For the post-op cheaters-I want to know...

on 9/1/12 3:57 pm
VSG on 08/16/12
 I am 2 weeks post op, I have 1 more week before I can eat mushies. I am not going to cheat, I REPEAT, NOT CHEATING, however, I know it does happen to the best of us, and I know there are some people that did (nothing wrong with it, we are all human and I am not saying I will not come across a time of weakness, however, and I am interested in what happend, if anything. What did you eat/ How far after surgery? And how did it make you feel? Was there pain? A bathroom run? Or just the guilt? Just curious.

on 9/1/12 4:21 pm - Decatur, GA
VSG on 08/07/08 with
Excuse me for jumping in like an angry mother wagging her finger in your face, but I cannot stress strongly enough that if you eat stuff your surgeon told you not to eat, YOU ARE RISKING YOUR LIFE!! You have a new incision in your stomach, held together by staples and perhaps stitches, and if you eat things that you were told not to eat, you risk rupturing that staple line.  That could kill you!  Since the nerves in your stomach have been cut, you may not get the feeling of fullness that you were used to before and may eat more than is safe.

Please please PLEASE follow your surgeon's dietary guidelines to a tee!!!  Don't risk your life for some crap food.  It just isn't worth it....

Best wishes on your journey :-)


 Highest weight: 292   Pre-op weight: 265   Goal met: 150   Six years out: 185 and trying to lose again!

on 9/1/12 4:31 pm
VSG on 08/16/12
 Like i said, I HAVE NOT CHEATED AND NOT PLANNING TOO, all I am doing is asking a questions because I am curious. My husband and I were talking with some friends, and they asked what would happen if people did cheat. I heard some stories from people at work, but I wanted to ask my OH people. I have not strayed from my diet, and I almost sisn't post this just because I didn't want someone to chew me out for doing something I didn't even do, geez, just discussion, chill out, I know what I am supposed to do, and I am doing it.
on 9/1/12 5:47 pm - Decatur, GA
VSG on 08/07/08 with
You know, this sort of response is why I hardly ever post on this site any more.  You asked a question, and I answered you; then you took offense at what I meant to be a helpful if stern post.  

I heard you when you said you hadn't cheated and didn't plan to.  But what about others *****ad your post and are looking for an excuse to cheat?  There are far too many people on this site now who either did not get a detailed food plan from their surgeons or who don't follow their surgeon's plan.  It scares the spit out of me, and I can't "chill" when I read things about this subject.

Don't ask if you don't want to know the truth.

 Highest weight: 292   Pre-op weight: 265   Goal met: 150   Six years out: 185 and trying to lose again!

on 9/1/12 6:41 pm
VSG on 08/16/12
The point is, you didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. You came to me like "the mommy figure" just like you said, and when you posted, there was nobody else on here, so of course, I thought you would be talking directly to me. Just a mix up I am sure
on 9/1/12 8:09 pm
VSG on 05/31/12
My surgery was 3 months ago.  I've had some rough spots but overall its going well. 
As to my experience with eating "wrong" -at about 1 1/2 weeks out from surgery I was having broth soup, enjoying it more than I'd ever enjoyed a cup of soup!  but  I 'ate' too much too fast.  Then ended up feeling very nauseas and kind of dizzy.  Had to lay down for awhile.  Another time several weeks out-- I wasn'****ching how much I was eating -nuts, ate too much, another time I drank too much water... then had to vomit.  Felt really stupid.   So  I found out the hard way that you have to really pay attention how much you're eating and drinking.  I've become a lot more sensitive to how my stomach feels.  I still get hungry, but get full really fast. 

Just anote  I've seen people mentioning food trackers or food diaries.  I did that several years ago on Weigh****chers.  I did well for awhile, but then started feeling hungry all the time.    I started to really hate the food diary, counting calories, fiber grams, fat grams, etc...measuring , (I was counting peanuts!) calculating points, and I was hungry all the time.  So I still have an aversion to food tracking. 

But I'm flexible -I may take it up again if I find myself not losing any more.  Its just strict regulation is very hard for me.  I feel you have to adapt yourself to the food plan but  you also have to find a way to make it work for you. otherwise  you might end up hating it. 

Anyway you look at it... This isn't easy!  But a lot of luck to you and congratulations on taking that first BIG step!
on 9/1/12 8:21 pm
VSG on 08/16/12
 Yea, I did the tracking thing also with WW, fell off fast. It got annoying and very tedious, but I understand what must be done now, since I have had surgery. I now know I cannot drink cold beverages, it realy does not go down well. Also, I have learned how to sip. Everyone says to sip, and I did, but I had to sip a certain way (hard to explain), but I figured out what worked best for me. Also, I am allowed to use straws, and those help out a lot as well. I appreciate you sharing your experience, it was great because 3 months ago is still pretty recent. Thanks again!
on 9/1/12 7:37 pm
VSG on 05/31/12
I think maybe we're losing sight of something with these negative entries. Yes, sticking with your doctors plan is extremely important. All your points are valid.
But it would be a lot more helpful for everyone to keep in mind one of the main points of these 'forums' is to be supportive of each other. Not to add to people's stress.

Haven't we all been through enough stress already because of struggling with diets, losing and regaining weight, surgery, the stigma of obesity, long term health problems, etc..., and just the emotional toll of obesity. We don't need to add to each others burden.
on 9/1/12 8:22 pm
VSG on 08/16/12
 Thank you for your response, I only posted as a way to help be more educated about consequences. 
on 9/2/12 7:00 am - Parsippany, NJ
VSG on 03/05/13
Dec721/Dorothy...I am pre op, and not sure when my surgery will be, but if I post something like that, I hope you will still be here, and feel free to wag your finger at me!  I don't think people 'plan' to cheat...but just the use of that phase made me sit up in alert and think "oh oh...that's a problem".  Please stay around and speak your mind.  Some may like it, some may not, but your experience needs to be heard too!
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