The Waffle's One Year Surgiversary w/pics galore!

Chris Waffle
on 4/15/12 3:02 am, edited 4/15/12 3:05 am - Cypress, CA
Holy crap, has it really been a year already? Time sure flies when you can't drink soda!

I know there's still people around *****member me, right?  I'm actually having some trouble on how to start this post.  I think I packed about 10 years worth of life changes into one year, which at times was almost overwhelming but it turns out it was nothing the 'ol Waffleking could not handle.  I guess I'll start at the beginning;

Long before my surgery I knew I was unhappy with my life and I needed drastic change. After five years of trying, marriage counseling, etc, I told my wife of 12 years that I wanted a divorce and that I was going to have weight lost surgery.  Our marriage had been "over' for years and I wanted to make sure I ended it before I had the surgery so my losing weight would not be the issue people could point to for the split. There were many other long-seeded problems that had nothing to do with it, although the fact that we were both morbidly obese was definitely a symptom.  Here's some before picks...

Eating a bacon/maple donut...still sexy but not happy!

This one's for the ladies...

My heaviest from way back in the day. This guy just looks happy because he has a full head of hair, a beautiful baby girl and he just ate three cheeseburgers.
View more of my photos at forward to getting the surgery.  I have to say looking back that jumping through all the insurance hoops and tests was quite an ordeal for me.  It was such a pain dealing with that and getting the time off work and keeping it all straight. I had to lose 30 pounds before surgery per the doctor's orders (I ended up losing 40).  When I had the surgery (ended up staying five days due to an unforeseen hiatal hernia repair and could not pass the swallow test (ZING!)) I thought the hard part would be over. UM NO!  The hard part was only beginning! GOOD GRIEF.  Over the next 8 months I had to deal with wrapping my mind around the rapid weight loss and how different people were treating me in the world, moving out on my own for the first time and getting divorced, being a single dad and was a crazy whirlwind for sure.  

But back to the surgery; I was always determined to make it to goal and I followed my doctor's instructions to the letter, especially for the first six months.  I made it to my goal weight by about the 8th month and I've maintained in the 190-200 range since that time.  I like to say around 190-195 and I feel very comfortable at that weight.  I went from a waist 56 pants to 36 and a 5X (at my heaviest) shirt to large and sometimes medium shirt.  Of all that has happened last year, in the end I would not change a thing. It was very hard at times but I came out of it a stronger and better man and I have to thank everyone out there who supported me and put up with my craziness at times.  Two weeks ago I got my surgiversary tattoo: 

Nobody knows what the sleeve is so now I have an old-timey medical diagram with me at all times to explain it! (Much better than a "butterfly" IMO!)

At this point I have almost accomplished all of the goals I had set for myself prior to surgery: 

-Weigh below 200 pounds
-Shop for clothes at regular stores
-Be able to fit on any roller coaster ride
-Rid myself of my sleep apnea machine
-Fix my messed up varicose vein leg

I am in the best health of my adult life and I am slimmer than when I graduated high school.  I only have about two more "goals" to do:

-Run a 5K
-Take my kids to a water park

I am currently training for a 5K and I'm up to running two miles nonstop at this point. That is something I have never done before.  And I'll be taking my kids to a water park this summer for sure.  Do I have loose skin? Oh, you bet.  I've been lucky that it hasn't been so bad that I feel surgery is needed.  It's not super great but I can deal with it. I'm just happy to be healthy feeling good. So hear are some current pics of me loving life!

I can roller skate!

My and my awesome kids this past Easter

I took my daughter to Six Flags and we went on every coaster!

When I'm standing with a group of guys, I'm not the fattest one anymore! In fact, when I meet a new friend, no one can believe I once weighed almost 400 pounds!

Me next to a buddy who's size I USED to be.  He won't get the sleeve...maybe someday.

Taking my shirt off at the beach...okay okay I need a wax and a tan...hahaha.

I guess that last one is a good segue to talk about another great thing that has happened and that's falling in love with a wonderful woman I met by chance at a New Year's party.  She's really amazing and is so supportive of my surgery. She tells me I don't really have loose skin (hahaha yeah sweet) and that I'm too skinny. But she is dedicated to making sure I maintain my weight loss.

Wine tasting in Paso Robles

Valentine's Day

Good times

I think that just about wraps things up of where I am at one year out.  The main focus at this point is just maintaining my weight loss and not making the same poor choices that led me to where I had been.  I'm very very happy and looking forward to a bright and healthy future. Instead of sitting on my ass and watching TV...stuck and depressed in a horrible marriage and in horrible health, I'm out and living life to the FULLEST every day.  Anyone out there reading this who is on the fence, get off the fence and change your life for the better.  I'm thankful every day that I did. 

And don't forget...whether you are pre-op or post-op..always be IN IT TO WIN IT!

Join me at #OH2013

HW: 375 SW: 295 CW: 195

I'm in it to win it!


on 4/15/12 3:10 am - CT
VSG on 03/26/12
 wow super pic's and super post 3 weeks out now i see it can be done,,thanks for the post  kept up the good work..

Chris Waffle
on 4/15/12 3:16 am - Cypress, CA
Thank you! And yes, it so can be done! Good luck on your journey!

Join me at #OH2013

HW: 375 SW: 295 CW: 195

I'm in it to win it!


on 4/15/12 3:17 am
Hey Waff! Big huge goofy grin hugs to you!!
Chris Waffle
on 4/15/12 3:26 am - Cypress, CA
Yay! Right back atcha!

Join me at #OH2013

HW: 375 SW: 295 CW: 195

I'm in it to win it!


Tia M.
on 4/15/12 3:20 am - Killeen, TX
Chris Waffle
on 4/15/12 3:27 am - Cypress, CA
Thank you! 

Join me at #OH2013

HW: 375 SW: 295 CW: 195

I'm in it to win it!


Kels B.
on 4/15/12 3:23 am
VSG on 02/01/12
Wow. Great transformation! Life seems to be going great for you! Amazing job!
 Kels B
HW: 320   ConsultW: 311    SW:268 

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Chris Waffle
on 4/15/12 3:27 am - Cypress, CA
Thank you!  It is going great and I owe a lot to the sleeve!

Join me at #OH2013

HW: 375 SW: 295 CW: 195

I'm in it to win it!


on 4/15/12 3:29 am
RNY on 02/28/13

You look FABULOUS!!!! Thanks for giving us a detailed account of your journey--so interesting. I am so happy that things are going well for you and that you've had so much emotional growth over the last year! And congratulations on finding a great woman!

Thank you for sharing your story!

Pam :)

"B" bears' mama from Texas
Follow my journey on youtube: "bbearsmama" 

SW: 210 CW: 123.6

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