Hunger and Ghrelin

on 1/13/12 3:49 am - Fort Lauderdale, FL
VSG on 02/05/14

A question for all:

1- If the hormone Ghrelin, which is in the stomach and intestines is removed during surgery, why are so many patients feeling hungry again ?

2- Does the hormone Ghrelin regenerate or grows back again ?

3- Is that not one of the benefits of WLS, not feeling hungry all the time ?


I ask these questions, because I read some post which mention feeling hungry again at times or all the time. Then again I hear about patients that need to remember to eat, because they don't feel hungry at all. Now What's up with that ?


I have not had WLS yet, but would like to understand why this happens to some patients and not to others.

I f anyone has any information on this subject. I am very eager to hear what you have to say.


Thanks: 88      


(deactivated member)
on 1/13/12 3:52 am
 My understanding is that the hunger comes back over time as ghrelin production increases...sooner for some people than others, and some never completely lose it.

I have had one really hungry day since surgery which turned out to be the day before my period, a time when I usually want to eat non-stop.  Since then I do have hunger, but it isn't the gnawing pain type, more just a sense that I should eat something soon...much less urget.  Don't know if I will ever be someone who just forgets to eat.
on 1/13/12 6:39 am - Fort Lauderdale, FL
VSG on 02/05/14
Hi: It's so hard to pin down exactly what will happen after WLS, because we all heal at a different rate of speed and time. But at least there will be a period of time where one can lose a great amount of weight.
The bottom-line is, ghrelin production may or may not increase in time.
Only time will tell.
stay well:
on 1/13/12 3:54 am
From what I was told in the way I understood it:

other organs produce Ghrelin just not to the extend that the stomach does.. and when you have waiting a LONG time to eat those organs kick in to remind our bodies..

personally I have been sleeved for 15 months and have yet to have a hunger pain.. just a hollow feeling if it has been a while since I ate
on 1/13/12 6:47 am - Fort Lauderdale, FL
VSG on 02/05/14
Hi: If WLS slows down the hunger, well that's a plus for us who are trying to meet our goals.
Every little bit helps to get us on that losers bench.
Best of everything.
on 1/13/12 3:55 am
on 1/13/12 6:48 am - Fort Lauderdale, FL
VSG on 02/05/14
Hi: Thanks for the link, good info.
on 1/13/12 3:57 am, edited 1/13/12 3:58 am - Forney, TX
VSG on 12/28/11 with
 My doctor gave me a simplistic answer, so I don't know all the mechanics. He said that for a few months, I wouldn't feel the hunger I had before because ghrelin is removed. However, over time, other hormones take over the job of sending hunger signals to the brain, but it should never be the type/intensity of the hunger I experienced before weight loss surgery.

That's about the extent of how I understand  that the hunger thing works... 

on 1/13/12 7:08 am - Fort Lauderdale, FL
VSG on 02/05/14
Hi: We have such amazing bodies, we remove ghrelin and in a short time, the brain triggers other organs to start producing the needed hormones, just fantastic. I feel that the body never wants to die, it's self healing. Doctors can operate, but the real healing is done by the body on it's own. 
 All we have to do is just feed it good healthy food and clean water and the body will do the rest.
Tony, thanks for your input.
My your Journey always be a happy one.
on 1/13/12 4:19 am
I don't believe all the gherlin is taken out of some of us.
As soon as I stopped throwing up in the hosp. I had a growling hungry stomach.
I still do. But it's the right kind of hungry like when I need to eat. I had learned my hunger cues before surgery when some don't.
I am okay with it as I don't have to set an alarm to eat ..I have it bulit in. I am satisfied with much less , but it only lasts 2-3 hours.
It's not acid or head hunger in my case....
  Highest weight 330 - GW 150  
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