a few days and the scale will start moving again....better yet-try to stay off the scale and limit weighing yourself to 1-2x/week.   

11/06: Lap Band.
 7/11: Slipped band/problems. In process of revision to sleeve. 
12/1/11: Surgery for the sleeve.

on 12/26/11 11:37 pm - GA
Thank you I feel better knowing the stall is normal
PreOp Gal    
on 12/27/11 12:47 am - TN
 Agree with everything above.  I weigh myself every day and do see the stalls.  every few days.  My NUT wants me to weigh myself every day to develop the habit and hold yourself accountable.  She was emphatic that you will not see the weight drop every day and its perfectly normal to see small upticks and stalls.  

Also, women seem to have troubles after surgery with retaining water, that could cause the scale to not move.  Recently I had my first experience with constipation, and found I lost 2 lbs when it cleared.  I'll save you any further gory details.

 160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks.  My Goal in 37 Weeks.

VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy:  7/22/2013

on 12/27/11 10:47 pm - GA
Thank you!
PreOp Gal    
Nicole S.
on 12/27/11 12:50 am - Vallejo, CA
The body is changing every day.  Dont focus so hard on the numbers (I know it is hard to do) but when you dont lose lbs, you are losing inches.  Do not fear, it will pass and keep moving.
Height 5'1 HW- 320 SW-265 CW- 172.2 GW 140                                

on 12/27/11 1:54 am
 Yep it happens to everyone.  Just hang on there - you'll start losing again.

One suggestion - take measurements monthly and photos weekly - and store and date them.  When you get stalled and discouraged, compare - you'll see the difference.

Also for me, a stall always correlates to a loss in inches - I love stalls!  That's when I get to go down another size.

The last stall which ended a couple of weeks ago made all my size 14 jeans so baggy I couldn't wear them.  I was in the size 12's about a week - go figure that.  I'm stalled again and in 10's.

Maybe next stall will take me to 8's :)

Learn to love the stalls - and to recognize that weight loss is not linear.  It's more of a stairstep graph, and sometimes it may even go up a little bit.  That's ok - TOM and other stuff can impact it - as long as the forward motion overall remains downward.

Lots of people will tell you not to weigh every day - I agree with not getting obsessed on what the scale says, but especially now I do weigh every day - because if I start going the wrong direction I want to catch it quick and make necessary course corrections.

Seriously though - focus on how you look, how you feel, and how your clothes fit.  This surgery WILL work as long as you follow plan.

In two weeks, let us know what the scale says :)  Bet you will be happy with where you are then!
Like the butterfly,  I have the strength and the hope to believe 
In time I will emerge from my cocoon... Transformed. Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS

on 12/27/11 10:50 pm - GA
Thank you for your insightful response. Im not going to weigh myself every day and yes I still feel clothes getting baggier by the day which is satisfying
PreOp Gal    
(deactivated member)
on 12/27/11 12:52 pm
Yeah... I'm stalled out too. I've been losing more than a pound a day so far and so it's discouraging not to see the scale move. It's making me feel like it's going to be this way the whole time or that I'm going to end up being a slow loser :( I know it's all in my head but it's hard not to let it get to me. I seriously thought I'd be different (don't we all?!) I'm just trying to stay positive since everyone experiences this. I don't notice any change in my size or the way my clothes fit really because I started so large that I think it's too soon to notice a difference. We have to remain positive and know that this is normal :) We'll be alright.
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