Adapex & VSG

on 8/18/12 1:16 pm - LA
To the vets....have anyone ever taken Adapex weight loss pills after they was sleeved...I know it may sound like a crazy question...but not to me cause I don't know... If everything go as planned I will be sleeved last week in Sept once the approval is back...
on 8/18/12 1:34 pm - TN
 Why would you need diet pills after getting sleeved?

After your surgery you will be on a liquid diet for, typically a month, then 2 weeks of soft foods and then back on solid foods.

Part of your pre-op education and recovery should be nutritional couseling on what you can eat and how to eat.  The post bariatric surgery diets are very specific - focus on protein first and then on everything else.   Meet specific calorie targets.  Meet specific hydration targets.  Meet specific aftercare goals.

One of the things you will have to get away from is the "Diet" mentality engendered by diet pills and fad diets.  This is not a "Diet" that you are on in that sense of the word.  You have to make a total lifestyle change to really get the long term benefit out of any bariatric procedure.  The surgery is a tool, not a cure for obesity.

 160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks.  My Goal in 37 Weeks.

VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy:  7/22/2013

on 8/18/12 2:59 pm
VSG on 03/07/12
Hi Monique225 - I have taken Adapex since my surgery. It has helped me stick to my dietary changes. For some, the grehlin hormone is almost completely wiped out immediately - that wasn't my experience. So the adapex helped me until I could get my mind and the head hunger under control. I don't believe it should be a consideration for long-term weight loss or maintenance, but it's another tool that can be helpful. Talk to your doctor about it - of course you can't get it without a prescription. Prayerfully you will be one of the folks that doesn't need additional assistance with surpressing your appetite after surgery. Just take it day by day and keep your doctor up to speed on any issues your having in that area.

Take care, and be good to yourself.

on 8/18/12 3:23 pm - LA
Thanks for the positive feed back...I just had that one thing lingering jb the back of my mind for the longest...every diet I went on has failed me...and I'm so ready for this life changing experience...I ready to enjoy my life if you only know sometimes we can have that what if...I just wanted something to fall back on if need be...ready to bring sexy and be healthy...lmbo...
on 8/18/12 3:39 pm
VSG on 03/07/12
ROFL!! I feel ya - and I've been where you are. Honestly, this experience is so different than anything I've ever done before - the level of control you will feel is unimaginable.  I lost my father in January - just before my surgery - so stress and grief set my head-hunger off! I needed some help - not because I was physically hungery, like you would feel if you were dieting - but more destructive binging because I was hurting so bad from our loss.  Having said that - I still feel like I've done so much better than I could have ever imagined. The mere fact that I wake up each day, in control of my eating, accountable for my decisions, exercising, etc. is amazing. You will have ups and downs - days when you feel more in control than others - but by far, this will not compare to past diets and fasting plans.

The one thing I highly recommend - and I'm a die-hard addict to - is It holds me accountable, makes my decisions real and keeps me focused on my objectives.  You'll find it's going to take more than just the physical alteration to your body to make real change happen - we have to develop discipline where we lack it, accountability where there is none and honesty even when it hurts.

You're going to do fine. Try not to go into this process dwelling on the what if's - instead, plan for your success.  Do everything you can to establish boundaries that will help you stick to your doctors plan so you can maximize this gift. The what if's will take care of themselves - lol! :-)

on 8/18/12 5:06 pm - Granada Hills, CA
 I have to agree with Rob on this - i mean, more power to you if you want to take diet pills, but most of us have this surgery to break that yo-yo dieting that has failed and screwed us up. Some do it just to get to goal with no consideration of what happens after - not too many though. 

I'd really encourage you to do some serious thinking - why has every diet failed you? What thoughts/behaviors/patterns can you identify as causing every diet to fail. This process is mostly mental - basic nutrition and portion control are pretty easy - there is typically an underlying mental issue that holds us back and keeps us from succeeding. 

ive been around these boards for years - i see a lot of patterns. I see people who prepare, research and commit BEFORE they go under the knife - when they go under, and they remove their stomach, they already have the confidence that they can be successful because they know what it takes, and they have their tools in place. Then, I see people who plan to fail before they start because they have no confidence what so ever in their ability to do this - and then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. I know several people who picked the VSG ONLY because it would allow them to get a DS *when* they fail. Guess what - they werent successful. 

You have plenty of time to get ready to be successful. Make the most out of it, and find a plan that doesnt include diet pills. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


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